Showing posts with label sunday snoozing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunday snoozing. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Easy Like Sunday

This crib is in the little boys' bedroom at my house. 
When they are not here, I like to sleep in it. I'm a little boy too!
It's very cozy in here with all the blankets! Purrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sleepy Sunday

Since it is now Autumn and it is getting colder,
I have re-discovered my cozy bed!

Check out all the Weekend Cat Events
Weekend Cat Blogging #226
is being hosted by Diamond Emerald Eyes
at Diamond's Lair
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos - Edition 108
is being hosted by Sam & Mr. Tigger
at Life From a Cat's Perspective
The Carnival of the Cats #290
is being hosted by Luna
at Catsynth

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Somewhat Easy Sunday

So, here it is Sunday and I wanted to put some pictures up of me on my blog. I looked and looked and couldn't find any new pictures of me! What's up with that???? Since April 8th when my Lap Lady's DGS was born there were only a scant few pictures of me and lots and lots of baby pictures. There were even pictures of Alice and Kara, the cats who live at the DGS's house.
I sadly went into the living room but was happily surprised
when my Lap Lady came in to get some NEW pictures of me!
I rolled my head around
and peeked at her and her flashy box...
OK, you can take some more pictures... Alright, that's enough...
I need some more nap time!
Hey, look at that...
A China Cat Collage!

Here are the Weekend Cat Events:
Weekend Cat Blogging #209

hosted by Kashim at Paulchen's Foodblog
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
hosted by Samantha Black & Mr. Tigger
at Life From A Cat's Perspective
The Carnival of the Cats #273
hosted at Adventures in Cat Philanthropy

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Woo hoo, it's 69 degrees F. already this morning! Last Sunday it was only 21 degrees F. and I thought it would be warm, with the sun shining, but it was SO cold.

Today I am spending the day in the sunshine in my screened-in porch! It is so nice out! I think that I can smell Spring on the way!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Easy like Sunday AM

Well, I stayed awake too late last night,
hoping for good news about Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris,
so I figured a nice nap in the sunshine
out in my porch was a terrific idea.
One problem - the weather did not cooperate.
My porch was only 37 degrees
and there was no sunshine to be found.
Luckily I had come up with Plan B,
which of course was Back to Bed!
Zzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzz
Weekend Cat Blogging #149 has a Special Edition with
A Byootaful Life, HotMBC, and Kashim and Othello
at the Cat Blogosphere.
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 40 is being hosted by
Astrid, Kashim & Othello at The Catboys Realm.
The Carnival of the Cats #213 is being hosted by
Mr. Tigger at the M-Cats Club.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Easy like Sunday Morning on the Porch

It's almost starting to feel like Spring today - it's already up to 60 degrees and should go almost to 70 degrees! I would like to stay out in the sunshine all day long! Willow prefers the shade most of the time - I don't get that?!?!?! Time to visit all the cats!

Weekend Cat Blogging #148 is being hosted by the Bad Kitty Cats
at the Bad Kitty Cats New House!
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 39
is being hosted by Ms. Mog & the Kitty Cats
(with an optional theme of naptime) at Mind of Mog!
The Carnival of the Cats #212
is being hosted by Amar & Luna at Catsynth!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Easy like Sunday Morning

Sleeping in the sunshine is a great way to spend the day. Especially when it's only 22 degrees outside and inside you can share blankets with your best friend! Willow and I are still getting our Valentines ready but she looks very festive behind me with her white fur on that bright red blanket. It's her favorite! And since the weekend is here, it's time go visit all the other cats...
The Friday Ark has boarded at The Modulator
(submit your post here)
Weekend Cat Blogging #140 February 9th-10th Valentine's Edition
is being hosted by Kashim & Othello at The Catboys Realm
(moved from Paulchens)
(see the weekends host to enter your WCB post in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 31 on February 10th
is being hosted by The Cat Blogosphere
with an optional theme of Cats in Sinks
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats Edition #203
is being hosted by Pet and Bengal Brats at Pet's Garden Blog Sunday Evening
(submit your post here)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Easy like Sunday Morning

It's 34 degrees so I went into the tent for my Sunday Snoozing. ~~~~~
To visit all of the other terrific cats:
Friday Ark is at The Modulator.
Weekend Cat Blogging #136 is being hosted
by Cheysuli & Gemini at Chey's Place.
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 27 is being hosted
by Mom Robyn & Sanjee at House of The Mostly Black Cats
with an optional theme of Cats In Hats.
The Carnival of The Cats #200 is being hosted
by Samantha Black & Tigger at Life From A Cat's Perspective.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday Snoozing

It's Sunday afternoon and my Lap Lady should be sitting with me
watching her football guys, the Rams.
But she is busy getting ready for Christmas.
Oh, she is still watching the football game
but she won't sit down with me.
So, I guess I'll just snooze here with one of the Rams blankets.
Maybe if they win, my Lap Lady will be so happy
she'll let me sit on her lap!
Go Rams!
Later tonight, when I get some lap time for sure,
we'll be visiting Zed Monster & the Bad Kitty Cats
who are hosting today's Carnival of the Cats!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Easy like Sunday Morning

There's no place like home on Sunday Morning!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I am so happy - "my" blanket is back...This is really my Lap Lady's furry Rams blanket... But it makes me so snuggly and warm... She always shares it with me!!!