Showing posts with label RUNAWAY BRAIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RUNAWAY BRAIN. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today we continue looking at background art from RUNAWAY BRAIN.

The mad doctor in the film is named Dr. Frankenollie. Today's third B/G is the Frankenollie nameplate. This was, of course, the young animators' tribute to Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston.

Very fitting we have this today. This evening is Ollie Johnston's memorial service at the El Capitan theatre. I'll be joining friends, family, Disney company colleagues and animation enthusiasts in a special evening, celebrating Ollie's life and artistic legacy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Here are the first of several backgrounds to come, from Mickey's RUNAWAY BRAIN. These are dandy!

While Mickey is mesmerized by his video game, Pluto hears a knock at the door. Here's the digitally re-created pan background. I had to contend with a zoom as well as a pan... this took well over an hour to assemble, due to resizing the elements to match and fit! It's a great background filled with lots of detail. Did you know Mickey was a Trekkie? Yep. There's a model of the starship Enterprise near the door! It also appears he's into tennis, and video camcorders... and pizza!

I was able to digitally erase Minnie so we could see most of scene two, but Mickey refused to budge!