Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bait Shop Morning - Fix-It Friday #11

Bait Shop Morning, 8 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2020

This plein air painting has been sitting in my studio for a couple of years... just waiting for some attention. It depicts a long-standing bait shop out in the middle of a marsh in the Golden Isles of Georgia. I love the dancing trees along the road that leads to it, and I have painted it several times from various angles and in different lighting. When I painted this one on location, I just didn't quite "get" the light and ambience of the day...

So, years later, here are some fixes... 



Problem 1 - The horizon line and row of trees was smack-dab in the middle of the picture plane and divides the painting into halves. 
Fix 1 - Dropped the horizon line, the base of bait shop, and the roots of the tree trunks.

Problem 2 - The light lacked commitment and its source was undefined.
Fix 1 - Added color to morning sky.
Fix 2 - Darkened cloud bank.
Fix 3 - Added highlights to bait shop and trees to indicate light source.
Fix 4 - Darkened foreground marsh to focus light on the subject (the bait shop and road).
Fix 5 - Darkened distance uprights to help highlights in subject to pop.

When painting the landscape, it's important to leave some of the details out. That can be hard because there is so much going on, and everything seems important. But we have to choose what is MOST important. It helps to keep asking myself, "what is the painting about?" I always do better when I stay "on message".

Notice everything, and then choose.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Texas Landscape - Workshop Value Study Demo

Texas Landscape, 6 x 8, oil, L. Daniel © 2018
Value Study Demo for Wimberley Artist Workshops

Last week, I had the privilege of teaching a group of fabulous painters in Wimberley, Texas. This was a four-day workshop with the Wimberley Artists Workshops, and it was an all-inclusive, total immersion set up. It's a such great way to go... beautiful accommodations at the Creekhaven Inn, with  all meals taken care of... we were completely free to just paint and learn!

We started out the first day with a value study in the morning, and then painted the same thing in color after lunch. It was a great exercise, until the winds picked up in the afternoon... all but two of our easels blew over, and it was a bit of a battle. But no one gave up!! And that is the risk of plein air, right? You never know what is going happen! 

The value study was designed to help students learn about atmospheric perspective... to see how values diffuse in the distance, and to learn to incorporate that change to give depth to their paintings. We started out mixing a range of grays... 

5 mixed values plus white and black
(We mixed a rich black with ultramarine and burnt sienna.)

First came a sketch of the scene.
I looked for layers going into the distance.

Next came the grays... 

 Working dark to light...
The sky (where the lightest lights are) comes last.

In the finished value study...
Notice how each plane lightens and softens as it gets farther away.
The foreground has darkest darks and greatest contrast.
In the distance, values come together and contrast goes away.

Below are pictures of my students, hard at work! 
Many thanks to all, especially to Judy and Jocelyn for sharing your photos!