Showing posts with label price $875. Show all posts
Showing posts with label price $875. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Perch and the crazy month of February!


The Perch, 9 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2021

What a weird few weeks I have just lived through!!! Had COVID (mild case, all good), came home to broken water heater (wood floors ruined), endured the Texas Snowpocolypse (78 hours without power and survived!) I happy to be back and thinking about art again! :)

So, let me tell you about this painting from St. Simons Island in November... These Wood Storks showed up at my workshop, and I KNEW I had to go back and paint them!!! I just loved their long, pointed beaks and ancient looking bodies! They are known for building nests in trees hanging over or next to water (like a marsh). They also seem to find large dead branches for perching on and keeping watch over their surroundings. I don't think they miss much!

Upcoming workshops:
St. Simons Island, GA - April 8-10
Austin, TX - May 14-15 (full w/wait list)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Cotton Field Homestead - En Plein Air Texas!

Cotton Field Homestead, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015
En Plein Air Texas!

On the third day of En Plein Air Texas, we were invited to paint at two private ranches in the countryside. As I was driving out there, I saw this homestead and pulled off to paint on the side of the road. It was such a typical farm scene from that area and the morning light was hitting it perfectly. I did make it to the ranch land in the afternoon, but spent a lovely morning right on the edge of a cotton field! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Spring Water Reflections

Spring Water Reflections, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

This week I met up with a couple of my Plein Air Austin buddies at Krause Springs in Spicewood (just outside Austin). This very cool park and natural springs has been family-owned since the 50's, and it's a great, authentic swimming hole for hot summers in Texas. Of course, the depth of the springs ebbs and flows with our rainfall totals, but it's cypress trees and rock formations are gorgeous any time!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Silverleaf Sunflowers, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

I was originally drawn to this scene by these whimsical, crazy-tall sunflowers... then I noticed the dramatic shadows on the cottage. It was fun to find a composition that included both elements, and a delightful way to celebrate the first day of Fall!

Please join me for my last workshop of the year...
En Plein Air: Strong Starts, November 6-8, 9am-1:30pm
Register @ The Contemporary Austin Art School

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Docked Shrimp Boat - Georgia Coast

Docked Shrimp Boat, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

Commercial shrimp boats are constantly trawling the horizon on the Georgia Coast. Their complicated rigging is quite distinctive, not to mention the commotion of birds, dive bombing for the refuse. It's a huge industry and the harvest is enjoyed in most local restaurants. This shrimper was "in" for service and I was able to paint it at rest. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Beach Bridge - Georgia Coast

Beach Bridge, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2015

Recently I have been getting the urge to add people into my paintings. I'm not exactly sure why, but with this painting it was overwhelming. When I got it home (finished but with no figures), I decided to go for it. I got my brushes back out and added the suggestion of a few beach lovers into the scene, working from photos I had taken. It changed everything. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Miss Kitty's Shop - Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event

Miss Kitty's Shop, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

I came across this quaint spot during the Kerrville Outdoor Painting Event last weekend. Miss Kitty's shop and saloon is no longer serving the public, but it sure hearkens back to another era on the Old Ingram Loop. While painting in the late afternoon light, I got to met several shop owners as they shut down for the day. Carrie, from Blue Moon Antiques, came out and took this picture of me in action. Thank you, Carrie!!

Me at the corner of Old Ingram Loop and Kitty Street in Ingram, Texas.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Solitary Morning - American Women Artists National Exhibition

Solitary Morning, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

The 17th Annual American Women Artists National Exhibition opens this weekend at the Addison Art Gallery in Cape Cod (Orleans, MA). I am so pleased to be participating with my waterscape, "Solitary Morning". This show is always spectacular and inspiring to see, so if you are in the area, please drop by the gallery. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the reception this year, but my painting is there in my absence. 

American Women Artists National Exhibition
Addison Art Gallery
43 S. Orleans Rd., Orleans, MA
Opening Reception August 16, 5-7 pm

For purchase information, please contact Addison Art Gallery.
Show runs through September 15.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Village Boulevard

Village Boulevard, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

This quaint divided boulevard is in the town of St. Mary's, Georgia. It's a peaceful place to visit and I loved how the morning sun lit up the front of this historical Catholic Church, "Our Lady Star of the Sea". Isn't that a great name? The chapel was built in 1840, originally as a bank. When the bank failed, the building was purchased, a bell tower was added, and parishioners met there until a formal church was built in 1957. The chapel is only used now for special services. It's quite a charming place. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beckoning Path

Beckoning Path, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

St. Simons is a barrier island connected to the mainland by a causeway and bridges that cut through the marsh. The causeway has great views of wide open marshland and ever-changing waterways; and it's a favorite place of mine to paint. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cottage Corner - Anderson Gallery show wrap up!

Cottage Corner, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

When I set about to paint my "marsh to beach" series, I knew this beach house corner would be included. It radiates a timelessness and history that take me back to my first visits to St. Simons Island 35 years ago. The golden isles have had a piece of my heart ever since. 

Below are some pictures of the Anderson Gallery on opening night. I wish you all could have been there, it was a wonderful evening. You can see the full body work on my website by clicking HERE.



