Showing posts with label Mystic Yak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystic Yak. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Drawing Board

After reading Griffy's Top 40 List on Comics and their creation, I was inspired to create this "fan art" comic.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Words to the Wise" -- or, "Maximum Maxims"

Do you remember me telling you about the six-page comic strip I had published in the Fluke anthology? Well, the deal was, I had to wait six months to publish it elsewhere. Your long wait is over and now you can read it!

Being part of that book was a great experience, and I'm really proud of this work. It is different in a different format than I usually work in, and for the first time, I worked with a co-writer. Some of you may know Jared Aiosa, proprietor of Heroes Your Mom Threw Out Comic Shop. After reading the first issue of Eclectic Comics, one day he hastily scribbled down some stick figures and some illegible writing and handed it to me. After he explained what it was, I realized it was a really great idea for a comic strip. When I wanted a six page story for the Fluke book, I realized that this was the best idea I had for it. Those of you who know Jared might notice that the the superhero bystander in the story kind of resembles Jared. Well, that's what I was going for anyway.

This story will also show up eventually in Eclectic Comics, but in the meantime, enjoy it here!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's a Fluke!

I have just finished up six pages of a top secret project. The organizers of the Fluke anthology of comics have saved six pages for me. The book will be published and made available at the Fluke mini-comics festival in Athens, Georgia on April 4. The editors have asked contributors not to reveal their pages until six months after publication, so the panels above will be all you see for some time, unless you buy their book!

Like many of my stories, it features The Mighty Andar, an aging bald superhero who some people say resembles me, but frankly I don't see it. An interesting twist to this opportunity was that the pages of the book are square. I've never done a story in that format, but I enjoyed the challenge and the learning experience.

I almost forgot to mention that for the first time I have a co-writer on this. After reading my comics, Jared Aiosa (owner of Heroes comic shop) had an idea for my characters. He wrote up a quick outline and I took it from there.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Don't Talk Back -- to the Mystic Yak!

Hurtling through the cosmos on a meteor rides the Mystic Yak. The cover is drawn with ink, and I'm going to color it with Photoshop, but I thought first I'd color a copy by hand to see if I could make my color choices before hand. I'll use this color sketch as a guide while I try to teach myself Photoshop.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What's in the Box?

This comic was for an anthology that was proposed but never published. The idea was to have several artists make stories that had to do with a box -- the contents of which would never be revealed.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Serendipity -- Accidental Invention

Finally! Another comic done. Since school has started, it's been really hard to find time to make comics. This comic was made for an assignment with the theme of "Invention".