Showing posts with label san angelo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label san angelo. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

City View - En Plein Air Texas - Quick Draw

City View, 6 x 8, oil painting, L. Daniel © 2015

After a week of painting, we had one last painting event on Saturday morning. The Quick Draw. This is a timed painting competition - literally, a cannon boomed for our start, AND for our finish 2 hours later. Quick Draws are nerve-racking, but they always "push" me. This time I won 3rd Place and sold the painting! Woo hoo! It was a thrill and pictures are below...

Many thanks again, to all the organizers of En Plein Air Texas! They were well organized and wonderful hosts. And thank YOU, for following along with these posts. So fun. 

Me with the new owner of my painting!

Me with our Judge, Gay Faulkenberry.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Courtyard Color - En Plein Air Texas!

Courtyard Color, 12 x 9, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

The last day in the afternoon... we had a formal luncheon (and attended in our paint clothes) and then went out to find one more painting. Everything had to be framed for the competition and turned in the next morning, so although I was tired, I didn't want to miss this last opportunity to paint. I had several courtyards that interested me, so my host called around and got me permission to paint in this lovely backyard!! (She was the greatest!) As the light peeked through the trees, these wonderful shadows began to grow on the wall and I had my last painting. 

Well, there was one more... the Quick Draw on Saturday was actually my last... and I'll share that tomorrow! Thanks for following along! :)

Monday, November 9, 2015

Hillside Manor - En Plein Air Texas!

Hillside Manor, 16 x 8, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

On the last day of En Plein Air Texas, we painted in an old neighborhood called Santa Rita. The houses have lots of character and a creek runs through the middle of it. When I saw this home in the early morning light, I knew I had to set up in the yard and paint it. One of the neighbors (who paints) came out and watched me paint almost the whole painting. It could have been distracting, but he was a great audience! :)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ranch Path - En Plein Air Texas!

Ranch Path, 12 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

Ranch day in San Angelo offered many beautiful views for painting. After a hearty lunch, I drove around hunting for just the right spot. I ended up next to the corrals where sheep were being tagged. The lambs had to be separated from their mothers for this process, so they cried all afternoon. (They were not hurt, but it sounded a bit haunting.) Just as I finished, the lambs and ewes were reunited, and the crying stopped. Whew! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Cotton Field Homestead - En Plein Air Texas!

Cotton Field Homestead, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015
En Plein Air Texas!

On the third day of En Plein Air Texas, we were invited to paint at two private ranches in the countryside. As I was driving out there, I saw this homestead and pulled off to paint on the side of the road. It was such a typical farm scene from that area and the morning light was hitting it perfectly. I did make it to the ranch land in the afternoon, but spent a lovely morning right on the edge of a cotton field! 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vineyard Light - En Plein Air Texas!

Vineyard Light, 8 x 16, oil, L. Daniel © 2015
En Plein Air Texas!

After painting on the main street of the little town of Cristoval all morning (and talking to every visitor to the post office), a quiet afternoon in the Cristoval Vineyard was MORE than refreshing! Standing under some huge oak trees with a delicious constant breeze, I basked in the solitude. The colorful umbrellas at the tasting room are what caught my eye and I loved how they played "hide and seek" through the trees. Did I get a taste of the  vineyard wares? When I finished painting it was dinner time, so no, I did not. I'll just have to go back! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Old Fire Truck - En Plein Air Texas!

Old Fire Truck, 9 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015
En Plein Air Texas!

After lunch on the first day of the En Plein Air Texas plein air competition, I high-tailed it over to this old fire truck I had seen the day before. I knew it would be an afternoon painting, and the light and shadows of the day did not disappoint. 

What I found out later, is that this truck is headed for bigger and better things. Soon it will be turned into a piece of public art, covered with mosaic tiles. Here is a link to other such works by the artists who will perform the transformation: Art in Uncommon Places. I will have to go back to San Angelo just to see it! :)

Those same artists happened to be our hosts at a fabulous party in their studio that night! Many thanks to some very creative and generous ladies!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Morning Shadows - En Plein Air Texas!

Morning Shadows, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

I am back from San Angelo, Texas, to report on En Plein Air Texas! The event included 35 juried painters, who arrived for a week of non-stop painting. We checked in last Sunday and hit the streets with brushes in hand on Monday morning. We painted downtown, on ranches, in villages and neighborhoods, at a winery, and on many highways and byways in between. 

On Friday, we turned in our framed wet paintings to be hung and judged by fabulous painter, Gay Faulkenberry. It was an INCREDIBLE show full of gorgeous work, and awards were plentiful and well-earned. On Saturday morning, we went out painting again for a 2 hour Quick Draw, and had another round of judging. I didn't win anything in the big show, but I got 3rd place in the Quick Draw (so honored)! We all sold a lot of paintings, and had a WONDERFUL time. 

This was my first painting of the week. When I saw this beautiful church, I loved not only the architecture, but the way it was backlit by the rising sun. It was actually a pretty cold morning, and I even had to wear my fingerless gloves to stay warm! It was worth it... this piece was one of my favorites! I heard later that it was purchased by a church member who gave it to the church to be hung in the parlor. I was/am thrilled!

I will be posting one painting at a time from my week, so I can share the process and my thoughts from the experience. Please stay tuned!