Showing posts with label Saint Agrippina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Agrippina. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bills, Clinton

This Is Not For The Saint-Hearted

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

It's pretty much standard procedure for me - blogger visits my site for the first time and, because I'm curious by nature, I return the visit. One of the curious facts of blogging is that people who comment on your site generally have a similar outlook. Have you noticed that? So it was that I checked out Rhea's The Boomer Chronicles last week and spent much more time there than I had planned. Among the many gems is Boston becomes Italy for a few days, with a picture of a figure of Saint Agrippina.

I had a very religious upbringing, but I'd never heard of her, even though she is the patron saint of thunderstorms, leprosy and evil spirits. Rhea points out that the figure of the saint is paraded all around the city's North End and people attach dollar bills to her.

Yes, Reah, I have the same problem. People keep pinning bills on me too. Not $100 bills. Not $20 bills. Not even $5 bills. No, I'm talking phone bills, rates bills, electricity bills. Surely all you good people empathise? You do, don’t you?!!