Showing posts with label unified Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unified Korea. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Beijing vs. Washington

North Korea warned it is ready for all out war while South Korea readies for reunification

US rallies Tokyo and Seoul, rails against China's support for North Korea

China, North Korea reach consensus over crisis

North Korea warned Saturday that it is ready for an all-out war even as it dispatched its top diplomat to Russia amid a flurry of regional diplomatic efforts to defuse tensions over the North's deadly artillery attack on South Korea.

Amidst this obvious posturing and preparation for war we just discussed South Korea's wishful thinking as president says Seoul must prepare for a united country as the North becomes aware of South's affluence. This situation is changing so rapidly and not for the good that we just discussed that I at one time thought there would one day be a reunified Korean Peninsula but not the way we and South Korea envision it.

Beijing has been using North Korean belligerence in order to keep us off their door step. They have also for as long while been abusing their increasing financial and military strength. Yes in the past we too did it but that time must be over if we are to move successfully through the 21st century.

Wiki leaks at least has let it be known that China would accept a unified Korea as long as we were not there. That will never happen as I am sure I am not the only one that believes China would take advantage of that and pre planned or not that is why exercises with South Korea and Japan were necessary. China can blame themselves or as I am thinking at this point they are purposely bringing about another Korean war as they are now too powerful to stop in their eyes. !

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull. Kim Jong Il said he was committed to establishing "a lasting peace system" on the Korean peninsula and to making it nuclear-free "through dialogue and negotiations" a lasting peace system, what is that? donations of food and supplies from us while he maintains his 7 million man army for China and continues to toy with advanced weapons and starve its people?

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. We owe them trillions but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!

I have had those that point out Russia and the US will never join against China because of Russia and China's connection in the Shanghai cooperation but don't forget China is also connected with South Korea and Japan and look what that's worth. Dmitri Medvedev realizes as I do that Russia and the US need each other and our close relationship is critical to both of us proceeding successfully through the 21st century.

We know China's most senior Diplomat was just in North Korea to show support for China's guard dog. I no longer see a unified peninsula allowed to happen unless one of two scenarios occur. 1. We fight North Korea thus China too and are defeated and China unifies Korea and kicks us out. 2. We are able to defeat North Korea and China "totally" and then unify Korea ourselves. However I have a hard time envisioning that. What a mess! Good thing Bush took North Korea off the terror list huh? They sure deserved that.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Sunday, September 03, 2017

North Korea President Trumps Cuban missile crisis?

Remember this warning 2 years ago?

Don't for a minute think Russia has not been feeding rapid technological advances to North Korea on long range missiles an nuclear missile capable technology. Also North Korea will not be alone when we are finally forced to act. Russia is not preparing for a military exercise on its border as it keeps saying. Remember this exact scenario leading to WW2.  

U.S. flies bombers over South Korea, N. Korea's Kim aims rockets at DC, LA, Hawaii and Austin, Japan and North Korea threaten each other with war.

Behind Kim, a chart titled "U.S. mainland strike plan" can be seen and a map shows missiles arcing into the U.S. locations. im warned Friday he is preparing to "settle accounts with the U.S." after the U.S. deployed B-2 stealth bombers to South Korea to participate in a training exercise Thursday.

The U.S. military's announcement earlier this month that it was flying B52 Bombers over South Korea to participate in the routine exercises prompted an angry reaction from the regime of Kim Jong Un, which has unleashed a torrent of threats in the past few weeks.

I am convinced I am not alone in thinking China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons. China better step up before this gets out of control.

Anyway so too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries.

We owe them trillions "or at least 1.7" but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!

I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 million man nuclear armed standing military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.

I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic. war coming? And with who?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The spoiled little kid in charge of North Korea vows retaliation at the South's lack of respect

North Korea vows 'merciless' revenge against South Korea

North Korea vowed "merciless" reprisals on Tuesday after a South Korean military official suggested the isolated Stalinist nation should simply disappear. The North's powerful National Defence Commission accused Kim of speaking for South Korean President Park Geun-Hye to inspire an "all-out" inter-Korean confrontation.  It warned that North Korea would take strong retaliatory action against anyone who slanders its leadership and system, describing Park and South Korean military officials as "the root of evil". "Our army and people will wipe them out entirely with the most merciless and thorough striking force," the commission said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.                      

