Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Friday, February 02, 2018

Obama seeked end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years? Part 2 of2

* You know it never happened now under trump the Forever war will get much worse! 241 years of war and counting!

 Obama seeked end to perpetual U.S. 'war on terror': After launching costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States is tiring of conflict. While combating terrorism is still a high priority for the White House, polls show by large margins that Americans' main concerns are the economy and domestic concerns such as healthcare.

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.

That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, December 28, 2017

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 235 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Obama seeks end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years? Part 2 of2

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.

That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, May 31, 2013

Obama seeks end to perpetual U.S. war. After 237 years?

We have not been at war for over a decade we have been in this war for over a decade but at war since our inception.

America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?

Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.

For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.

I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.

Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 237 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!

Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.

I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.

The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars

Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.

I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare You can now add 10 more years to that and running.

It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
We are not just going to be allowed to go home after these wars and be left alone. The so called war on terror has now taken on a life of its own and we will be forced to respond like it or not. You listen to the so called experts say you kill one Al Qaeda and another takes his place.
That is a naive interpretation because killing Islamists is like the head of the Hydra. You kill one and many take its place. This will not just stop plus with the middle east, China and Asia,North Korea, etcetera, there is much right around the corner, like it or not.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Latest in Build up to war between India and Pakistan: Pakistan cancels troops' leave over India tension !

By Bappa Majumdar and Kamran Haider Bappa Majumdar And Kamran Haider – 1 hr 15 mins ago

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met military chiefs on Friday and Pakistan canceled army leave and moved some troops from its western border despite both sides playing down the threat of war over the Mumbai attacks.

With tension rising sharply over last month's attacks, in which 179 people were killed, China also emerged as a potential peace broker after Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi unexpectedly called his counterparts in New Delhi and Islamabad.

An official from Singh's office said the prime minister had discussed tension with Pakistan during a scheduled meeting about military pay with the chiefs of the army, navy and air force.

"The prime minister met the tri-services chiefs to discuss the pay commission issues but obviously the situation in the region was also discussed," said the official, who asked not to be identified. There were no other details.

Indian media said national security adviser M.K. Narayanan also attended the meeting.

Many analysts say it is very unlikely that the tension will

descend into war. The nuclear-armed rivals have fought three wars since independence in 1947 and came to the brink of a fourth in 2002 after an attack on the Indian parliament.

While there had been no significant troop movements in either country, military officials in Islamabad said army personnel had been ordered to report to barracks and some troops had been moved off the Afghan border.

"A limited number of troops from snow-bound areas and areas where operations are not being conducted have been pulled out," said a senior security official who declined to be identified.

The official declined to say where the troops had been moved to, citing the sensitivity of the issue, but Pakistani media have reported some troops had been redeployed to the Indian border.

The movement of Pakistani troops off the Afghan border is likely to be seen with dismay by the United States which does not want to see Pakistan distracted from the battle against al Qaeda and Taliban militants on Pakistan's western border.

India, the United States and Britain have blamed the Mumbai attack on Pakistan-based Islamist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, set up to fight Indian rule in the disputed Kashmir region.

Pakistan has condemned the Mumbai attacks and has denied any state role, blaming "non-state actors."

It has offered to cooperate with India in investigations but denies Indian claims that it has been handed firm evidence of links to militants in Pakistan.

At the same time, Islamabad has warned that its desire for peaceful coexistence should not be taken as weakness and that it will defend itself if attacked.


Increasingly frenzied media reporting on both sides of the border has fueled war speculation, although leaders from both countries have said war would serve no one's interests.

Such speculation even caused an uptick in Indian federal bond yields in late trade on Friday, traders said.

"Increased political tension caused a sudden rise in bond yields as a possible war could result in additional government borrowing," said Nandan Pradhan, a dealer at Cosmos Cooperative Bank in Mumbai.

Washington has joined Britain in urging restraint from India, but at the same time has demanded Pakistan act decisively to wipe out banned groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba.

