Showing posts with label Natalie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natalie. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Post Of The Day

Today's joint winners are Natalie with Alone and Jennifer Harvey with What We Take. The other top contenders were What I Should Have Said with One Day Down; Pseudonymous High School Teacher with Spin Cycle; Hope Radio with Plot Of Ground; Hilary with Come Walk With Me; Mick On The Road with R Is For Rock, Rain And Radio Ratbag; Merisi with Life In The Slow Lane and A Brush With Color with You Can Learn Many Things From Children. Do pay them a visit and leave a comment if you have time.

You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....

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