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Visualizzazione post con etichetta thoughts. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 12 giugno 2012

Rain, jazz & tornado

Dear diary,

It's one of those days that I would rather be somewhere else, at some tropical island - why not. I hate rain, or better hate it when lasts more than a day. I am so melancholic and if there is something I like during those days it is to abandon myself to music. Not to all kind of music - it's obvious - only jazz.

Even today I am listening to the perfect radio - JAZZRADIO.COM. There are various channels, you can pick the one, or more, that suits you best. At the moment I enjoy Contemporary vocals channel, but there are few I like most and I couldn't choose just one. Jazz is not just relaxing me but also inspires me.

Usually when I write I can't concentrate myself in silence, to be honest I prefer it in rare occasions, and instead I play music. Sometimes it's good old Richard Clayderman whose notes make me fly far, far away, but since I discovered the above mentioned radio,  my musical preference has slightly changed. Besides, jazz & rain matches perfectly. I was actually quite productive today - I wrote two articles. And now I am ready to work a bit on my new book.

Speaking about the rain, a lot of things happened in the last few weeks.. Earthquakes, never actually ended since 20th May, rain and now even we had a tornado, which hit Venice today. Fortunatelly there are no victims but there is a huge damage.

Tornado, Venice, Italy - 12.06.2012


It makes impression, isn't it?

Have a nice day, where ever you are.

domenica 7 agosto 2011

Summer time, happiness, and in wedding dress

Dear diary,

Long time since we had a little talk, don’t you agree? I was kind a busy in these last three weeks. I start working at one Italian female magazine and I haven’t got so much free time. Except on weekends obviously, but I usually I like to spend those days with my family and friends and that’s why I haven’t been so much active. But now, here I am, with a cup of cappuccino on my desk, sitting in my lovely pink room, I’m all yours now!

It was really nice although a bit cloudy weekend. Pity that’s about to end. Yesterday I did some shopping and I’ve finally found the perfect wedding dress. No, I’m not getting married although I am surrounded by people who are in that kind of spirit. One of my closest girl friends from university is getting married on 27th August, here in Trento, and I am pretty much excited about that lovely event. I was in a hunt for the perfect dress with a capital p for some weeks and I’ve finally found one which perfectly fits all my needs and desires. It is a very nice dress, it was a love at the first sight when I saw it, and I couldn’t stop myself from buying it. How could I? It is like the dress itself was just waiting for me. For more details about my lovely dress, you have to wait for few more weeks. I don’t want to speak further about it, you just have to be patient and see it with your own eyes. I hope you’ll like it as much as I do!

domenica 22 maggio 2011

If the world crashes down

Dear diary,

It’s midnight and a little bit more. A new day has just begun. According to my desk calendar, it’s Sunday, 22nd of May, current year 2011. Our lovely planet has avoided the famous rapture, announced by that funny old man from California called Harold Camping, who, apparently, was so bored that decided to make fun with the rest of the world. His predictions said that on 21th of May, maybe he got confused with 21st of December, the world we live in would have disappeared precisely at 6 p.m. Some people took his preaches for granted, the others, like me, obviously knew that it was just another bad joke and laughed loudly at it. Ok, maybe Maya guys were more serious than Harold was, but in order to prove their rapture theory we all have to wait for 21st of December 2012. I can bet that on that day I’ll be happy to celebrate both my 7th graduation anniversary and another joke. Who knows, maybe by then some other old guy could predict the same thing, or simply Harold might get his third chance (Years ago, in 1994, he made his first rapture prediction).  We’ll see.

The funny thing was that it was given too much of media space to dear old Harold that all over the world this rapture topic was very popular. To be honest, I was ignoring totally the existence of new world ending; I’ve got informed about it by internet. If something is not on the web, it’s not neither popular nor interesting. I was surprised. Everyone was just talking about this rapture thing. Among all, social networks were bombing me with a notice that on Saturday, 6 p.m. local time; my life would have changed drastically. First on facebook, where a lot of my friends’ statuses were speaking about this event; and then on twitter where the most popular tweets were only about Harold’s stupidities. God save me, I’ve said to myself before I went to sleep, from crazy and ignorant people.

I woke up several times during the night. No, God, I was not scared. Please, hello, scared for what? I was just a bit upset; I had some explicit nightmares I would rather not talk about. I have even forgotten that in few hours, by 6 p.m., I would just “disappear”. Vanish. Just like this. I took my coffee, sat at my favorite chair outside and enjoyed the morning sunshine. If the world has to crash down, well, to hell, let enjoy last Saturday of my 30 years lifetime. Ok, 31. Sorry. Anyway, ladies are never asked for their age. And no, I have nothing to hide.

