Showing posts with label tail and toesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tail and toesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Toesday and a Meme

I was tagged by Samantha for the 6th picture meme!
Here are the rules: Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.
First of all, since it is Toesday Tuesday I thought I had better make sure my toes were clean. I jumped up on top of the computer, thoroughly cleaned my toes and curled up my lovely tail. Then I counted out the 6th Folder and found the 6th Picture.
Align Center This picture was taken June 26, 2007. Willow and I were looking out the sliding glass door when much to our surprise we saw a chipmunk run by! Right inside of our screened-in porch! We started wagging our tails back and forth and made "mrrrrrrr" sounds. I was sure that my Lap Lady would open the door for us to go out and play with that chipmunk. We were so excited but it was not to be - my Lap Lady would not open that door for us. In fact, she went out to the porch through the garage door and left the porch door open until that chipmunk finally figured out how to escape. We didn't get to play with that chipmunk but we sure did have fun sniffing all the chipmunk smells after we were finally let out!
I'm going to tag the following:
Angus Mohr
The Cafe Cats
Sara, Bebe, Cloud Chaser, Baci, Suzy and Iago
The St. Louis Meezers
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
The Kaltsas Kats on the Prowl
Patches and Nemo
Tristan and Crikey are "Livin' The Dream"
Tristan and Crikey

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tail and Toesday

This is one of the places that I like to go to in my screened-in porch. There is a shelf in front of the kitchen window on the porch side where you could pass out food. It is usually too hot and humid to eat in the screened-in porch so no food is actually passed out from the kitchen. However, it makes a great spot to sit up higher and watch for chipmunks, rabbits and birds. I usually am on the couch but occasionally I like to get a different view. And in this position you can get an excellent view of my tail, which is always properly curled!
Not to forget, my toes too -- one curled and one not curled!