Showing posts with label world economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world economy. Show all posts

Sunday, February 11, 2018

How an economic slowdown in the U.S. will affect the Chinese economy

At least China has realized our two economies are intricately intertwined. China is feeling what would be like without a US economy.

Remember what the ass Putin just got through saying?
RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of acting as a "parasite" on the world economy by accumulating massive debts that threaten the global financial system. "The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite," With everything said just think about a world without the US economy!

A parasite! Cut the crap. I have discussed this in the past but could not find it. First I must admit I do not like Vladimir Putin. When the idiot Bush looked into his eyes and saw a compassionate man and a man you could work with I saw vile, hate, and a great danger to our unification.His desire is to make Russia great again of which I can not blame him but I see Dmitry Medvedev as much more level headed and common sensed.

That said, sometimes deserved and sometimes not but I see the United States as a Definition of a pariah If the US is a "parasite" on the worlds economy it is the fault of the world no not for trusting the US but for leaning on the US instead of taking care of itself and taking responsibility and accountability for themselves. I think much of the worlds economies have been Parasites too!

Personally I was offended, embarrassed, and disgusted, the way our S.O.B. Political children acted during the Debt debate but I do not believe our problems should have been affecting the world. Whatever you say about the US just imagine not a world without the US which I am afraid in many instances that would be a good thing but a world without the US economy. It is good and bad for the planet and all countries!

In our efforts to grow our country and economy we have raped much of the world of its resources and with the help of our allies reset Boundaries that will have a negative effect till the end of time. Again with that said Putin would be wise to apologize to the US and rethink what he ignorantly said. How much does Russia donate to the poor and famine and disease stricken countries of Africa and the rest of the world?

I am often bothered by the fact that our misleaders are ignoring our own poor and hungry while we help those around the world but we and our economy are the main drivers behind a mounting an exhausting number of natural or unnatural disasters striking countries around the world. Many of them I am afraid are due to mans negative impact on our environment but our economy allows us to be there.

Our success in growing our economy has had many negative and positive affects on the world and its countries. Countries of which China is the best example have grown and prospered because of the US economy. Our success has allowed China and the world to overpopulate the planet which seems to be turning on us now.

Due to our so called "success" we are destroying the planet because of over population but again with that said our economy is not a parasite on the worlds countries but a necessary evil to help the needy and to keep the worlds economies status quo. If not, most so called civilized countries around the world are going to regress "shrink" and it will be painful but I am afraid necessary. I am afraid at any rate it has to happen if someone in this world is to survive and prosper somewhere on this planet.

Remember US and China press reset button. This was a big week in US/Chinese diplomacy, but will it be a defining moment?

Now I have renewed hope that China will remember how important good relations are to both of our countries as we move through the 21st century.

Remember US-China ties 'to shape 21st century'

Also more than two years ago: The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves They better wake up and stop making waves!

Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.

I hope that never happens and I feel increasingly confident we can take the road to peace and prosperity into the 21st century with a united world. Many of you know I repeat often that Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel into the future. Bush had us on the first road, the road to war and a disastrous future for man kind. I feel increasingly confident thanks to Obama we are now on the second road, the road to understanding and a successful prosperous future.

China is our Banker as well as North Korea's immediate neighbor. They hold more than a trillion dollars in our Bonds. They have more at stake here and around the world than anyone. Stakes are now enormous! China has to be a key partner in whatever happens here, in North Korea and around the world. We can not do this unilaterally. Along with Russia China and the US must work together to shape the future of the world!

We can not do this alone! Not just Russia but we need China to help with Iran and North Korea. China holds over a trillion dollars of our debt. They make many of our products so we keep them employed and in that respect we keep each others countries going. They sell the majority of the products they make to Wal-Mart and continue to loan us money.

We are intricately inextricably interwoven in a symbiotic roller coaster relationship. I don't know if I like it or not but it works and must continue. It will get bumpy along the way but I trust like it or not our relationship will continue into the foreseeable future. I am seeing China get stronger and increasingly taking over Japan's role in Asia too. We have many differences but one important thing in common, a desire for a successful future for our two countries! Things are looking up finally!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

China's Wen says global economic crisis worsening, then remember we need each other!

