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Showing posts with label Personal News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal News. Show all posts

Happy New Year Everyone!!

26 January 2010 32 comments

Thanks to everyone for your continued comments and email...
as most of you know I have had family health issues as well as setting up a business..
If all goes well I should be back on board early February!!!
Love and Best wishes

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A New View

30 January 2009 45 comments

Some pics of the new place....

I'm still catching up with everyone :)
thanks for your visits and messages...I have really appreciated your thoughtfulness and friendliness during my time spent moving house...

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A Perfect Day for Lunch

10 October 2008 38 comments

well it's been a busy week with the launch of the

Win a Free Portrait for Christmas # 3

and it's off to a good start!!!
9 entries so far and all great choices..
I took a break today to have lunch with some very good friends..the weather was springtime perfect and my "stuffed" capsicum dish turned out pretty ok too...

I've had some lovely deliveries to my mail box over the last few weeks ..
the gorgeous portrait of Charlotte painted by
Christy and I couldn't help buying these adorable fairy works as well!!
I also bought these wonderful SWAN photos and cards from
many thanks gals!!! you are true professionals...
I can't wait to get these framed!!!
click on the image to zoom

meanwhile Alexander and Kelly's Portrait has been peering over my October is definitely the month for a little less procrastination and a lot more painting.....

More Awards...

muchas gracios to John for the wonderful Arty Pico Award (awarded to John by The Zen-Images Ikebana Blog)
The bloggers at
Arte y Pico (this is a Spanish language blog, so if you don't read Spanish, get your Internet translators ready) created the Arte y Pico Award to honor artists who create, design, and inspire regardless of language or culture. It's an international award for a global community of artist-bloggers, acknowledging that what we create helps make the world a finer place.

Here are the rules for the Arte y Pico Award:
1) Award five blogs that contribute to the blogging community through creativity, design, and interesting material, regardless of language.
2) Name each of the five blog authors and provide a link to his or her blog.
3) Award recipients must show the Arte y Pico Award image and the name of the award-giving blog author, as well as the award-giving blog author's blog link.
4) Award recipients must provide a link to the Arte y Pico blog.
5) Award recipients must show these rules.

I am passing this award onto the following outstanding artists:
1. Amy 2. Christy 3. Jacquelyn 4. Sharon 5. Corrine and 6. Boyd

and a big thank you to the lovely Jackie @ The Painted Veil for the beautiful Butterfly award...
check out her absolutely stunning photos and wonderful blog makeover by those talented Cats
Chica & Pumuckl !!
I'm passing this award to my TOP 5 Droppers at EC..thanks so much for your visits and support...
Turnip of Power
Picture to People
Online Games
Photography by KML and
Technically Easy

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13 September 2008 54 comments

Today is my Mum and Dad's Wedding Anniversary....

"Oh, how we danced on the night we were wed
We vowed our true love though a word wasn't said
The world was in bloom, there were stars in the skies
Except for the few that were there in your eyes.
Dear, as I held you close in my arms
Angels were singing a hymn to your charms
Two hearts gently beating, murmuring low
"Darling, I love you so"
The night seemed to fade into blossoming dawn
The sun shone anew but the dance lingered on
Could we but relive that sweet moment sublime
We'd find that our love is unaltered by time."
lyrics to "The Anniversary Waltz," composed by Dubin/Frankl

They would have been married for 56 years...
My Dad passed away in 2002...just before their 50th anniversary..

I’m going on a journey
I’m leaving here, you see
I’ll be going very slowly
Till you catch up with me.

I won't be going very far
Away from you my dear
I’ll just be out there waiting
Till you catch up with me.

I’ll wander round and wait for you
For I won't know where I’ll be
I won't be going anywhere
Till you catch up with me.

Only you know how I flounder
When I’m all out at sea
I won't know which way to go
Till you catch up with me.

For we have loved each other
In all our life, in Eternity
I’ll wait forever for you darling
Till you catch up with me.


Ken’s last cherished poem to Beryl before their parting on the 21st April 2002
Married 13th September 1952. Honeymoon photo

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Happy New Year 2008 !!

3 January 2008 26 comments

Kookaburras - Kim Barker

"A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other."

I would like to wish all my dear friends in blogland a and peaceful start to the new year ....
Unfortunately I have not had a good start as I injured my shoulder before Christmas and it doesn't look like it is getting much better ....
so I will be posting and commenting to the best of my limited ability until my arm mends....

best wishes

Kim's signature

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21 November 2007 31 comments

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern

A big big thank you to all my Wonderful Readers who have commented on my progress in Art over the last 12 months...... your comments and interest have been inspirational !!!!!

I have been having a few problems with my computer recently so I apologize to those readers who are getting errors on my page....
I would appreciate any comments if the errors are specific.....

I will be taking a break until the 1st December....
(I think I have a mild case of bloggers' block at the moment !)
I have enabled comment moderation as I have had a recent attack of the spams !!!

Kim's signature

Loz Diane Boyd Ronnie Leigh Mihaela Sue Lakshmi Lisa Pearl Lynda Fruity Archie Cooper Ev Renny Billy Lifecruiser Deborah

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What are your all time favourite books?

24 June 2007 18 comments

This is a a photo of my bookcase. Most of the books feature art and dance. One of my dance books is signed by Dame Margot Fonteyn , another signed by Rudolf Nureyev and another is written in Russian.
I have the Bible, a few cookbooks and some general interest books.
There are many more books in the basement....luckily we moved them before the recent storms.....I have autobiographies, biographies, short stories, poems, inspirational books, motivational books and more books on art, dance, music and theatre...
My most favourite three books are:
The Bible
2. My Life in Art (Stanislavsky)
The Road Less Travelled (Scott Peck)

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Who is the Birthday Girl Today ?????

22 June 2007 4 comments

I hope you have a wonderful day..

Is the party over at Life in the Fast Lane??????

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Disaster Zone

12 June 2007 9 comments

The Sunday Telegraph June 10 2007

Photos taken from our balcony before and after the storms

Since last Friday our region, the Central Coast, and further up the East Coast of NSW Australia have seen the worst storms and flooding in 30 years.

Tragically 9 lives have been lost.
Many thousands have lost their homes and possessions due to the heavy rain and flooding... and thousands are still without power....
Damages are in the tens of millions.

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A Big, Big Thank You!!!!!!

9 May 2007 5 comments

I have just visited Life in the Fast Lane ,a super fantastic blog, and read Deborah's absolutely wonderful profile of me and my work!!!!
Her presentation is so professional and well written and I am very appreciative of her time spent researching and selecting just the right bits and pieces from my portfolio. Thank you so much Deborah. I will make a special "about me" link in my sidebar for your very special post!!!

(Image "Tahlia")

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View from my Window

19 April 2007 4 comments

I have entered this photo in a competition
at Fuel My Blog
This is a view (looking west) from our balcony.
A panel of judges will determine the winner.

I have also entered this drawing in the Design a Widget

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23 November 2006 2 comments

just have to sign and deliver on saturday
acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas 90cm x 102 cm

bushfires in the air...middle and right views from my balcony

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news