Showing posts with label Research Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research Comics. Show all posts

Monday, May 31, 2010

Halcolm & The Evaluator's Quest

As Halcolm so wisely shows us, many times the answers we seek are within ourselves!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Disciples of Halcolm

Here is another of Halcolm's Research Parables by Michael Patton, illustrated by me.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Halcolm's Guide for Gormands

Here's another comic illustrating one of Halcolm's Research Parables by Michael Q. Patton. This author plans to use some of these in the next edition of his textbook on Qualitative Research.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Halcolm's Research Parables

(Inspired by a story by M.Q. Patton)

This comic is another that is inspired by one of Halcolm's Research Parables. Halcolm (pronounced, "How Come?") is the creation of author and qualitative researcher M.Q. Patton, who creates these stories to illustrate concepts related to being a researcher. In my interpretation of these stories, the wise master is showing me the ropes -- in this case, literally!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Here is another comic inspired by the parables of Halcolm, a fictional character of Michael Quinn Patton's. I have promised myself, that no matter what, I am always going to make a little time for making art. Right now, that amounts to about two pages of comics a week. Whenever I get an idea for a comic, I jot it down. Then, I pick the idea I like best to make into a comic.

For now, I am enjoying making comics that illustrate something I'm learning in my course work. Eventually, some of these may find their way into my dissertation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Innovator vs. Qualitative Scholar

I've been doing a lot of reading from educational journals and textbooks. That reading can sometimes be kind of dry, so I really appreciate how author Michael Quinn Patton writes in an informal style and includes a lot of parables, jokes and cartoons.

This comic is inspired by one of Halcolm's Law's of Inquiry. Halcolm is a fictional sage-like character created by Patton, a qualitative research expert. The cartoon guy standing next to "cartoon me" is how I picture this character.

This cartoon illustrates how there's a lot more involved in doing research than you might think at first!