China has long been a close ally of Pakistan, while India and Washington have been building on already close ties and signed a landmark civilian nuclear cooperation deal this year.

Yang's call to Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday was unexpected. A senior government official said on Friday Yang had suggested a meeting between Indian and Pakistani officials to discuss the tension over the Mumbai attacks.

The official said Mukherjee told Yang Pakistan must take major steps against militants before such a meeting would be possible. A crackdown on Pakistan-based militants after the 2001 parliament attack was widely regarded as a sham.

"We have explained our position to China that Pakistan should do more and destroy terror camps before we talk about the next step," the official told Reuters in New Delhi.

Yang telephoned Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Friday and called for peace and stability in South Asia. Yang said the escalation of tension was not in the interest of either India or Pakistan, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry said.

(Writing by Paul Tait and Robert Birsel; Editing by Sugita Katyal) World war is coming and soon, latest news articles from Pakistan

* Remember Biden's warning that President Obama will be tested within 60 days? The tests grow in number and breadth every single day!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Chavez primed for war, Neighbors cut ties with Columbia who calls for charges against Chavez as ties cut and Diplomats are sent home!

I just heard Bush offering Columbia his full support. Just what does that mean? As the situation in South America continues to spiral to war I just want to remind you that yes the entire world is erupting but things are a lot more volatile right here in our own backyard than most realize. First I want to reiterate what we have discussed many times as to the dangers in our own backyard even as the remainder of the world continues to erode much in thanks to bush's meddling! Russia building Venezuela Refineries, China Building Mexican ports, North American Union, what about the myriad of problems in our own backyard?I know we have much to be paying attention to and be concerned with around the world. Most of it is due to Bush. However as I have written many times about Chavez's hate for Bush and America and watching their ever growing connections with Iran, China, and Russia, I am becoming increasingly concerned about what is happening right here in our own backyard while our attention seems to be everywhere but in our own backyard. Recent developments showcase a march to war there to.

In the past we have discussed We have Russia building up to 13 refineries in Venezuela. Very interesting as Iran is experiencing gas shortages and riots as a result of a lack of refineries. Anyway Venezuela has to build four refineries to process heavy crude from fields in the Orinoco Belt and is considering establishing a joint venture with Russia to satisfy these goals, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said during a business conference at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce."Orinoco, where Lukoil is now working, there are demonstrated reserves of 300 billion tons of heavy crude in two new fields," Chavez said. "Therefore we have decided to build four refineries, and in the future, accounting for the interests of countries in the Caribbean region, 13 refineries altogether."

Chavez said that at present, Venezuela is considering establishing a joint venture with Russia in pursuit of these aims. He said that Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and other South American countries could also found such ventures. they will build a pipeline to Argentina and buy $5 Billion worth of equipment figuring why not Russia?I have learned that China is funding and clandestinely building ports in Mexico. Lázaro Cárdenas is home to a deep-water seaport that handles container, dry bulk, and liquid cargo. involvement by Russia, China, Iran, and others is much more than this. This just scratches the surface and UI invite you to read yesterdays conversation of What is at stake in South America

As this continues to spiral towards more war and right at our damn doorstep I am getting increasingly concerned with this but also the wars continuing to develop unabated around the world! As you know by now President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops on Sunday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pushing South America to the brink of war by killing a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil. Denouncing Colombia's slaying of the rebel commander in a cross-border raid into Ecuador, Chavez said Venezuela will respond militarily if Colombia violates its border. He ordered Venezuela's embassy in Bogota closed.
Ecuador's president, Rafael Correa, also ordered troops to the Colombian border, withdrew his government's ambassador from Bogota and ordered Colombia's top diplomat expelled.• Click here for video. "There is no justification," Correa said Sunday night, snubbing an earlier announcement from Colombia that it would apologize for the incursion by its military. Venezuela and Ecuador want to fight

