Showing posts with label Tracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tracy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

MacLon Industries

I spent last weekend in Vegas for my cousin Brian's bachelor party. We dressed up like mid-western salesmen representing a fictional company called MacLon Industries, a combination of both cousins last names MacLean and Scanlon.

I grew a mustache and looked 5 years older, 15 pounds heavier and 20 times more religious.

Here I am on the first night party at Margarettaville. Don't want to go too crazy, we've got a big sales presentation in the morning, not to mention the big convention!

The next day my brother and fellow sales rep for Maclon Inc. and I ate a "Burger King" to get our energy up and then hit the strip.

After the presentation we rewarded the crew with cocktails and sun bathing by the pool.

Here I am networking with some real "out of the box" thinking young salesmen. "I'm sold!"

Met up with the rest of the Maclon Inc. crew later that afternoon. Hide your wallets, this sales crew is on the prowl, and they won't take wholesale for an answer!

Oh snap! This party just got turn up a notch!

Oops, we missed the convection by 6 hours, but we made some real relevant connections. Time to go home and watch "Ocean's 11" on TNT's "Movies for Guys", eat a "Wendy's" and fall asleep in the bathtub!

Maclon Industries - "If you're in business, we're in business."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tracy Screening in L.A.!

Good news, "Tracy" got into the Burbank International Film Festival...

...bad news, I don't know when or where it's screening yet. The festival runs from July 31st to August 7th, but they haven't posted any dates yet.

I'll post the date and venue as soon as I hear!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tracy Update

Tracy just got accepted into the 2010 Detroit Independent Film Festival! The festival is sometime in March, I don't have the exact date of the screening yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I know!

- Dan

Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Tracy" in Texas!

Our independent comedy "Tracy" will be playing in Houston, Texas at the 1st Annual Houston Comedy Film Festival at 12:00 PM on Saturday December 12th! If you live in the area, please check the film out and let me know what you think!

* Update! Dan Scanlon is nominated for a Best Director award for "Tracy" at the Houston Comedy Festival.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Comics from Tracy

In our film "Tracy" we had a scene featuring one of the characters secret comic book collection. We created over 30 original comic book covers, most of which go completely unnoticed in the 3 to 4 minute scene. For the next few months I'll post one a week so that they can finally get their due.

I drew this one, it's a take on the strange Andy Capp type comics about funny alcoholics in loveless marriages.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Tracy Screening this Saturday!

Our first feature film Tracy is being screened in Ferndale Michigan this Saturday September 5th at 5:30 PM at "Go Comedy" as part of the 1st annual Ferndale Film Festival. If you live in the area and have yet to see the film, I think this is a great opportunity to see it!

You can purchase tickets by clicking here. Tell a friend!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tracy Article

Jeremy Carroll of the Royal Oak Review came to the Michigan Cast and Crew Screening of our film Tracy and wrote a really nice article. If you click on the image below it should blow up to a readable size or you can read it online by clicking here.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Tracy's First Review

Our film Tracy got it's first review this week from Nicole Rupersburg of the

"Tracy is a uniquely clever, refreshingly original, slyly sarcastic mockumentary that carefully cajoles sympathy for these hapless, wacky, unabashedly geeky characters while still getting some good laughs out of their eccentricities."

You can read the full review by clicking here, and scrolling down to our film.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Dog Toy Painting Series/Dan Found Caricature

No dog painting this week, as I'm in Michigan for a Tracy cast and crew screening this morning in Royal Oak. But I do have a new found caricature of me that was discovered by a guy who works with my brother. I'm the guy on the left (I think).

If you find a good one, send it my way!

Congratulations and thanks so much to everyone in Michigan who worked on Tracy, oh and Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Tracy Composers New Album on Itunes

Alex Mandel wrote and preformed the beautiful and eclectic score for our film Tracy. His new band The Echo Falls just released their new album on itunes. Alex is a great musician and song writer, so if you liked the movie's score I think you'll really like this album, even if you haven't seen the film yet be sure to give the Echo Falls a try!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tracy's First Film Festival Announced!

It looks like we got into our first film festival! The Detroit Windsor 2nd annual International Film Festival listed their line up today and our film Tracy is included in the documentary section of the program. It's a little strange seeing as Tracy is a fake documentary, but I suppose people will figure that out somewhere near the end. So if you live in the Detroit/Windsor area this is a great opportunity to see our movie as well as some other very interesting looking films. Tracy is screening on June 27th at 9PM at the Wayne State Law School, tickets are about $9. This screening is actually taking place before the Michigan Cast and Crew screening at the Main Art theater, so if you couldn't make that, this is another chance to see the film.

I'll keep you informed as I hear back from more festivals throughout the summer and fall.

P.S. No New Yorker Caption Contest this week, as every so often they do a two week contest. Check back next week for more!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tracy's on IMDB

We're legit!

has been added to the Internet Movie Database! My apologies to the cast and crew who did not receive credit yet. I don't know why they haven't added certain people.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Tracy DVD Screeners Delievered!

A few days ago we got a run of 50 DVD screeners of our first feature film TRACY delivered to enter in film festivals, give out for promotion, as well as hand out to a select few members of the cast and crew. We also entered our first film festival, the Chicago International Film Festival. We should find out if we got in on September 30th of this year. Also on July 4th we're having our Michigan cast and crew / friends and family screening at the Main Art Theater in Royal oak. We'll keep you informed if we get into any festivals.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tracy Trailer Revised 2009

The Tracy Trailer was cut in 2006, and as I get the movie ready to enter into festivals I've updated the original cut of the trailer to feature final shots, as well as just tightening the cut over all ( I also added a bunch of C.G. monsters and shit) . It's likely you won't notice much difference though there are completely NEW shots added in, see if you can find them!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Tracy DVD Cover

Here is the image made for the short run of Tracy screener DVDs that we're making for festivals entries and other promotion. We'll probably only make a run of about 75 or less of these DVDs. This will likely not be the final image for the films poster or final DVD, but I think it does a good job for this.

What do you think? Does it make sense? Would you want to watch this film?


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Wonder Con

Michele and I went to Wonder Con today. Wonder Con is a huge Comic Book convention held in San Francisco each year and was the stand in for the fictional "Ultra Con" feature at the end of our film Tracy. We have a soft spot in our hearts for these conventions and all the great fans that attend. As Michele said about Comic Con when we went there three years ago for our comic Unmentionables, "Where else can you go to a highly populated place where 70 percent of the people there have weapons and absolutely no form of violence is going to break out".

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Imagination Train Station

In Honor of the first finished screening of Tracy taking place this afternoon, check out this clip from the movie featuring the animated intro to Tracy's 1970's kids show "The Imagination Train Station".

Let me know what you think!

The Imagination Train Station Intro from Dan Scanlon on Vimeo.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hanging by the Pool

I've been busy finishing up TRACY, but I feel like I should post something other than the New Yorker Caption Contest entries. So here is a picture of me swimming in the pool next to the beautiful people at the Mondrian hotel in L.A. during Michele's and my vacation two weeks ago.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Principle Photography on TRACY is a Wrap!!!!!!!!

In early May of 2003 my friend Brian Fee and I ventured out to shoot the first image for our first feature film together called TRACY. This is that photograph...

Five years later, I am SO happy, and proud to say that Wednesday night my wife Michele and I filmed the very last live action shot of principle photographer for that same film! This is that final image...

It seems impossible for me to truly appreciate every lesson learned on this film. But I'm so very proud of what Brian, Michele, Tom, Elizabeth, Adrian, Scott, Bernadette, and Alex and so many of my other very talented friends contributed to this project. In two weeks we're having our first test screening. Wish us luck!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin!

Today is the fictional birthday of the fictional "Tracy" film character Justin Pooge, played by the very real character Jeff Pidgeon.

As Tracy's biggest fan, Justin's character hosts the tracy movie myspace page. Check it out, and wish a fake person a Happy Birthday!

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