Sunday, March 01, 2009

Wonder Con

Michele and I went to Wonder Con today. Wonder Con is a huge Comic Book convention held in San Francisco each year and was the stand in for the fictional "Ultra Con" feature at the end of our film Tracy. We have a soft spot in our hearts for these conventions and all the great fans that attend. As Michele said about Comic Con when we went there three years ago for our comic Unmentionables, "Where else can you go to a highly populated place where 70 percent of the people there have weapons and absolutely no form of violence is going to break out".

Sunday, February 22, 2009

This Weeks New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"I figured out a way to fit all four cats into my new studio apartment."

Here's the leftovers...

I don’t think they’ve realized that the trench coat fell off as soon as they walked in the door.

I think there’s going to be an earthquake.

Looks like it takes at least five cats to change a light bulb.

No, the cats love the new baby.

If you guys can hold that pose for two more minutes, I’ll give you the sausage on my shoulder.

And here is this weeks Hilarious nominees!

"Here's to Little Miss 'Don't You Touch My Hat.'"
Submitted by Kevin Forhan
Seattle, Wash.

"She should have told us the fruit was real."
Submitted by T. J. Tu
Douglaston, N.Y.

"I didn't expect to gain weight on this cruise."
Submitted by Andrea B. Hollingshead
Manhattan Beach, Calif.

I entered...

"At least the fruit is real; I wish I could have said the same about the rest of her."

I'm starting to think I'm pressing the wrong button when I enter this thing. Oh well, better luck next time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Imagination Train Station

In Honor of the first finished screening of Tracy taking place this afternoon, check out this clip from the movie featuring the animated intro to Tracy's 1970's kids show "The Imagination Train Station".

Let me know what you think!

The Imagination Train Station Intro from Dan Scanlon on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

TRACY is finally FINISHED!

After a six year pregnancy and a brutal 4 day labor, we just gave birth to a 75 minute movie named Tracy !

Jeff Pidgeon did this great illustration yesterday. Thanks Jeff!

* Also in honor of the first screening on Feb 20th, I'm gonna post a special clip from the film here Friday morning.

Wish me Drunk!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"We should have just let the aliens finish it."

Here are the leftovers...

You might want to hold on to this design for a few hundred more years.

We've decided to go with giant butter cubes instead.

We had to skimp on a few materials to get it finished on time.

Pillarhenge is a complete disaster…

Here are this weeks nominees...

"So a doctor walks into a bar—this is not a joke, by the way."
Submitted by James Allen
Lambertville, N.J.

"Until I recover, let's just assume your prostate is fine."
Submitted by Jeff Goodman
Burnsville, N.C.

"Sorry, we're out of medical supplies."
Submitted by Christina Rodriguez
San Diego, Calif.

"I’m not gonna lie, this surgery is very risky for me."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finishing Tracy

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but all of my extra time has been devoted to trying to finish up Tracy before the first screening on Friday February 20th. I'm damn close, but man, after 6 years of working on this project, it's the last few weeks that have been the most difficult in a lot of ways. This would probably be a good place for a sports metaphor, if I knew one. The fun, creative stuff is long finished, and now it's all the technical nightmare of wrapping the whole thing up. The last few weeks have been spent hovering over the film ready to suffocate it with a pillow to put both of us out of our misery.

This Sunday night is more or less the drop dead, cut off date to finish the film, and that's what I plan on doing when it's done.

Wish me luck!

* This is me on the set with Brian Fee and a great group of friend's kid's during the Imagination Train Station shoot in September of 2005.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"At least the fruit is real; I wish I could have said the same about the rest of her."

Here are the leftovers... get it, because it's about cannibalism.

In hindsight we probably should have started with the hat.

You’re right, the fruit taste way better than her face.

I’m trying to eat more fruit.

I’m glad we saved the fruit for dessert.

The fruit really washes out the taste of human flesh.

Here's this week's nominees...

"If anybody calls, I'm not here."
Submitted by Iver Peterson
Lawrenceville, N.J.

"I'd kill for some peanuts."
Submitted by Adam Cooper
Los Angeles, Calif.

"Most men drink to escape. I escape to drink."
Submitted by Douglas Buck
Flint, Mich.

I entered...

"No more for me, I’ve got to tunnel home."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dog Drawings

Our dog Carol's daycare provider is in the process of updating her website and asked me to do some drawings. She is really cool, and Carol LOVES it there! So if you live in San Francisco, have a dog under 20 pounds, and you're looking for a daycare, I can't recommend her enough! Her business is called Bark to Basics. Oh and of course I had to put a Carol drawing in there.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hanging by the Pool

I've been busy finishing up TRACY, but I feel like I should post something other than the New Yorker Caption Contest entries. So here is a picture of me swimming in the pool next to the beautiful people at the Mondrian hotel in L.A. during Michele's and my vacation two weeks ago.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"I’m not gonna lie, this surgery is very risky for me."

