Showing posts with label hunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunt. Show all posts

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Rolling Meadow - Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event

Rolling Meadow, 9 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

Rolling Meadow is my last painting from the Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event. This meadow caught my eye every time I drove by, and on the last morning I finally stopped to capture the early slanted light. I was delighted when the owners of the property drove by and gave me their enthusiastic "thumbs up"... Made my day! :) 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Billowy Reflections and The Weekender

Billowy Reflections, 24 x 24, oil on canvas, L. Daniel © 2013 - SOLD

The Weekender, 24 x 18, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

Captured here are two Texas icons: the Guadalupe River which runs through the Hill Country and the Driskill Hotel in downtown Austin. Something about the color palette and the low focal point in each connects these two paintings. Sure, one is a nature scene and one is an interior, but both send the viewer's gaze (and the painter's gaze) into a thoughtful distance of repose. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Morning on the River - Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event

Morning on the River, 12 x 9, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012 - SOLD

Fall color is beginning to emerge! This is another spot on the Guadalupe River in Hunt, Texas. The early morning water was so still and reflective, it was almost like glass. After about an hour of painting though, a breeze came up through the canyon and killed the reflections. Luckily, I had gotten lots of the color information in place early on, so I was able to stick with my original inspiration... that golden mirror image.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Overhanging Cypress - Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event

Overhanging Cypress, 9 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2012

Huge cypress trees line the banks of the Guadalupe River in the Kerrville and Hunt area of Texas. It's quite something to see how they create a corridor for the water to run through. This particular stand of trees welcomes visitors at the entrance of Camp LaJunta in Hunt. The camp directors were kind enough to let us spend a day on their land. It was so pleasant to stand in the shade and paint with that lovely water flowing past. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Golden Banks

Golden Banks, 9 x 12, L. Daniel

One of my favorite things about the Hunt area of Texas is the wonderful spots in the road that cross over and next to the Guadalupe River. This crook in the river caught my eye every time we passed it and I became slightly obsessed with getting there to paint. We determined that morning would be the best time, and went back in earnest on our last day. It was kind of a grand finale for our painting trip.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Watching the River Flow

Watching the River Flow, 6 x 12. L. Daniel

This is another one from our trip to Hunt, Texas outside Kerrville. The Guadalupe River runs through this whole area, sometimes wider, sometimes narrower. I like how the trees along the bank seem to be cheering it along on it's journey. This view belongs to my good pal Julie, who generously shared it with all of us! (Thanks J!)