China's Wen says global crisis worsening: "As important economies and strategic partners, China and Germany should make consistent efforts on promoting the confidence of the international community, joining together in dealing with challenges and creating a better tomorrow." Later, Wen told reporters: "Recently, the European debt crisis has continued to worsen, giving rise to serious concerns in the international community. Frankly speaking, I am also worried."

Wen and Merkel presided at a signing ceremony for billions of dollars in business deals _ a regular event during visits by European leaders. Germany is China's biggest European trading partner and one of the few developed economies with which it runs a trade deficit, due to large imports of German factory equipment and industrial components. Beijing reported a $16.3 billion trade deficit with Germany last year and $13 billion for the first seven months of this year. German officials told reporters in Berlin that Merkel wants to assure Beijing that European debt is a "safe and good investment."

I remember when the majority of countries wanted to see the United States fail. Now as the world economy now makes our populations interdependent and it was for a long time very successful all countries expanded their populations. As a result if we fail they fail and their own countries are going to face increased turmoil amongst the population and face drastic depopulation. This especially holds true to China who thanks to our success has been enriched and grown in every respect. Many think they are now number one and with a greatly expanded and improved military. China needs us too!

How the economic slowdown in the U.S. will affect the Chinese economy: Amid a collapsing domestic property market and the intensifying sub prime crisis, the risk of a U.S. economic recession is growing. As a highly export-dependent economy relying mainly on the U.S. market, China inevitably faces increased uncertainties. This article will examine how the economic slowdown in the U.S. will affect the Chinese economy as well as its macroeconomic policies.

At least China has realized our two economies are intricately intertwined. China is feeling what would be like without a US economy.

Remember what the ass Putin just got through saying?
RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of acting as a "parasite" on the world economy by accumulating massive debts that threaten the global financial system. "The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite," With everything said just think about a world without the US economy!

A parasite! Cut the crap. I have discussed this in the past but could not find it. First I must admit I do not like Vladimir Putin. When the idiot Bush looked into his eyes and saw a compassionate man and a man you could work with I saw vile, hate, and a great danger to our unification.His desire is to make Russia great again of which I can not blame him but I see Dmitry Medvedev as much more level headed and common sensed.

That said, sometimes deserved and sometimes not but I see the United States as a Definition of a pariah If the US is a "parasite" on the worlds economy it is the fault of the world no not for trusting the US but for leaning on the US instead of taking care of itself and taking responsibility and accountability for themselves. I think much of the worlds economies have been Parasites too!

Personally I was offended, embarrassed, and disgusted, the way our S.O.B. Political children acted during the Debt debate but I do not believe our problems should have been affecting the world. Whatever you say about the US just imagine not a world without the US which I am afraid in many instances that would be a good thing but a world without the US economy. It is good and bad for the planet and all countries!

In our efforts to grow our country and economy we have raped much of the world of its resources and with the help of our allies reset Boundaries that will have a negative effect till the end of time. Again with that said Putin would be wise to apologize to the US and rethink what he ignorantly said. How much does Russia donate to the poor and famine and disease stricken countries of Africa and the rest of the world?

I am often bothered by the fact that our misleaders are ignoring our own poor and hungry while we help those around the world but we and our economy are the main drivers behind a mounting an exhausting number of natural or unnatural disasters striking countries around the world. Many of them I am afraid are due to mans negative impact on our environment but our economy allows us to be there.

Our success in growing our economy has had many negative and positive affects on the world and its countries. Countries of which China is the best example have grown and prospered because of the US economy. Our success has allowed China and the world to overpopulate the planet which seems to be turning on us now.

Due to our so called "success" we are destroying the planet because of over population but again with that said our economy is not a parasite on the worlds countries but a necessary evil to help the needy and to keep the worlds economies status quo. If not, most so called civilized countries around the world are going to regress "shrink" and it will be painful but I am afraid necessary. I am afraid at any rate it has to happen if someone in this world is to survive and prosper somewhere on this planet.