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Korean reunification? I don't think so

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Korean reunification? I don't think so


 Reunification Is Becoming a Palpable Prospect: The younger generation of officials in China's Communist Party, military and academia have a very different perception of North Korea than the older generation, which viewed the North as a strategic asset. They see it as a burden. In informal discussion with South Korean officials, 

Chinese officials are apparently showing keen interest in the prospect of reunification.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said during a recent security conference in Germany, "I will be in China in two weeks working on the North Korean issue, working with [South] Korea, Japan, reunification, you name the issue."

After telling us they now have a missile that is fully capable of reaching the United States and that now they have a nuclear device small enough for it to carry, we are supposed to be happy about that? They have expressed interest in attacking us and South Korea and have now even earned the ire of its only local ally China or so we are made to think. What are we to think of this?

I am convinced I am not alone in thinking China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons.

So too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull. Kim Jong Il said he was committed to establishing "a lasting peace system" on the Korean peninsula and to making it nuclear-free "through dialogue and negotiations" a lasting peace system, what is that?

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. We owe them trillions but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!

What a mess! Good thing Bush took North Korea off the terror list huh? They sure deserved that.

There is no way in hell we can envision Kim Jong Un or those like his uncle and the Generals taking a back seat to South Korean rule voluntarily. That said, a unified Korea would have to be driven by a free system of some sort but I do not think it will not happen unless with a war and hopefully limited. Here we are talking war again in a world that can sustain no more.

I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 million man nuclear armed active duty military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.

I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, May 02, 2013

China voices concern of miscalculations while South Korea demands talks with North Korea

In a scathing rebuke, the report was described as a "reactionary and dangerous tool to intrude and intervene in countries that are against the U.S.," the Korean Central Broadcasting Station said, monitored in Seoul. However, the UN human rights commissioner, Navi Pillay, has called North Korea’s human rights conditions “the worst in the whole world.”

China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons. China better step up before this gets out of control.

Anyway so too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries.

We owe them trillions "or at least 1.7" but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!

I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 million man nuclear armed standing military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.

I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic. war coming? And with who?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Asia ready for War! What about China?

North Korea says ready for combat as Bombers over South Korea, also Japan's threat of war with North Korea.

I am convinced I am not alone in thinking China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons. China better step up before this gets out of control.

Anyway so too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries.

We owe them trillions "or at least 1.7" but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!

I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 million man nuclear armed standing military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.

I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic. war coming? And with who?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Monday, March 11, 2013

N. Korea threatens US with 'Miserable destruction' awaits final strike order

 Another joint military exercise, Foal Eagle, one of the largest military exercises in the world, will include about 200,000 Korean troops and 10,000 US forces. The two-month exercise starting March 1 includes involving land, sea and air maneuvers. Pyongyang also vowed to modernize and expand its nuclear activities if the US “fails to choose a correct policy,” KCNA reported on Saturday.

North Korea’s forces which include the military, the navy and the air force are reported to be awaiting “final order” from the country’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un to plunge into action.

Ahead of a ten-day joint computer-simulated drill to be conducted by the US and South Korea on 11 March, the North’s most widely circulated mouthpiece Rodong Sinmun said: “Our front-line military groups, the army, the navy and the air force, the anti-aircraft units and the strategic rocket units, who have entered the final all-out war stage, are awaiting the final order to strike.”
  North Korea blames U.S. for tension on peninsula: North Korea is facing further U.N. sanctions for its underground nuclear test explosion two weeks ago, its biggest and most powerful to date which prompted warnings from Washington. In December it launched a long-range rocket.

"The U.S. is to blame for the situation on the Korean peninsula which is inching close to an unpredictable phase now," So Se Pyong, North Korea's ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, told the U.N.-sponsored Conference on Disarmament.

I am convinced I am not alone in thinking China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons.

So too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.

China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. 

We owe them trillions "or at least 1.7"  but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!
I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 man nuclear armed military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.

