
Vale lembrar que este blog não pretende de qualquer forma prejudicar bandas, artistas ou gravadoras, pelo contrário o objetivo é sempre divulgar e compartilhar diversão, cultura e educação.

Então se de alguma forma você se sentir prejudicado pelo blog, solicito que envie um email para (progrockcontramao@hotmail) que prontamente deleto o material escrito ou link. O mesmo vale para pedidos e sugestões.

Todos os álbuns aqui postados foram adquiridos de forma legal em vinil ou cd, em lojas especializadas, sebos ou com amigos e sugiro que após ouvir algo que goste procure comprar o original.

Divirtam-se e aproveitem o espaço que é nosso.
Márcia Tunes
Remember that this blog is not intended in any way injure bands, artists and record labels, rather the goal is to always disclose and share fun, culture and education.

So if somehow you feel harmed by blog, please send an email to (progrockcontramao @ hotmail) that promptly delete the written material or link. The same goes for requests and suggestions.

All albums posted here were purchased legally on vinyl or CD, in specialty stores, book stores or with friends and I suggest that after you hear something you like try to buy the original.

Have fun and enjoy the space that is ours.
Marcia Tunes

Para os Krautmaniacos

Visite meu novo blog totalmente dedicado ao Krautrock, divirta-se! Curta, comente, compartilhe!

Visit my new blog devoted entirely to Krautrock, enjoy, comment, share!
Mostrando postagens com marcador Strawbs. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Strawbs. Mostrar todas as postagens

quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2008

Strawbs - 2006 - A Taste of Strawbs (@256)

Disc 1 (Eyes wide open):
01. Grey Hawk - Strawberry Hill Boys (2:15)
02. The Cruel Wars (Higher Germanie) - Dave Cousins (2:48)
03. You Don't Think About Me - Strawberry Hill Boys (2:02)
04. Not All the Flowers Grow - Dave Cousins (2:25)
05. You Keep Going Your Way - Strawberry Hill Boys (2:41)
06. Sail Away to the Sea - Strawbs and Sandy Denny (3:21)
07. Nothing Else Will Do - Strawbs and Sandy Denny (2:12)
08. Oh How She Changed - Strawbs (3:54)
09. Or Am I Dreaming - Strawbs (2:25)
10. All the Little Ladies - Strawbs (2:47)
11. Ah Me, Ah My - Strawbs (1:23)
12. Man Who Called Himself Jesus - Strawbs (4:35)
13. The Battle - Strawbs (6:08)
14. It's Just Love - Fire (3:55)
15. Another Day - Strawbs (3:01)
16. Forever - Strawbs (3:41)
17. Where Am I / I'll Show You Where to Sleep - Strawbs (3:59)
18. Canon Dale - Strawbs (3:38)
19. RMW - Strawbs (5:27)
20. Sheep - Strawbs (11:48)

CD 1

Disc 2 (Changing Places) :
01. Tomorrow - Strawbs (4:49)
02. New World - Strawbs (4:12)
03. Here It Comes - Strawbs (3:16)
04. See How They Run - Dave Cousins and Dave Lambert (2:40)
05. Going Home - Dave Lambert (3:11)
06. Actor - Dave Cousins (4:41)
07. Part of the Union - The Brothers (2:57)
08. Winter & The Summer - Dave Lambert (4:41)
09. Whichever Way the Wind Blows - Dave Cousins (2:50)
10. Betrayed/Shine on Silver Sun/Words of Wisdom - Strawbs (8:43)
11. Out in the Cold/Round & Round - Dave Cousins (7:00)
12. Writing on the Wall - Dave Cousins (2:11)
13. The Four Queens - Strawbs (2:12)
14. Ghosts: Theme - The Strawbs (1:32)
15. Lemon Pie - Dave Cousins (2:40)
16. Cherie Je T'Aime (Grace Darling) - David Cousins et Strawbs (3:16)
17. So Shall Our Love Die - Dave Cousins (3:31)
18. Still Small Voice - Dave Cousins (3:01)
19. Absent Friend (How I Need You Now) - Strawbs (5:53)

CD 2 - Parte 1
CD 2 - Parte 2

Disc 3 (Inside out) :
01. Merchant Adventurer - David Cousins (3:50)
02. Blue Angel - Strawbs (10:47)
03. Goodbye - Strawbs (3:53)
04. Deadly Nightshade - David Cousins (4:15)
05. Midnight - Strawbs (4:05)
06. Sweet Voices - Strawbs (3:39)
07. Bring out Your Dead - David Cousins (4:08)
08. Another Day Without You - David Cousins (4:23)
09. Touch the Earth - Lambert and Cronk (3:53)
10. Armada - Juan Martín and Strawbs (5:02)
11. Glimpse of Heaven - Dave Cousins and Brian Willoughby (3:42)
12. Hangman & The Papist - Strawbs (3:55)
13. I'll Carry on Beside You - Strawbs (2:54)
14. Heavy Disguise - John Ford and Richard Hudson (2:57)
15. That's When the Crying Starts - Strawbs (4:16)
16. Evergreen - David Cousins (4:22)
17. Song of a Sad Little Girl - David Cousins and Rick Wakeman (4:55)

CD 3 - Parte 1
CD 3 - Parte 2

Disc 4 (Further down the road) :
01. Ringing Down the Years - Strawbs (6:48)
02. Further Down the Road - David Cousins (2:27)
03. Heartbreak Hill - Strawbs (7:01)
04. Extravaganza on a Theme of Strawbs - Don Airey (5:02)
05. Files of Facts - Don Airey, David Cousins (1:05)
06. Hero & Heroine - Strawbs (4:02)
07. Ten Commandments - Dave Lambert and Brian Willoughby (5:11)
08. King - Wakeman and Cousins (4:08)
09. Hummingbird [Instrumental] - Wakeman and Cousins (3:44)
10. Alice's Song - Acoustic Strawbs (3:02)
11. Maclean Street / Who knows where the time goes - Acoustic Strawbs (7:24)
12. We'll Meet Again Sometime - Acoustic Strawbs (6:40)
13. Sunday Morning - Strawbs (3:24)
14. On a Night Like This - Strawbs (2:25)
15. Dragonfly - Acoustic Strawbs (3:52)
16. Canada - David Cousins (6:56)
17. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - The Strawbs (4:52)

CD 4 - Parte 1
CD 4 - Parte 2

Disc: 5 ("Tastebuds" included with first 1000 box sets only)
01. Happiest Boy in Town -Strawberry Hill Boys (1:45)
02. Draught Raga - Strawbs (4:33)
03. Ways & Means - David Cousins (4:17)
04. Rip It off Blues - David Cousins (2:31)
05. Stay Awhile with Me - David Cousins (2:40)
06. Oh So Sleepy - Strawbs (3:09)
07. Barcarole [Instrumental] - Cousins & Kirby (3:29)
08. Time & Life - Cousins & Cronk (4:01)
09. Heartbreaker - The Intergalactic Touring Band (3:58)
10. Andalucian Express - Juan Martín and Strawbs (4:01)
11. Lay Down - Strawbs (4:44)
12. Over the Hill - Blue Weaver (4:42)
13. You Never Needed Water - Cousins & Willoughby (2:46)
14. If - Acoustic Strawbs (4:50)
15. Cold Steel - Acoustic Strawbs (4:39)
16. The River/Down by the Sea - The Strawbs (12:48)

CD 5 - Parte 1
CD 5 - Parte 2

Line-up/Musicians Artists appearing on at least one track include:
- David Cousins,
- Tony Hooper,
- John Berry,
- Ron Chesterman,
- Sandy Denny,
- Claire Deniz,
- Rick Wakeman,
- Blue Weaver,
- Richard Hudson,
- John Ford,
- Dave Lambert,
- John Hawken,
- Chas Cronk,
- Rod Coomes,
- Robert Kirby,
- John Mealing,
- Tony Fernandez,
- Andy Richards,
- Brian Willoughby,
- Rod Demick,
- Chris Paren,
- Don Airey,
- Adam Wakeman.