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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Venice. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 12 giugno 2012

Rain, jazz & tornado

Dear diary,

It's one of those days that I would rather be somewhere else, at some tropical island - why not. I hate rain, or better hate it when lasts more than a day. I am so melancholic and if there is something I like during those days it is to abandon myself to music. Not to all kind of music - it's obvious - only jazz.

Even today I am listening to the perfect radio - JAZZRADIO.COM. There are various channels, you can pick the one, or more, that suits you best. At the moment I enjoy Contemporary vocals channel, but there are few I like most and I couldn't choose just one. Jazz is not just relaxing me but also inspires me.

Usually when I write I can't concentrate myself in silence, to be honest I prefer it in rare occasions, and instead I play music. Sometimes it's good old Richard Clayderman whose notes make me fly far, far away, but since I discovered the above mentioned radio,  my musical preference has slightly changed. Besides, jazz & rain matches perfectly. I was actually quite productive today - I wrote two articles. And now I am ready to work a bit on my new book.

Speaking about the rain, a lot of things happened in the last few weeks.. Earthquakes, never actually ended since 20th May, rain and now even we had a tornado, which hit Venice today. Fortunatelly there are no victims but there is a huge damage.

Tornado, Venice, Italy - 12.06.2012


It makes impression, isn't it?

Have a nice day, where ever you are.

domenica 2 ottobre 2011

Friends, voyages and happiness

Dear diary,

I am to blame for leaving you alone for such a long period, I know. I left unwritten these pages for a month and the fault is not online mine. I know, I was quite busy with my new work, with the wedding of my friend, but I also took a week of holidays when my dear friend Ljiljana came to visit me. You remember Ljiljana, don’t you? I already mentioned her in some of my stories and now you can meet my great high school friend.

Ljiljana arrived to Italy from France, where she lives, on Thursday 8th September. While was going to the train station I was so excited that I couldn’t wait for her to arrive. Last time when I saw her it was back in 2009 during my holidays in Serbia. Two long years have passed since those days I spent in Novi Sad, her town, but we were always in contact by mail, facebook and skype. Finally she took of the train and I saw her, different with her new hair style but always the same girl I left at the Novi Sad’s bus station. Finally I could have hugged and kissed her and spent some time with. You just can imagine my happiness and joy, all those emotions that only friends can give us!

Ljiljana stayed with us for a week, the long and intensive one that will be part of my memories forever. We have done a lot of enjoyable and funny things together, and had precious moments that we’ll never forget. We traveled together, visited the city of Romeo, Verona, and went to one of the most romantic places, Venice. It was really very nice week. Since pictures say more than words, I’ll leave you with my personal holiday postcards.

With love,

Venice 2011

Lilly, me and Venice

St. Marco Church's Tower

Lilly, Murano, Venice

Walking through Venice .. let's make some pose.

At the Arena of Verona 

Julietta's balcony

Friends, happiness and joy

Outside of Verona's arena

Trento - at the Buonconsiglio Castle

The Buonconsiglio Castle's garden

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