Once again it is everyone else's fault and no one wants to talk. They want to fight to get their way! Colombian President Alvaro Uribe says he will ask the International Criminal Court to bring genocide charges against President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. He accused Mr. Chavez of sponsoring and financing Colombian Farc rebels. Venezuela denies the charge. Colombian officials say a laptop found during a raid on a Farc camp held files indicating Venezuela gave Farc $300m. Colombian forces entered Ecuador to raid the camp, provoking furious protests and a diplomatic crisis. "Colombia proposes to denounce the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, in the International Criminal Court for sponsoring and financing genocide," Mr. Uribe said. Venezuela and Ecuador have broken off ties with Colombia and moved troops to the Colombian border. Columbia wants charges against Chavez

It is just sickening because as with Bush it is everyone else's fault but their own. The truth is what they want to know so they can get what they want. You can not trust anyone today period! Ecuador has cut diplomatic ties with Colombia in a deepening crisis over a cross-border raid by Colombian troops. Venezuela also said it was expelling all Colombian diplomats in the wake of the raid, which killed senior Farc rebel Raul Reyes and 16 others. Venezuela and Ecuador have deployed troops to their borders amid calls for restraint led by the head of the UN. Ecuador said the raid had scuppered a possible deal to free French-Colombian Farc hostage Ingrid Betancourt.

President Rafael Correa said his government had been in "very advanced" talks to release the ex-Colombian presidential candidate, who has been held for six years, and other Latin American powers including Chile, Mexico and Brazil have offered to mediate in the dispute. An emergency meeting of the Organization of American States will be held on Tuesday to discuss the crisis. Farc - the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - has been fighting for more than four decades with the declared aim of a fairer wealth distribution in Colombia. Neighbors cut ties with Columbia

* We should be used to this by now but that is absolute BS! This has been going on for 40 years and Columbia's Presidential candidate has been held for more than 6 years. As you can see, this threatens to embroil all of South America as for now Latin American powers including Chile, Mexico and Brazil have offered to mediate in the dispute. however no offers will be taken as escalation is the desire he too! Diplomacy is not desired here any more than it is in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. In this race to future war the entire world seems prepared to fight to have what they think will be there way in the future. No one will have their way! No one will be happy! Again I will say they all fail to realize that people, weapons, and the planet are too advanced to survive what is about to happen and still have a life sustaining Planet. I will say again, we cannot be this stupid and it seems that some just want to fight but some just seem bent on bringing about "The End Of Days"

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The cost of Bush's wars present and future should govern thought as average Americans pay in more ways than one!

These wars and there repulsive cost to every American should be the issue: The stock market yesterday went up for the wrong reasons, why do they continue to ignore reality and like Bush, inflate artificially and get away with it?

knowing the artificiality of our entire situation today because of the underhanded tactics employed since the advent of Bush I was dismayed yesterday not because the stock market went up 340 points but rather for the warped reasoning behind it. While there is no relief in sight for the housing market experts think it will improve in a year but no way, there is a long way down to go! Three states, California, Florida and Ohio, continue to dominate new foreclosure filings, as most of the nation saw increases in the third quarter, according to a new survey.
During the period ended Sept. 30, 77 out of the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas reported rises in delinquencies compared with the previous three months, according to the latest report from RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosure properties. The three most affected states reveal the two main causes of mortgage payment problems: economic weakness, as exemplified by Ohio, and speculative excess that led to high home prices and unaffordable mortgages, as represented by California and Florida.In the past few months, the foreclosure story has become a tale of two regions. Some of the hardest-hit states have traditionally been in the Midwest, where plant closings and job losses have hit the economy there hard.

The other region is the Sun Belt, which is showing even more significant foreclosure growth as out-sized price increases in the first half of the decade led to virtually unchecked real estate speculation. According to the Center for Responsible Lending, 7.2 million households have subprime mortgages, and more than 14 percent of those are in default. It projects that one of every five of those loans issued in 2005 and 2006 will end in foreclosure, with 2.2 million families losing their homes. Here is the complete story
2.2 million Americans losing their homes is a crisis and I believe it will be worse than that as 7.2 million households have subprime loans and our financial situation will get a lot worse despite the Government, the Feds, and the stock markets long term rosy outlook. Anyway yesterday this was ignored as the fact that Wal-Mart experienced a larger than expected 3rd quarter gain was one aspect falsely used to increase the stock market when if there was a thought process going on it would have been noted that high end retailers are scratching and Wal-Mart doing better than expected means more people are being forced to shop in their stores than otherwise would.
The other major artificial reason was that there is more oil available in the world than thought. What the hell does that matter? Our refusal to build more refineries ensures a bottleneck that gives our industry the excuse to raise prices as we see continuing today despite that news and the fact that the price per barrel is on the decrease. Anyway these games must stop. Lets look at some real factors that should be negatively affecting our financial stability and psyche and when reality hits and things are put into their proper perspective the picture will not be good.

Everything else aside the world is getting increasingly unstable as it prepares to erupt into world war that I blame on Bush! A senior general warned Wednesday that Russia could deploy short-range missiles to Belarus as part of efforts to counter the planned deployment of U.S. missile defense sites in Europe, Russian news reports said. Col. Gen. Vladimir Zaritsky, the chief of artillery and rocket forces for the Russian Ground Troops, said that "any action meets a counteraction, and this is the case with elements of the U.S. missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic," the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

The U.S. plan would install a radar base in the Czech Republic and 10 interceptor missiles in Poland — both former Soviet satellites that are now NATO members. It is part of a wider missile shield involving defenses in California and Alaska that the United States says are to defend against any long-range missile attack from countries such as North Korea or Iran. Russia strongly opposes the idea, saying Iran is decades away from developing missile technology that could threaten Europe or North America, and it says the U.S. bases will undermine Russia's own missile deterrent force. Read more
It has been my contention right from the get go that the missile defense system is doing its job and that is to force Russia and the rest of the world into Bush's Forever war. Knowing this, seeing this, and believing this, this still growing world chaos should be affecting us and it will but this should really be hitting home. Knowing these Bush created Forever wars are just beginning people better be concerned with this!
Bush just vetoed a Bill that would have funded the departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services for you people and you are the ones paying for and will pay for his wars as he gives the rich back their tax contributions. This is stunning, meanwhile we are told The total economic impact of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is estimated at $1.6 trillion by 2009, a congressional committee said in a report released Tuesday.

That is nearly double the $804 billion in direct war costs the White House requested so far from Congress, the Democratic-led Joint Economic Committee said. The committee estimated $1.3 trillion in war costs by the end of 2008 for Iraq, and the remainder for Afghanistan. The total war costs could grow to $3.5 trillion by 2017, the committee estimated. The higher total economic impact comes from, among other things, the cost of borrowing money to pay for the war, lost productivity, higher oil prices and the cost of health care for veterans, the committee said. The committee calculated the average cost of both wars for a family of four would be $20,900 from 2002 to 2008. The cost for a family of four would go up to $46,400 from 2002 to 2017, the committee said. Read the report
Knowing these wars are just getting started and the entire world is taking sides preparing for it and that this will all spread exponentially I would estimate closer to $10 trillion and bankruptcy. This should be our concern. We have got to get reality spoken about by our politicians. Except for Ron Paul who I am almost sad to say is a Republican we just do not hear it. We can not continue these games as usual while our future is in major jeopardy and remember trillions in Debt have been put off until Bush is gone so his economy can look good and our children and grandchildren will have to pay it if they survive Bush's wars present and future.

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

Monday, October 01, 2007

Like the excuse to attack Iraq Bush keeps changing excuse to attack Iran, now using surgical swtrikes to save Americans as excuse for full scale war!

