Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's triple threat! Powell, next President faces a daunting task and McPaling is not up to it! Biden Guarantees a crisis in first 6 months!

Obama's triple threat!

Powell has open invitation to campaign for Obama!

I recommend an immediate request ! Make him feel beholden! It would pay huge dividends!

Powell, next President faces a daunting task and McPaling is not up to it!

Powell is right on and Renounced Fear mongering! In a moment that would have made Tim Russert proud, Secretary Powell firmly renounced the divisiveness that has been perpetuated by his own party. During his interview, Secretary Powell exhibited a gravitas that has been unmatched thus far by politicians and pundits alike when it comes to an honest discussion of the state of a presidential race that has increasingly gone negative. Since the beginning of this way-too-long presidential campaign Americans of conscience have longed for someone of such stature to repudiate the blatant bigotry towards Muslims. On Sunday Colin Powell lived up to his billing as senior American statesman.

I know I was not the only one moved to tears by the following remarks of Colin Powell: "I'm also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say, and it is permitted to be said. Such things as 'Well you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.' Well the correct answer is 'He is not a Muslim, he's a Christian, he's always been a Christian.' But the really right answer is 'What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country?' The answer is 'No. That's not America.' Is there something wrong with some 7-year old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she can be president? Yet I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion he's a Muslim and he might be associated with terrorists. This is not the way we should be doing it in America. Powell rejects Islamophobia

Biden put our situation in real context! and told us the situation is more Dire than we know! Joe Biden told Democratic fundraisers Sunday night that there is no doubt in his mind a crisis will occur during Barack Obama's first six months in office that will test his mettle and force him to make unpopular decisions. "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy," said Biden to a roomful of donors. "The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America." "Remember I said it standing here, if you don't remember anything else I said," Biden continued. "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.
"I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's going happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate." The Delaware senator spoke at two Seattle fundraises Sunday night, expected to bring in $1 million for the campaign. Biden told the supporters that when Obama will need them to stand with the administration on the difficult calls — not financially, but by using their influence within their communities to convince others that the right decisions are being made.

"I promise you, you all are going to be sitting here a year from now going, 'Oh my God, why are they there in the polls, why is the polling so down, why is this thing so tough?' We're going have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years," said Biden. "I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you're going to have to reinforce us." Telling the crowd to "gird their loins" for a bumpy beginning to the next presidential term, Biden said it wouldn't be initially apparent that the correct decisions are being made because "they're not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they're popular, they're probably not sound." Biden rightly predicts early crises for next President

I had multitudes of stories all pointing to increasingly troubled waters ahead and the election is a small part. This is all just starting and will get much worse. We will stay together and we will keep on keeping on. We have said for years Bush has yet to do his worst and the worst has yet to come. The many facets of this manufactured crisis is coming to a head perfectly at this time and it is no coincidence! You know damn well if Obama is lucky "or unlucky" enough to sneak through the Gauntlet set up to keep this mess going under the Right you have to wonder which of the many crises Bush has set in motion will Obama have to deal with in his first 6 months?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Friday, October 03, 2008

Couric Stumps Palin With Supreme Court Question, Palin and Biden answer VP questions from Couric, the "View's" Palin Smack down, thoughts on debate?

Couric Stumps Palin With Supreme Court Question

Palin and Biden answer VP questions from Couric

Bill Maher Sarah Palin mommy and me Pregnancy test, this is hilarious!

Did you see the "view" smack down of Palin the other day? I mean, she is a total air head! Send her back to Alaska bring on Romney!

Fatwa that's funny they think this was insulting to them how do they think we feel? Islamic religious leaders in Pakistan have issued a fatwa against President Asif Ali Zardari for allegedly flirting with Sarah Palin when the two met at the United Nations last week during her meet-and-greet with foreign leaders, India's Daily News reported. Radical Muslim prayer leader Lal Masjid condemned Zardari's "indecent gestures" toward Palin as a disgrace to all of Pakistan.Zardari's "filthy remarks and repeated praise of a non-Muslim lady wearing a short skirt" was unbecoming of a head of state of a Muslim country, Masjid said during a sermon, according to the Daily News.