Lunch time, one thirty p.m., family is around.  On the table there is one of my dad’s favorite dishes. Smell is delicious. Not bad for the last meal, according to Harold not to me. Obviously. There is also one of my favorite Serbian sweets for dessert, bajadera, that mum prepared. Time runs slowly. After lunch we all take coffee. I read also the new articles of Wannabe Magazine . There is one that I wrote, about Italian actress and director, Asia Argento, maybe my last article. Always according to dear old Harold, who might not be right.  In afternoon I chatted a bit with Katarina, one of my dearest high school girl friends. When will be 6 p.m.?

My hand watch, my favorite Fossil watch I never get separated from, showed 6 p.m. The clouds were blue and the sun was shining. No signs of storm or whatever that might announce this rapture. Everything is ok, as usual. I was laughing loudly, sitting at the balcony. My Sony mp3 player was on. There was Enrique Iglesias singing: “If the world crashes down on my knees, I know that my life was complete”. The following song was even more appropriate. Gloria Gaynor was fulfilling my soul with joy with her “I will survive”. I was not thinking about this Harold’s rapture nonsense. I was thinking about myself and my own life and how happy I am for having such a great family and friends around. No matter how bad moments we live might be, I can survive them. I will.

It was really nice Saturday in family. Indeed.  

giovedì 17 marzo 2011

The sense of life

Dear diary,

It’s been a while since my last confidence. It’s not that I was lazy. Sometimes even that can happen. I just had nothing to say. There have been the weeks of silence, I know. Important is that am here again, alive and willing to share my thoughts with you, as usual.

I have a constant thought that has been going through my mind for days, regarding the sense of life. We get born, starting our journey crying, surrounded by our loving and carrying parents. Then first we are just kids who believe that everything is so nice and fabulous, but as we grow up, we start looking the world with totally different eyes. The eyes of grown up men and women. Suddenly we are more realistic, sometimes less optimists, and what we see can cause us a big and profound sense of bitterness, helplessness. That’s exactly what I feel these days. I feel so helpless, and I believe not to be the only one. What has happened in Japan, the strong and not easy forgettable earthquake that has caused tsunami, that has taken away the innumerous victims, made me feel so impotent. It’s not the first time I felt like that. I felt exactly the same when the earthquake hit Aquila, as when my hometown Kraljevo in Serbia had the same destiny last November. People say that the earthquakes are something caused naturally, something that can’t be avoided, but that doesn’t help me feel better, nor will help people who lost their families and friends in some national disaster. What’s happening in Japan is even more serious, since there’s also the possible nuclear catastrophe to be taken into account. I was a kid when there was the same situation with Chernobyl in Ukraine, and don’t remember much. But I’m not the child anymore, and I’m quite aware of consequences that the Fukushima may leave behind. What’s then the sense of life if it can be destroyed “just like this”? Once there are you, happy and alive, and in the very next moment you are gone. For good.

Life is, however, something very precious. Life is a very special gift that we need to respect. Life is to be lived, no matter what happens. Life is a miracle. Just think of that priceless moment when a child is born. Life may be long or short. You can never know when it will be your last day so live every and each day of your life as it might be the last. Don’t regret. Everything you do, every moment of your life, was worth of. And be happy because the fact that you wake up alive, surrounded by people you love, make of you the happiest and richest people. Don’t be selfish, or greedy. Give, even if it’s the small amount of money, to people who are in need. Helping people is such a great feeling. Be noble. Don’t think that if Japan, am just quoting the current situation, is far away from you that you should not care about it. Remember that we are destroyable. We are not machines, robots. We are humans. We have feelings, emotions. We are alive, as long as it is meant to be.

Life may bring us sorrow. Life may make us suffer. Life may come to an end in one instant and take away from us our beloved. Life may bring us joy, happiness and love. Life is the gift and sometimes we are not aware how precious it is. Life is to be lived today, not yesterday, not tomorrow. Life is now. Live your life the best way you can, it’s the only one you have. Keep it always on your mind.

And don’t forget a prayer. Pray for people who are not as lucky as you are, who lost their lives in Japan and not only. And help, if you can, people who survived this catastrophe. They can and have to live again.

May God bless us all, where ever we are.

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