Friday, May 7, 2010

Great Writers

This is a t-shirt design I drew for the Endless Mountains Writing Project, which I belong to. It's the local chapter for the National Writing Project. Our goal is to improve writing instruction in schools, including in subject areas like art. If you're a teacher of any subject, I highly recommend the experience.

We came up with the design at our recent retreat. I guess the idea is: join us, and the next great writer could be you! It's hard to compile a list of "Greats" without leaving out some greats. However, I think we came up with a diverse group of great writers, including some who have written in the fields of science and math. Oh, and there's a couple graphic novelists in there!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Halcolm's Guide for Gormands

Here's another comic illustrating one of Halcolm's Research Parables by Michael Q. Patton. This author plans to use some of these in the next edition of his textbook on Qualitative Research.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Drawing Board

After reading Griffy's Top 40 List on Comics and their creation, I was inspired to create this "fan art" comic.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Halcolm's Research Parables

(Inspired by a story by M.Q. Patton)

This comic is another that is inspired by one of Halcolm's Research Parables. Halcolm (pronounced, "How Come?") is the creation of author and qualitative researcher M.Q. Patton, who creates these stories to illustrate concepts related to being a researcher. In my interpretation of these stories, the wise master is showing me the ropes -- in this case, literally!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Teaching with the Power of Comics at Alfred University

Yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting three workshops at Alfred University. I shared many of my projects that involve integrating reading and writing with art through the captivating medium of comics. Some of the activities participants tried were comic book scavenger hunts, comic strip conversions, creating original cartoon characters and comic book reader's theater. Here's a little more about each of these activities.

(1) Comic Strip Scavenger Hunt. As participants arrived, they were given their text for class that day -- last Sunday's comics sections from The Daily Review. Our local newspaper offers a Newspapers in Education program, and they provide me with multiple copies of the Sunday Funnies. I use them in my classes, and when I take the show on the road.

After doing some round robin reading from them, we searched for examples of onomatopoeia and other literary devices we want to help our students understand.

Both teachers and faculty participated. In the center of the picture above is my old chum from Mansfield University, Tim Cox (who is now Dr. Cox, English Professor).

(2) Comic strip conversions. As far as I know, this activity was created by Athens teacher Lauren Schwenke. I got the idea from her and have never seen it anywhere else, but it's a great way to teach the writing of dialogue and words to use "instead of said." What this activity involves is rewriting a comic strip into prose. Often people are surprised at just how much they need to write to translate a brief comic strip. It really is true that a picture is worth a thousand words.

I think this was the largest group I've ever done this with. There were about 50 participants in the last session.
(3) Creating original characters. I always get a kick out of asking participants to draw. Sometimes that includes "non-artists" who may not have attempted a drawing in years. Most folks are usually pleasantly surprised after trying my method. One participant in the morning said, "This is the best drawing of a person I've ever done." What we do is copy various facial features from many different characters. Even though we're copying, by combining single elements from multiples sources, we create characters that no one's ever seen before.

(4) Comic book reader's theater. This is when I put a comic strip up one panel at a time. Participants "volunteer" (are coerced) into playing parts. Many really enjoy hamming it up and everyone's a good sport about it. The comic we enacted was The Animal Fable, a comic I drew for Curriculum Comics #2.

In addition to the above activities, I shared some other information about using comics to teach. I hope that it got everybody thinking about the potential for using this fantastic art form to give students a chance to "show what they know" in creative ways.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Comic Re-covered: Batman's New Look

Sketchbook drawing. This is a "re-do" where I take an existing comic cover and redraw it in my own style. I colored this on the computer, which I never do!

Friday, March 26, 2010

James Warhola Visit

Our school recently had a visit from author/illustrator James Warhola. Here we are posing by a sculpture created by fifth graders of his uncle, Andy Warhol.

After his slide show and reading, it was a real treat to see a lot of his original art up close. He brought finished illustrations, sketches and "dummies" (prototypes of books before the finished art is begun).
You can read more about this fantastic day at my teacher blog.