Remember US and China press reset button. This was a big week in US/Chinese diplomacy, but will it be a defining moment?

Now I have renewed hope that China will remember how important good relations are to both of our countries as we move through the 21st century.

Remember US-China ties 'to shape 21st century'

Also more than two years ago: The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves They better wake up and stop making waves!

Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.

I hope that never happens and I feel increasingly confident we can take the road to peace and prosperity into the 21st century with a united world. Many of you know I repeat often that Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel into the future. Bush had us on the first road, the road to war and a disastrous future for man kind. I feel increasingly confident thanks to Obama we are now on the second road, the road to understanding and a successful prosperous future.

China is our Banker as well as North Korea's immediate neighbor. They hold more than a trillion dollars in our Bonds. They have more at stake here and around the world than anyone. Stakes are now enormous! China has to be a key partner in whatever happens here, in North Korea and around the world. We can not do this unilaterally. Along with Russia China and the US must work together to shape the future of the world!

We can not do this alone! Not just Russia but we need China to help with Iran and North Korea. China holds over a trillion dollars of our debt. They make many of our products so we keep them employed and in that respect we keep each others countries going. They sell the majority of the products they make to Wal-Mart and continue to loan us money.

We are intricately inextricably interwoven in a symbiotic roller coaster relationship. I don't know if I like it or not but it works and must continue. It will get bumpy along the way but I trust like it or not our relationship will continue into the foreseeable future. I am seeing China get stronger and increasingly taking over Japan's role in Asia too. We have many differences but one important thing in common, a desire for a successful future for our two countries! Things are looking up finally!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of acting as a "parasite" on the world economy; Imagine a world without the US economy!

RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of acting as a "parasite" on the world economy by accumulating massive debts that threaten the global financial system. "The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite," With everything said just think about a world without the US economy!

A parasite! Cut the crap. I have discussed this in the past but could not find it. First I must admit I do not like Vladimir Putin. When the idiot Bush looked into his eyes and saw a compassionate man and a man you could work with I saw vile, hate, and a great danger to our unification.His desire is to make Russia great again of which I can not blame him but I see Dmitry Medvedev as much more level headed and common sensed.

That said, sometimes deserved and sometimes not but I see the United States as a Definition of a pariah If the US is a "parasite" on the worlds economy it is the fault of the world no not for trusting the US but for leaning on the US instead of taking care of itself and taking responsibility and accountability for themselves.

Personally I was offended, embarrassed, and disgusted, the way our S.O.B. Political children acted during the Debt debate but I do not believe our problems should have been affecting the world. Whatever you say about the US just imagine not a world without the US which I am afraid in many instances that would be a good thing but a world without the US economy. It is good and bad for the planet and all countries!

In our efforts to grow our country and economy we have raped much of the world of its resources and with the help of our allies reset Boundaries that will have a negative effect till the end of time. Again with that said Putin would be wise to apologize to the US and rethink what he ignorantly said. How much does Russia donate to the poor and famine and disease stricken countries of Africa and the rest of the world?

I am often bothered by the fact that our misleaders are ignoring our own poor and hungry while we help those around the world but we and our economy are the main drivers behind a mounting an exhausting number of natural or unnatural disasters striking countries around the world. Many of them I am afraid are due to mans negative impact on our environment but our economy allows us to be there.

Our success in growing our economy has had many negative and positive affects on the world and its countries. Countries of which China is the best example have grown and prospered because of the US economy. Our success has allowed China and the world to overpopulate the planet which seems to be turning on us now.

Due to our so called "success" we are destroying the planet because of over population but again with that said our economy is not a parasite on the worlds countries but a necessary evil to help the needy and to keep the worlds economies status quo. If not, most so called civilized countries around the world are going to regress "shrink" and it will be painful but I am afraid necessary. I am afraid at any rate it has to happen if someone in this world is to survive and prosper somewhere on this planet.