Quick pictures Mary Anderson in the gallery before the opening. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Beachside Solarium - Anderson Gallery Exhibit

Beachside Solarium, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2014

I know I have sounded like a broken record about this upcoming solo show, but I am excited about it! Thank you for letting me share my paintings these last few weeks, and thank you for all your words of encouragement. 

The opening is tomorrow night and here are details:

Marshside to Seaside
Anderson Fine Art Gallery
St. Simons Island, Georgia
April 25-May 24
Reception May 25, 6-8pm

View the entire body of work on my website, HERE.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Villa and fall classes in Austin!

The Villa, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

This lovely villa is the prominent feature at the Art School where I teach painting - one of my favorite places in Austin. When I painted this scene on the grounds a few weeks ago, I was delighted to see hordes of children there for summer art classes. It's thrilling and reassuring to see young "creatives" hard at work becoming the next generation of artists. 

When I asked some of them what they were taking, I got the funniest answers. One little girl answered that she "does it all" and has known "all her life" that she wants to be an artist. She was about 8... such confidence! Another one opened up her pink backpack and showed me what she was literally "taking" (as in, taking with her to the class). After all, who doesn't need their pink lunchbox, pink hairbands, and pink lip gloss for an afternoon drawing class? Ask a silly question... :)

Painter Friends in Austin, registration for fall classes begins today. I would love to see you out painting - Wednesdays at 9! :) Click here to register: The Art School.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Windy Bay - Door County Plein Air Festival

Windy Bay, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

This is my final installment of paintings from the plein air festival in Wisconsin. On my last painting day, I went over to a state park on Lake Michigan and set up my easel overlooking Newport Bay. Very quickly, the wind picked up and I was almost blown away. It was such a beautiful view that it was worth enduring the opposition! :)

Below is my painting from the 2 hour quick paint on Saturday morning. For this event, all the festival artists met up in a four block circumference at 9 am, and painted for two hours (with a buzzer to start and end us). Then we quickly framed the paintings in the backs of our cars and brought them to the auction tent where they were immediately auctioned off. It is a CRAZY scene!

Lilies in the Sunlight, 12 x 9, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013
Door County Quick Paint - SOLD

Me, painting in the Quick Paint.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Painting Papel - Door County Plein Air Festival

Painting Papel, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

Well, I said I wouldn't have time to post, but here I am. This is my first painting of the Door County Plein Air Festival 2013! I had a great time painting this little paper shop, named "Papel", in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin. It's pretty in pink exterior and bountiful flowers were impossible to pass up. I also met many wonderful art aficionados who came by to check on us artists. Thanks to all who said hello and gave me a kind word of encouragement! :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hidden Canyon

Hidden Canyon, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013
(Painted last week in Austin)

This week, I am up in Wisconsin for the Door County Plein Air Festival! I am so excited to be invited back as one of the featured artists in this weeklong, so-much-fun, event! Tonight we all gathered for dinner and an orientation, and tomorrow we will hit the deck running. It will be a week of non-stop painting. I probably won't post any pictures until it's all over because time won't permit. But please wish me luck!!!! And if you happen to be in Door County, please find me and say hello. 

Door County Plein Air Festival Schedule:
July 22-26 - Painters on location in Door County, daily
July 24 - Sunset Paintout in Sister Bay, 6 p.m. - sunset
July 26 - Gala Auction at Peninsula Art School in Fish Creek, 5 - 9 p.m.
July 27 - Quickpaint/Live Auction at dockside in Fish Creek, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Backyard Rest Stop

Backyard Rest Stop, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

On Monday, I really wanted to paint outside, but it rained all day long. Water is much needed in these parts, so no complaints! I decided to stay home and paint in my own back yard. It was quite pleasant (and oddly relaxing) to watch the showers come and go while I stayed dry under the covered patio.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Cloud Billows - Georgia Coast

Cloud Billows, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013
(For more info on this piece, click on the title)

After a brief July 4th hiatus, I am back with just a few remaining images from my trip to St. Simons Island, Georgia. Marsh scenes like this one with big, active skies are plentiful in that part of the country. There is something about those low country colors that just gets me every time I see them! It's a wonder I don't drive off the road sometimes. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Old Bait Dock - Georgia Coast

Old Bait Dock, 12 x 16, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

This old dock has definitely seen some better days, and I am guessing it has also seen some interesting history. It's fun to imagine. Along the coast of Georgia rivers like this one ribbon their way through the marshes, connecting the islands and communities of the low country. They are dotted with docks, both new and old, but I have a special affinity for the ones that have a little more patina on them. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

River Boat - Georgia Coast

River Boat, 16 x 12, oil on panel, L. Daniel © 2013

This elegant river boat sits at the end of a quiet little marina just over the causeway to Jekyll Island (about 30 minutes from St. Simons). While I was painting, two young boys who were on a houseboat trip with their grandparents kept a close eye on my progress. They peppered me with rapid-fire questions... "Will you put in the bridge? Is that your boat? How long have you painted? Do you sell your paintings? How much will this cost? What is the biggest painting you have ever painted? How much was THAT one? Will you put in the other boats? Why didn't you paint the other end of the dock?" 

The boys must have been listening, because later they brought over their grandparents and gave them the entire spiel, complete with prices and explanations about how I had edited the scene. It was pretty funny to hear one of them point out quite logically, "she left out the bridge, grandma, because including it would take our eyes off the boat."