Showing posts with label American war History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American war History. Show all posts

Friday, February 02, 2018

Obama seeked end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years? Part 2 of2

* You know it never happened now under trump the Forever war will get much worse! 241 years of war and counting!

 Obama seeked end to perpetual U.S. 'war on terror': After launching costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States is tiring of conflict. While combating terrorism is still a high priority for the White House, polls show by large margins that Americans' main concerns are the economy and domestic concerns such as healthcare.

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.

That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, February 01, 2018

America is a war Nation: Part 1 of 2

The Business of America Is War:  There is a new normal in America: our government may shut down, but our wars continue.  Congress may not be able to pass a budget, but the U.S. military can still launch commando raids in Libya and Somalia, the Afghan War can still be  prosecuted,

 Italy can be  garrisoned by American troops (putting the “empire” back in Rome), Africa can be used as an  imperial playground (as in the late nineteenth century “ scramble for Africa,” but with the U.S. and China doing the scrambling this time around), and the military-industrial complex can still  dominate the world’s arms trade.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Thursday, December 28, 2017

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 235 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, November 18, 2017

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Below from counter punch is an interesting article written in 2003 about our 227 years of warfare. 7 years later and nothing has changed. We are still at war without as break and much to come in Bush's forever war I guarantee will dwarf the 100 years war. I have 3 sons in this and at this point they look at it as job security. Jim who retires in 5 years plans on going to Afghanistan after and leading or commanding troops in combat.

Otherwise war with Iran and Syria  is coming, Somalia, Yemen, what the heck is next. Look at North Korea and China. I no longer am sure about our past, our many wars, and why we really fought them. Are we fighting to live or living to fight? What about Syria and Iran both which we have egged on for years?

The Perle-Wurmser policy document demanded: 1) Destroy Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, blaming them for every act of Palestinian terrorism, including the attacks from Hamas, an organization which Sharon had helped launch during his early 1980s tenure as Minister of Defence. 2) Induce the United States to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. 3) Launch war against Syria after Saddam's regime is disposed of, including striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and targets in Syria proper. 4) Parlay the overthrow of the Ba'athist regimes in Baghdad and Damascus into the "democratization" of the entire Arab world", including through further military actions against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and "the ultimate prize," Egypt. a clean break Think about what is going on now in Egypt, Syria, and throughout the middle east. Now do you see it differently?

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end. then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History.
American war history through 1975

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare

14 years later and you can make that 241 years with no end in sight. Now Syria and Iran. Hezbollah? WTF?

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America particularly our President fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel? Whatever the future our children will be fighting!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Obama seeks end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years? Part 2 of2

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.

That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

America is a war Nation: Part 1 of 2

The Business of America Is War:  There is a new normal in America: our government may shut down, but our wars continue.  Congress may not be able to pass a budget, but the U.S. military can still launch commando raids in Libya and Somalia, the Afghan War can still be  prosecuted,

 Italy can be  garrisoned by American troops (putting the “empire” back in Rome), Africa can be used as an  imperial playground (as in the late nineteenth century “ scramble for Africa,” but with the U.S. and China doing the scrambling this time around), and the military-industrial complex can still  dominate the world’s arms trade.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Obama seeks end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years?

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.
That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

                America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told? 


Knowing our world wide interference and our warring past and much of it instigated I was taken aback when President Obama said during his inauguration speech that we are a peaceful people and do not like war but peace.

We supposedly attacked Afghanistan because they were housing Al Qaeda who attacked us at 9/11. However I remember Bush and Cheney meeting in the White House with the Taliban and when the Taliban refused to allow a pipeline to be built through Afghanistan Bush said they would attack them and lo and behold 9/11 happened shortly thereafter.

Bush and Cheney then kept searching for a reason to attack Iraq and get back into the middle east to help Israel create a buffer zone of safety and to go after Iran and other countries. When people believed the lie of Iraq having WMD they diverted from Afghanistan and illegally attacked Iraq.

I have to admit that Libya was the first war in my time where I felt we had no choice if we did not want to sit by and watch the genocide of his own people by Colonel Kaddafi. However I have been listening to many say we had no right to interfere. I feel we had to in good conscience but people are right when they say there is no balance as to what we base the decision to go to war on. Now we are involved in Syria much of it clandestine. What is next? Iran? China? What? We will find one somehow.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years. that is now 236 years so I had to revisit this thought.

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who is an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare It is now 236 years of warfare!

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma