Showing posts with label engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label engineering. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Awesome: The Commencement Speech From Space

Take a look at what happened yesterday: "NASA Astronaut and UConn alum Rick Mastracchio '82 (ENG) delivers the 2014 UConn School of Engineering Commencement address from the International Space Station."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Fun Video: Welcoming the Freshmen to Georgia Tech

The entire speech by sophomore Nick Selby is here, but this is the absolute highlight:


"You're at Georgia Tech!  You can do that!"

PS: Don't miss the Nerd Lord sitting in the top right corner.  Watch him crack up.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heroic Geekery: Japan's Earthquake Architecture

It has frequently been pointed out that Japan is one of the best-prepared nations in terms of natural disaster preparation.  In a sense, it has to be, as it is sited on a dangerous geological zone prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity.  Some while ago, some of my friends did a research project on Japan's earthquake architecture and efforts to design buildings that could withstand tremors, and it was absolutely mind-boggling.  But it paid off.  Look at this video footage of office buildings in Tokyo.  The skyscrapers swayed in the 8.9 quake (one of the biggest ever recorded), but they did not collapse. Utterly amazing.  See, good engineering can and does save lives.  More here.