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Showing posts with label World War 1. Show all posts

Anzac Day 2009 - my Artwork published!

25 April 2009 30 comments

a photo of me with the work (2008)

Lambert Barker's son Jack Barker with the work "The Last Train Home"

Last year I donated one of my works "The Last Train Home".
I received a phone call from my Mother today (Anzac Day) to tell me that there was an article published in the The Advertiser titled:
Brothers in arms at Neath Hotel on the 22/04/2009
thanks Mum as I certainly wouldn't have been aware of the article otherwise!!!

click on the online article to zoom...

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and the winner is...

28 July 2008 28 comments

5. Petra Voegtle

congratulations Petra...
YOU are the winner of 4,000 ECs

Thanks to everyone for leaving your comments on my last post...
I have listed everyone who participated and your name and numbers were entered into the random draw..
here is a screenshot of the to zoom

1. Diane 2. Deborah 3. Frantic Home Cook 4. RennyBA 5. Petra Voegtle 6. Lynda 7. Amy 8. Guttu 9. Jailbird 10. John 11. Felix Noir 12. Sherry 13. BlueWorkhorse 14. Torasham 15. Karen(karooch from scraps of mind 16. Laurie b 17. Ankit Gupta 18. Speedy 19. Mariuca 20. Sassy Mama Bear 21. Sharron "Shez" Marshall 22. Cooper 23. Dr. Jarret Morrow 24. JMom 25. Jafabrit's Art 26. Lisa 27. Gurushabad 28. Brandi 29. Ivan 30. removed (spam) 31. Mekhismom 32. Jodith 33. ClinkscalesArts

It has been a busy week for me with a family re-union (relatives of 'The Barker Boys') and presentation of one of my works (see photos)

Lambert Barker's son Jack Barker with the work "The Last Train Home"

click on the images to zoom

I was also working on the portrait of Alexander and Kelly..I have painted over Alexander's face (3 times) as it wasn't quite not much progress there..

In instituting this annual prize, the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation wishes to encourage excellence in drawing and draughtsmanship.
Value: $20,000 (acquisitive)
Medium: Unique work on paper or other suitable support in any medium or combination of media. This includes those media and materials traditionally associated with the practice of drawing (pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, etc.) and those which are part of contemporary drawing practice, including pastel, watercolour, collage etc.
Other information: Applicants must have been born in Australia or hold Australian citizenship, and have been a resident in Australia for a period of 12 months prior to the closing date. Works are to be completed during the 12 months preceding the closing date.
Dobell Prize application form 2008 (PDF)

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The Last Train Home....almost finished

9 March 2007 3 comments

Just a few details to fix after

viewing on the computer...

will send to the framers on Monday..

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The Last Train Home

5 March 2007 4 comments

most areas blocked in....fine tuning
tomorrow....waiting on white gouache
for background.......






The Barkers

Four Brothers and their Father

went to war

They went to war to fight for their country.

Tom returned from Gallipoli (wounded).

Jack (John) was killed in action at the

Battle of Messines.(aged 17 years)

One month later his Father, Jim (James)

was killed in action,

at the Battle of Messines.(aged 46 years)

Job (my Grandfather) was brought home at the

request of his Mother on compassionate grounds.

Job didn't finish the journey to his hometown.

He alighted from the train at the station

before his hometown

as he didn't want to be thought

of as a coward by the townspeople

who had all turned out to welcome him home.

Lambert returned from the war after 5 years

at the end of the war

and died from

gas exposure in his early forties.

I get a lump in my throat when I

think about this story.

mixed media on canvas 1.7m x 1.5m

I hope to have this finished by the

end of the week.

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About The Author
Kim Barker is a Visual Artist (Diploma in Art and Graduate Diploma in Education). She is also a fully trained Reading Recovery Teacher. She has taught RAD (Royal Academy of Dancing) and Cecchetti Ballet Syllabii. Kim also manages the Top Artist' Directory and PoeARTica as well as her blog laketrees She lives with her family on the Eastern Central Coast of Australia. Follow Kim at laketrees on Twitter for updates and news