I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic. war coming? And with who?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, March 09, 2013

War mongering North Korean Generals are controlling the boy leader

North Korea threatens US with Nuclear attack and to end Armistice as the  Generals long chomping at the bit to take on the United States and South Korea are in control of the inexperienced and inept boy leader.   North Korea has its George W. Bush, a controlled dunderhead!
*China appeals for calm over North Korea threats: Meanwhile, the state media trilled its support for Beijing's decision to vote for UN sanctions against North Korea and called for them to be tightly enforced. "We believe the resolution is a balanced one," said the Foreign ministry spokesman. "China is objective and fair on this matter and has played a constructive role throughout the discussion at the Security Council." But the Global Times reminded the outside world that Beijing is "caught in the middle" trying to placate both Pyongyang and Washington. 
 The agency said the pact will be voided starting Monday, the same day South Korea-U.S. joint military drills are set to begin. Earlier this week, Pyongyang vowed to break the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War in 1953, and pledged a "preemptive nuclear strike" on the U.S. that would turn Washington into "a sea of fire
I am convinced I am not alone in thinking China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons.
So too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.
  China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.

In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. 

We owe them trillions "or at least 1.7"  but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!
I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 million man nuclear armed military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.
I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic. war coming? And with who?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Korean peninsula heading towards war in leaps and bounds

Summary of below links as the situation quickly gets worse and worse but why? South Korea Unveils Cruise Missile Capable Of Striking ‘Anywhere’ In North Korea as NK announces more nukes and missiles. S. Korea Asks UN for Right to Inspect N. Korean Ships when North Korea already said any measures like forced ship inspections or a sea blockade would be considered an "act or war" and trigger "merciless retaliations".
* North Korea tells China it's planning fresh nuclear tests: "It's all ready. A fourth and fifth nuclear test and a rocket launch could be conducted soon, possibly this year," the source said, adding that the fourth nuclear test would be much larger than the third at an equivalent of 10 kilotons of TNT. 

The tests will be undertaken, the source said, unless Washington holds talks with North Korea and abandons its policy of what Pyongyang sees as attempts at regime change. North Korea also reiterated its longstanding desire for the United States to sign a final peace agreement with it and establish diplomatic relations, he said. The North remains technically at war with both the United States and South Korea after the Korean war ended in 1953 with a truce. This is not how we work towards reunification.

*S. Korea Asks UN for Right to Inspect N. Korean Ships: One analyst said a resolution including Chapter 7, Article 42 would send a "strong signal" to North Korea that the world is becoming impatient with the North's nuclear program and "disregard for past resolutions." James Schoff of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington also said China would likely be reluctant to support such a measure.

"I think Beijing would see that as very dangerous, would probably provoke North Korea to conducting some further kind of provocation, and they’ve called on all sides to respond calmly," Schoff said. Schoff also said China would be worried that passing the resolution, not necessarily implementing it, may be enough to "set North Korea off." It would start a war and trust me North Korea has already been set off. They understand english and know how to read.

After telling us they now have a missile that is fully capable of reaching the United States and that now they have a nuclear device small enough for it to carry, we are supposed to be happy about that? They have expressed interest in attacking us and South Korea and have now even earned the ire of its only local ally China or so we are made to think. What are we to think of this?
I am convinced I am not alone in thinking China believes the United States is more and more feeling threatened by North Korea's bellicose threats and that they can soon back it up. I believe they are stupid enough to attack the US with nuclear weapons.

So too China is seeing the same thing and her goal is to keep us away not to see us instigated to make a preemptive attack that would require China to get involved. It would throw off all China's plans to make her the number one power in the world.
China's real role here is her goal to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.
In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. We owe them trillions but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!
I hear people right here in the US justifying North Korea starving its citizens so they can terrorize the world with a 1.2 man nuclear armed military. Of course it is our fault because of the Korean war. It is not our fault it is China's fault as they are using the Korean dupes to keep us away from their border.
I am afraid North Korea has gotten out of China's control. North Korea would have a great future if she reunified with a modern successful South Korea but that will never happen. Instead North Korea will continue to be more dangerous and vitriolic. war coming? And with who?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma