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Márcia Tunes
Remember that this blog is not intended in any way injure bands, artists and record labels, rather the goal is to always disclose and share fun, culture and education.

So if somehow you feel harmed by blog, please send an email to (progrockcontramao @ hotmail) that promptly delete the written material or link. The same goes for requests and suggestions.

All albums posted here were purchased legally on vinyl or CD, in specialty stores, book stores or with friends and I suggest that after you hear something you like try to buy the original.

Have fun and enjoy the space that is ours.
Marcia Tunes

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Mostrando postagens com marcador London Underground. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador London Underground. Mostrar todas as postagens

domingo, 23 de maio de 2010

London Underground - Through A Glass Darkly (2003) (Italy) (Psychedelic/Space Rock/Progressive Rock)

Minha ideia era postar este disco logo após a postagem do disco homónimo postado anteriormente, mas por razões técnicas não foi possivel. As onze faixas (incluindo duas covers, Manfed Mann e Atomic Rooster) são muito melódica e harmônica com inundações de órgão Hammond e guitarra inspirado no velho e bom Pink Floyd. London Underground som como uma mistura de The Sixties, rock, psychedelic. A música é muitas vezes simples, mas com muito bom gosto.

1. End of the race (3:41)
2. Travelling lady (5:31)
3. Sermonette (4:14)
4. The days of man (4:06)
5. Analonihum (5:30)
6. A beautiful child (4:44)
7. Through a glass darkly (3:27)
8. Cryptical purple brown orcharde (3:51)
9. Can't fnid the reason (3:46)
10. Everything is coming to an end (3:13)
11. Another rude awakening (5:25)

Daniele Caputo - drums, lead vocals, effects
Stefano Gabbani - bass
Gianni Vergelli - acoustic and electric guitars
Gianluca Gerlini - Hammond C3, piano, wurlitzer, fender rhodes, mellotron, clavinet


sábado, 17 de outubro de 2009

London Underground - same (2000) (Italy) (Psychedelic/Space Rock/Progressive Rock)

Grupo Italiano, lançou apenas dois álbuns, com um som bem legal, a banda remete a vários grupos principalmente Beatles, mas tem autenticidade! Recomendo!
A side project of STANDARTE's drummer/vocalist Daniele Caputo, this fairly recent Italian trio took their name from the very style of music that was played in the London underground during the late 60's. Caputo is joined by bassist Marco Piaggesi and keyboard player Gianluca Gerlini. Bassist Stefano Gabbani eventually replaced Piagesi and then guitarist Gianni Vergelli also joined in. Their style is similar to STANDARTE albeit much less heavy, and the guitars are used sparingly, leaving room for Gerlini to shine on the Hammond organ, Mellotron and Moog. Their albums feature excellent vocal harmonies that would have fit right into any BEATLES or TRAFFIC album of old. As influences go, we could cite BIGELF, PINK FLOYD, KING CRIMSON, ATOMIC ROOSTER, CARAVAN, ARGENT, and definitely THE BEATLES.

Both of their albums, "London Underground" and "Through a Glass Darkly" (a spoof on an old STONES compilation LP), are a real throwback to the swinging 60's and early 70's; in fact, if it wasn't for the clean production, you'd swear these were recorded in 1970. The first album revisits the late 60's psychedelia whereas the second is fully early 70's progressive. The overall sound is very British (these Italian vocalists possess an impeccable command of the English language, b.t.w.) and both albums are expertly played and well produced. Is it prog? Well, it is definitely experimental yet accessible, delightfully retro and thoroughly enjoyable. Very cool stuff!

Excellent albums for a trip back to the hip days, with tons of Mellotron. Both are highly recommended.


1. Kultual Opus #1 (0:20)
2. Magda K. (4:41)
3. Worst is yet to come (5:32)
4. Squadron Leader (2:46)
5. Everywhere I go (4:20)
6. Mass Baptizer ???
7. Was she worth my Time (6:56)
8. Love is a beautiful Thing (1:46)
9. Watcha gonna do (3:39)

Daniele Caputo - drums, percussion, vocal
Marco Piaggesi - bass, banjo, backing vocal
Gianluca Gerlini - piano, Hammond, organ, Moog, clavinet, Mellotron

Additional musicians:
Claudio Bianchini - pedal steel guitar
Stefano Cudia - guitar
Gianni Corongiu - guitar
Sergio Taglioni - string arrangement