Zardari has also drawn criticism from the Pakistani press and the nation's feminists, who blasted the president for calling Palin "gorgeous."He went on to tell Palin, "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you," and said he might hug her if his handler insisted. Masjid's fatwa, or religious edict, against Zardari does not call for any action or violence. Masjid said the Pakistani president's actions were particularly shameful in a time when "we are fighting the American war in our country and thousands of our people have been killed just to please Uncle Sam," the Daily News reported. FATWA issued on Pakistan President for fawning over Palin

She is a damn insult! How the hell can anyone compare her to or say she is more qualified than Biden? History tells us that you do not vote for a President because of their vice Presidential nominee but this better be a first. Palin on the Republican ticket better be a vote for Barack Obama. There is no way in hell Palin is qualified to be at the helm of the mess Bush has created here and around the world. Sadly if you follow me I still firmly believe this election too will be stolen as the Fascist right will not allow their new order agenda to come to a halt now. They have too much power and have gone to far!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Saturday, August 23, 2008

In choosing Biden as VP Obama picks assassination Insurance and guarantees a third stolen election!

Obama taps Biden as running mate and assassination Insurance!

Back on July 8th I did a story on Obama's plane incident that was called nothing because it was something and I expected it a convenient way to get Obama out of the way. As in JFK, MLK, and RFK, I believed 100% that this was done by the right to keep their agenda moving forward. Knowing the deployment of the emergency chute in mid flight does not happen and that this was a last minute replacement plane this was no coincidence. Then we hear this! Control tower tapes reveal that the pilot of presidential hopeful Barack Obama's plane told air traffic controllers there was an emergency when he made an unscheduled landing last month in St. Louis, Missouri.

According to the tapes, the pilot told an FAA air traffic controller that he had limited ability to move the plane's nose up and down. "We have limited pitch authority at flight levels; we're descending to see if we can regain pitch authority," the pilot told the air traffic controller. "At this time we would like to declare this an emergency and also have CFR (fire and rescue equipment) standing by in St. Louis," the pilot said. The pilot remained calm throughout the recording.Midwest Airlines acknowledged at the time that the pilot had detected a control problem in the pitch of the plane after an emergency evacuation chute opened in the aircraft's tail cone while in flight. Normally, the chute deploys only after landing and after the tail cone pops off.

The pitch, or angle of the nose of an airplane, affects the pilot's ability to control the plane. The airline said the pilot had "full authority of the aircraft." According to the tapes, the pilot said he regained control as the plane began to descend into St. Louis. "We had a pitch authority problem, now that we have come down to a lower altitude it seems to have rectified itself. We do have pitch control of the aircraft at this time," he said. Fire trucks met the aircraft when it landed at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. After the plane landed, Obama told reporters the plane landed because of a mechanical problem and noted it marked the first time he had had to do so. Pilot says Obama landing was an emergency

* I do not care what they say! That was an assassination attempt! There have been too many "accidents" and "suicides" of people against the right and trying to expose the truth. I believe unequivocably that today Obama took out Assassination insurance and guaranteed another stolen election! Barack has chosen Biden as his Veep thus giving him the experience he has constantly been accused of not having by McAssHole! Throughout Barack Obama's search for a running mate, Joe Biden has always been hiding in plain sight, a man who appears supremely qualified to be vice president of the United States.

Biden has been on the national stage so long that he was able to mount two credible runs for the presidency himself an amazing 20 years apart, in 1988 and 2008. He has served as chairman of both the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee, traveling the globe to meet world leaders and to be directly involved in almost every major international and domestic debate of the last two generations. He has excelled as both a speaker and a debater. His Irish-Catholic heritage makes him a demographic dream in appealing to swing voters. He is both a Washington insider and a hero to working-class Americans and labor union leaders, in part because of his rhetoric, but also because of his own middle class upbringing. He has mastered the art of the network Sunday show television appearance as well as the classic vice-presidential skill of savagely attacking his political opponents with both a smile and the use of casual, kitchen-table idioms. Biden pros and cons

* Yes Joe has a tendency to foam at the mouth but I believe that can be controlled! The right is already using Biden's words saying Obama is not ready to be President against him and Obama but if the Democrat's had half a brain amongst them they would already have turned the tables on the Republicans as they would do to Democrats! Obama should be saying you Republicans are slow! Biden now knows I have what it takes ande has gotten behind me. You better too if you want a future! What Obama has done has taken out life Insurance and I now believe the election that is a runaway being termed too close to call so it can be stolen a third time will be! The alternatives are much worse! There is no way in hell I can see the Right quitting their agenda or allowing the Presidents abusive power in Democrats hands. no way! what is going to happen next?

James Joiner
Gardner Ma