Here are the leftovers...

I’m not only the head doctor, I’m also a customer.

Do as I say, not as I do.

But enough about me, what brings you in today?

...and here are this weeks nominees...

"It's sloppy work like that that gives the mob a bad name."
Submitted by Gordon Baumbacher
Kentfield, Calif.

"We are trying to reduce our concrete footprint."
Submitted by Tim Wilcox
Miwaukee, Wis.

"Two weeks ago, this was not considered torture."
Submitted by Avery Clapsaddle
Neche, N.D.

I entered...

"Sorry, we ran out of men’s buckets."

Monday, January 12, 2009

This Weeks New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"Sorry, we ran out of men’s buckets."

Here are the left overs...

It wasn’t easy finding Orthopedic cement shoes.

You’re gonna sleep with the fishes tonight Tommy “Tinny Foot” Jones.

In this economy we have to cut down on our cement use.

We’re trying out some cheaper alternatives to cement. Let us know which foot hits the ground first.

Does that feel better, or do you want to try a size smaller?

Bare in mind cement shoes run a size or two smaller.

Remember your feet are gonna swell with all the bloating and water logging.

Here are this weeks nominees...

"In this economy, you have to let the vacation come to you."
Submitted by Michael Soskis
Cambridge, Mass.

"He's pretty much up for anything."
Submitted by Kevin Kozee
Marietta, Ga.

"He has recreational A.D.D."
Submitted by Mark Kane
Bayside, N.Y.

I entered...

"You haven’t heard of extreme indecisive sports?"

Monday, January 05, 2009

This Weeks New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"Sorry, this gavel is bigger than my old one."

Here's the leftovers...

Would the stenographer please read back that last part?

Sorry, I had to go to the bathroom, what’d I miss?

I find in favor of the tornado.

This weeks nominees...

"I want to live at my dad's."
Submitted by Sean Delaney
Stanardsville, Va.

"No, thanks—I only eat them on reality shows."
Submitted by Sean Lee
Brooklyn, N.Y.

"Am I in your dream or are you in mine?"
Submitted by Joe Sherlock
Omaha, Neb.

I entered...

"I ordered that pureed."

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Tablecloth Drawings

When I was a kid my favorite part about going to a restaurant was drawing on the paper table setting. I did these today during lunch at Scala's.

Here's the guy I was drawing.

And here's a drawing of Don Rickles. He, unfortunately, was not at Scala's.

Happy New Year from Carol!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009 Tracy Update!

I've been working on our film Tracy over the holiday vacation to have it "done" in time for the first screening of the fully completed film on February 20th! There is still plenty of work to be done, mainly wrapping up the score during the month of January. I've also been working on some changes to the voice over narration. In recording some of that new voice over recently I noticed this unfortunate similarity...

This is the video image of me recording the audio for the voice over.

...And this of course is the famous "Chocolate Rain" Guy.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Five Creepy Things Part 2

Here’s a list of five things that give me the creeps. See if you agree, or add something to the list .

1. Really Tall Old People.

When old people are really tall it makes them so much harder to ignore. They become a giant walking reminder of our painful, inevitable future.

2. Grown Men with Little Hands

I suffer from this one myself. There is something about a tiny baby doll hand at the end of a thick hairy arm that make me think of a poorly replicated M.C. Esher drawing.

3. Fat guys who play guitar.

I know in your mind you’re a rock god shred ’n away on your bitching axe, but to everyone else you’re a giant man delicately tickling what looks more like a flying v ukulele.

4. Classic Cartoon Characters with New Voices

Why does Kermit sound like Kermit’s cousin? Because Kermit’s suppose to be dead, so is Bugs Bunny, and Mickey Mouse. Instead they live on, like ungodly clones waiting to turn evil and kill the people that once loved them.

5. French Rap

The rap music is suppose to be tough, and the French language is suppose to be romantic. Together they are a de-clawed cat trying to disembowel your forearm with it’s harmless baby soft footsies; scary when you really thing about the intention, but cute and ticklish in the execution.

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"You haven’t heard of extreme indecisive sports?"

Here are the leftovers...

What do you want to do today? We’re up for anything.

He can’t decide on a major.

Let’s throw a bunch of crap at him, film it and put in on the internet.

It’s hard to know exactly which steroids to give him.

Here are this weeks nominees...

"Who would have thought they'd actually give money to a bank!"
Submitted by Michael Jensen
New Rochelle, N.Y.

"At the next bailout, let's also ask for a pony."
Submitted by Lynn Tudor
New York, N.Y.