Yesterday we said the Revolutionary Guard, CIA, US Military, all were declared terrorist Organizations, Iran bought more time to prepare as Bush and Ahmadinejad's war comes closer and wondered what the trigger and excuse for war would be?
First I hate to say it but I have to agree with Ahmadinejad's recent statement blaming the US for 9/11 and saying we have mismanaged the war. Mismanagement is Bush's calling card! As we have been saying it seems for years now, Bush and Ahmadinejad's war will happen. Everything is now set in the US and Iran and as expected it looks to be this fall or as son as either side can find the excuse to instigate it!

We now have the Revolutionary Guard which is of course a part of Iran declared terrorist's and the CIA and the US Army now declared by Iran as being Terrorists.The Iranian parliament on Saturday voted to designate the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Army as terrorist organizations, IRNA, the country's state-run news agency, reported.

The CIA and the U.S. Army "trained terrorists and supported terrorism, and they themselves are terrorists," the parliament said, according to IRNA. The Iranian parliament said the condemnation was based on "known and accepted" standards of terrorism from international regulations, including the U.N. charter. The parliament said it condemns the "aggressions by the U.S. Army, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan" and calls on the United Nations to "intervene in the global problem of U.S. prisons in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and secret jails in other countries," IRNA reported, quoting a statement from Iranian lawmakers. That is as far as any semblance of logic went and as they went beyond reason you can read the rest that goes back to WW2 at The link

We know conversely that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ahmadinejad, Iran, whoever, is training and arming so called terrorists in Iraq. So My question yesterday was, knowing that Iran is A Ticking Time bomb what is going to happen next?

Iran will not stop enriching Uranium and has been clandestinely arming themselves as much as possible to defend against what appears to most of us as an imminent attack. Columbia was viewed by Iranian's as a victory for Ahmadinejad, gaining him more support at home.
Today I hear the ridiculous mention of surgical strikes. this is really asinine and only Bush can be this stupid. Now we know the the trigger and excuse for war with Iran will be.THE WHITE HOUSE is planning "surgical" strikes in Iran to cripple agents the United States says support Iraqi insurgents fighting American soldiers, a new report says.

The plan coincides with a change in the administration's rhetoric against Iran - redefining the source of tension from nuclear weapon development to Tehran's support of America's enemies, Seymour Hersh writes in this week's New Yorker magazine. "Now the emphasis is on 'surgical' strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities and elsewhere, which, the administration claims, have been the source of attacks on Americans in Iraq," he writes. "What had been presented primarily as a counter proliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism."

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been working on plans to hit Iran with "a broad bombing attack" on suspected nuclear and military facilities, Hersh says. However, citing former intelligence officials and diplomats, Hersh reports the revised bombing plan is gaining support from the military leadership and the British government. But the idea is being resisted by the Israelis, who would rather see Iran's nuclear facilities targeted directly, he said.

Hersh claims the main reasons behind the shift in strategy are a lack of public support for a major bombing campaign, and the belief in intelligence circles that Iran is at least five years away from developing a nuclear weapon. "We're threatening Iran," Hersh commented on CNN's "Late Edition" yesterday. "But instead of saying to the American people ... it's going to be about nuclear weapons, it's now going to be about getting the guys that are killing our boys." A recently retired CIA official told Hersh that the changing tone toward Iran is similar to the lead up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, with the agency "moving everybody to the Iran desk." Bush has his excuse for war

This really blows me away. This is just the excuse bushco pundits want to hear so Iran can be attacked and the war with Iran started. As you know, a while back they ridiculously talked of hitting 1,200 locations including nuclear assets, however it didn't go over well so now Bush has changed course again in looking for an excuse and is now going to use surgical strikes to stop our soldiers from being killed by Iranian interests.

I have to agree with Israel that this will be bad news for them with Iran in possession of missiles capable of reaching anywhere in Israel and them being the self professed target of attack if Bush does attack Iran and he will. This will give Bush his excuse for full scale war. Just a stupid instigation to have to come to Israel's rescue as I have been asserting for years now. What a mess!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma