Showing posts with label The Imagination Train Station. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Imagination Train Station. Show all posts

Thursday, March 03, 2011

"Tracy" Episode 9: "Positive Reinforcements"

1970’s children’s show host Tracy Knapp was loved to death by a generation of kids, but killed to death by an unknown assailant. Follow filmmaker and fan Dan Sullivan on his journey to find out once and for all, who shot Tracy Knapp.

Episode 9
“Positive Reinforcements”

Just when all is lost, the children that grew up loving Tracy Knapp finally grow up, and have kids of their own.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Tracy" Episode 8: "The Secret Life of Jim Knapp"

1970’s children’s show host Tracy Knapp was loved to death by a generation of kids, but killed to death by an unknown assailant. Follow filmmaker and fan Dan Sullivan on his journey to find out once and for all, who shot Tracy Knapp.

The filmmaker confronts Jim Knapp to find out what he’s hiding, no matter how shocking, painful, or irrelevant.

Episode 8
“The Secret Life of Jim Knapp”

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tracy Trailer Revised 2009

The Tracy Trailer was cut in 2006, and as I get the movie ready to enter into festivals I've updated the original cut of the trailer to feature final shots, as well as just tightening the cut over all ( I also added a bunch of C.G. monsters and shit) . It's likely you won't notice much difference though there are completely NEW shots added in, see if you can find them!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Imagination Train Station

In Honor of the first finished screening of Tracy taking place this afternoon, check out this clip from the movie featuring the animated intro to Tracy's 1970's kids show "The Imagination Train Station".

Let me know what you think!

The Imagination Train Station Intro from Dan Scanlon on Vimeo.
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