"Did you send your thank-you card to Congress?"
Submitted by Harvey Kaslow
Pasadena, Calif.

I entered...

"I’ve taken all my money out of the market and I’m putting it in fountains."

Friday, December 26, 2008

Little Miss Sunshine

As many of you know I like to paint obnoxiously cute pictures of my tiny dog Carol. Well, I'm sad to say that this is the very last one I'm going to do...


I drew the sketch for this painting of the baby lounging in the sunshine on hotel stationary while staying at the Hotel Amarano in Burbank during a work trip last week.

I had the canvas in my "man" bag, and an hour and a half to kill. It was either work on a painting or watch a third hour of "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I'm happy with the final product, but I'm sad to say I'll never get that extra hour of "Dog the Bounty Hunter" back.

This is the final painting.

More Carol paintings to come in 2009!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Cards

Here is this years Christmas card! Michele, Carol and I as the lovable, balding, weirdly intellectual children from Peanuts.

Happy Holidays from Caveat Productions!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cards

Michele and I are trying to quickly come up with this years Christmas card. In the meantime I'll post some of the ones we've done in the past. This was last years card. It's good and creepy. I'll post our NEW one tomorrow just in time for Christmas Eve!

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Cards

Michele and I are trying to quickly come up with this years Christmas card. In the meantime I'll post some of the ones we've done in the past. This card was done the year we got our dog Carol. The joke was that we'd all be walleyed like she is, unfortunately people that didn't know us just thought we were a blind couple.

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Weeks New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"I ordered that pureed."

Here are the leftovers...

Mom, is it true that I’m adopted?

Is there a hair on that worm?

Aren’t you at least going to chew that up and barf it in my mouth?

You’re late, give back the worm!

Here are this weeks nominees...

"We really need to revisit our immigration policy."
Submitted by Robert Marinai
Oakland, Calif.

"Ah, the innocence of youth."
Submitted by Steve Rappaport
Brooklyn, N.Y.

"Guess who's getting voted off the island."
Submitted by Michael Vorenberg
Barrington, R.I.

I entered...

"Why no long face?"

Friday, December 12, 2008

Better Looking Tracy Trailer

Thanks to Vimeo, we now have a much nicer looking version of the "Tracy" Trailer up online. Now you can really see the fake wigs and bad make up!!!

"Tracy" movie trailer from Dan Scanlon on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Christmas Cards

Michele and I are trying to quickly come up with this years Christmas card. In the meantime I'll post some of the ones we've done in the past. This 2004 card is the very first Christmas card Michele and I took together. What a lovely couple... of assholes.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 08, 2008

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"I’ve taken all my money out of the market and I’m putting it in fountains."

Here are the leftovers...

I kind of miss the corporate holiday mugs we use to get, cash is just so impersonal.

Apparently the economy isn’t doing well these days.

After I empty this wagon I’m going back for the toilet paper.

Thanks for telling me about this banks “Going out of Business Sale”

I wish I’d parked closer, or at least brought my gun.

As soon as I get home, this is going all over the bed, and I’m getting naked.

Here are this week's nominees...

"I'd suggest you keep them away from the gingerbread men."
Submitted by Vincent Coca
Staten Island, N.Y.

"It's not disturbing until someone wants to buy them by the ounce."
Submitted by Steve Arrowood
Oceanside, Calif.

"I did the choreography myself."
Submitted by Donovan Reeve
Ypsilanti, Mich.

I entered...

“They don’t taste very good, but they make a stunning garnish.”

Saturday, December 06, 2008


Every Saturday I work on my film "Tracy". I've been working on it for 5 years, and I'm desperately trying to finish it up by the start of the new year. Today I'm very disappointed in myself for getting distracted and not working on it at all. Instead I made this...

Fun from Dan Scanlon on Vimeo.

I turned it into an advertisement for Tracy so I would feel like I accomplished something for the movie today.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Carol Christmas Card

Michele and I are trying to quickly come up with this years Christmas card. In the meantime I'll post some of the ones we've done in the past. I did this drawing of our dog Carol for our 2006 card.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 01, 2008

This Week's New Yorker Caption Contest

Here is my entry in this weeks New Yorker Caption Contest. Each week they provide the image and you provide the caption.

"Why no long face?"

Here the leftovers...

So this must be your first day.

Sunscreen really makes all the difference.

I hate to tell you this Steve, but you’re adopted.

Have you had work done?

Erosion will wipe that grin off your face.

Here are this weeks nominees...

"I am useless until I have my morning turkey."
Submitted by Corey Lowney
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.

"I was actually hoping for a boy."
Submitted by Antonia Boyette
Los Angeles, Calif.

"I miss the cash bonuses."
Submitted by Robert Becker
Northford, Conn.

I entered...

"It’s bring your dinner to work day."
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