What a mess and what a future just hold on. Regardless of whose fault it is we are in for a rough ride.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

More fears as Britain already Announced Severe Military Cutbacks now that includes 19,000 troops

Army Cull As 19,000 Troops Are Set For Chopping block: The Defence Secretary is expected to announce a major reduction in the size of the Army - shrinking the regular force to its smallest size in 110 years. What the hell kind of sense does that make with all the current and future wars we are fighting and about to fight? We need Britain's military as is!

More fears over armed forces cuts: Politicians are warning that the military may not be able to deliver what is asked of them in four years time."If the ambition of a real-term funding increase is not realized, we will have failed our armed forces."

This really is a devastating development as these wars are just barely starting. England was always someone we could count on. We have heard for years that the US can't police the world and do everyone's fighting for them but it increasingly looks like we are going to be doling just that and this purposely caused world wide financial disaster too is going to get much worse here and around the world.

In a bid to streamline its armed forces and help reduce its daunting levels of national debt, the British government announced plans to cut its military personnel by 10 percent, scrap 40 percent of the army’s artillery and tanks, withdraw all of its troops from Germany within 10 years, and cut 25,000 civilian jobs in its Defense Ministry.

The plan also calls for the immediate scrapping of the Ark Royal, Britain’s only aircraft carrier capable of launching fixed-wing jets, along with the entire fleet of Harrier jump jets. Also the government would delay construction of a new fleet of Trident nuclear missile submarines, which now constitute Britain’s nuclear deterrent, for about five years. Britain Announces Severe Military Cutbacks - This is really troubling!

I understand Britain is hurting but so aren't we. Can't they Bankrupt Britain like we are Bankrupting America while enriching China to enlarge and update their military to some day confront us? We are hurting too but now is not the time to cut back this in its whole terrible scope has barely begun. Remember this as we watch things get worse and worse here and around the world?

They say it ended June of last year making it 18 months long the longest since WW2. I hate to be the one to tell them but this is not over. It will dwarf the longest recession in U.S. history during the nineteenth century which was between 1873 and 1879. Tell that to the still growing number of poor. The overall poverty rate climbed to 14.3 percent, or 43.6 million people, the Census Bureau said in its annual report on the economic well-being of U.S. households, plus the jobless rolls just increased by 465,000.Over?

The share of Americans without health coverage rose from 15.4 percent to 16.7 percent or 50.7 million people mostly because of the loss of employer provided health insurance during the so called recession. If the tea party gets in control they will dwarf those numbers. Foreclosures? The recession is over? Over and ended over a year ago? Tell that to the millions that know it is on going and see no improvement in sight. 1 in 7 Americans live in poverty

I started Blogging in 2005 as a means of talking with those that care about we the people, average Americans, those who live in the trenches of society and want to hear the truth and discuss that and how we really feel as we never ever hear it. Little did I know no one wants to hear it and no one cares. That goes for all societies all around the world.

The so called experts of the old world the pre 9/11 world became fond of saying this is a new world it will never be the same, we must adapt we must overcome this new world to survive as we are and proceed through the 21st century.

Those fools in the Government, the media, and corporations do not care about us or the truth only making money and playing their games. They do not have a clue and do not care period! Times have changed! I stopped writing books and started this Blog as a means of talking daily because ours and the worlds situation was devolving so rapidly I could not keep up with it. It keeps getting worse!

I started warning in 2007 of the impending financial disaster when Bush Greenspan, Kramer, and other so called leaders of the economy and the stock market were senselessly playing up how great things were. It was very exasperating!

Again, I was frightened at the portend of things to come and the truth was being ignored, maybe not seen, but it was frighteningly obvious we were rudderless and all our so called leaders only cared about themselves.

This recession is not over it has barely begun. We alone have borrowed trillions and despite political game playing cutting a few measly Billions is worthless especially in vital parts of the worlds defense.; There really is room to cut hundreds of billions of dollars in waste in the US and Britain but the right thing as usual will never be done only the things that will help one party or the other even in Britain. We really better wake up because we are in trouble and we are like it or not the worlds police force at least for now!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma