Showing posts with label 2.5" X 3.5". Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2.5" X 3.5". Show all posts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Surfer dude

graphite pencil, 2.5"x3.5" ($20 USD)

Felt like I should change it up a bit and fiddle with my pencil this weekend. I used my mechanical pencil .05, 2B lead for this one only because I was too lazy to sharpen my other pencils. Still the Bristol vellum paper took it well. I tried this experiment to see how much of my brain filled in the missing lines ... and it filled it up pretty well, which made this a little challenging to draw. My hand kept wanting to fill those gaps!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tulips for Reyna

2.5" x 3.5", Prismacolor colored pencil

For my friend Reyna U., who is a nurse doing one tough job! Hang in there girl! This one is for you! Hope it brings a smile to your face. *hugs*

Sunday, June 24, 2007

EDM Challenge #114 - Something ugly I love

This is a quick sketch of a childhood doll that I keep in my hope chest. It's rather cute (in an ugly sort of way) but she says funny things when you pull on the string. She's just about 5 inches tall but has a pretty big presence. Her repertoire is:

"Guess what? I'm brilliant!"
"I'm going to have a tantrum!"
"Maybe I'll let you play with me."
"I'm going to be president."
"I'm a perfect child!"

Hahaha, she cracks me up!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Wailoa State Park ... children feeding ducks ... fishermen in tiny boats hoping for a catch ... calm, cool water beckoning a dip.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Airport .... schmairport

Notice a lot of my drawings have been of airports lately? This is the first guy I've seen in a suit at our local airport ... like ever! He was smartly dressed in a black suit but he caught my eye ... because his hair tweaked to the side, like he just woke up. The other drawing is of my computer pack. It was my best friend for two days.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Smiling Kanoe

Can dogs really smile? I think they can.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cute cats ... and crazy allergies

I didn't post yesterday cuz I've been busy decontaminating my home of pet dander, dust, and troublesome mildew! As I write this, my cat has made her way to my now-ultraclean and bleached pillow and is making herself comfortable on it. What's a girl to do?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Greek village

I've been trying to learn Modern Greek for years and have finally gotten to the point I could probably converse well enough to order "two more beers, please." I have a fascination with Greece that is beyond my comprehension. Maybe I'll live out my dream to live there for awhile and paint to my heart's content!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

From the garden

A quick painting of flowers that grow near my mailbox. These white flowers are the last thing I see as I pull out of my driveway each morning.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I've discovered this weekend that we are all teachers in our own way. I spent the past two days helping with a teacher's workshop/camping trip, educating educators about native plants and animals, ecology and about watersheds. We also helped restore endangered bird habitat by planting 500 mamane trees! I had a blast and seems like the teachers did too! I guess we all have a responsibility to share what we know with others ... and perhaps make this world a better place for it. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Citrus 3

A quick painting ... looser ... less retentive ... more fun ...

Airports, airports, and more airports

I spent an inordinate amount of time at airports recently. Besides the multiple connecting flights, overbooked flight, and changed flights, I had a wonderful 3-day work trip to Molokai. Got to spend quality time with my Nature Conservancy friends and of course take in the beauty of the island. I miss living there and if I'm ever given the choice, you might find me living there again. These are sketches that kept me from being bored to tears.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Citrus 2

This is my artcard accompaniment to my Illustration Friday submission. I had a lot of fun with the still life setup ... until I ate it for lunch.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Reeds Bay

A quick sketch of Reed's Bay, where the oama run and families picnic on the coral beach. In real life, the pier goes on and on and on across the horizon ... I didn't want to break the expansive feeling of the ocean so cut the pier short (there I go playing God again). :)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Kipahulu forest 2

Depicting a rainforest in black and white definitely has its challenges. Since I usually do things freehand, I sometimes don't plan ahead as well as I should. I really wish I had the power to move that large-leaved branch a bit to the left ... just ... a ... half-inch .... or so. But it gives you an idea of what the forest looks like; a collection of native ferns, shrubs, and sprawling trees. It's quite beautiful really.

Old Ironworks

Spent yesterday driving around town picking spots to draw. Came across this old ironworks building. It's a fixture near bayfront, having survived the tsunami of 1960. I originally did this as a pen and ink but got the idea to color it in last night. Whatcha think?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Relax mode

Visited my favorite art store this morning but not before getting the usual ... "grande, coffee of the day, black pleeease!" Sat at Kalakaua Park with Kanoe, sipping my liquid energy. Am feeling relaxed and so content. Wish all Saturday mornings are like this.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Moonlight sparkle

Have you ever heard of someone that has never seen the sparkle of moonlight on freshly fallen snow? I haven't. This is my interpretation of that ... from a snow virgin. I actually imagine it to be much more special than this :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The shadow

I discovered some really nice color combinations in this fast painting. I laugh every time I look at it because I made the tree shadow way too wide. It was fine at first, but just had to even out the edges ... more and more ... until this!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pink on orange

It's the time of year when peach blossoms are out, April showers are in full swing, and there is a newness about the outdoors that call little buds to spring open. This is a good time of year.