Showing posts with label Daniel Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daniel Smith. Show all posts

Saturday 28 December 2013

The Top Five Artists' Watercolour Paints in 2013

Personal preferences were expressed in the product review poll "Which are the best artist-quality watercolour paints? (2012 / 13)" on my website Which is the best brand of watercolour paint for artists?

The chart below records the results of 360 responses.

Derived from
Which are the best artist-quality
watercolour paints? (2012 / 13)


  1. Winsor & Newton - 27%
  2. M. Graham Watercolour Paints - 11%
  3. Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints - 10%
  4. Fine Schminke Horadam Aquarell - 9%
  5. Sennelier Aquarelle Extra - 8%
It's basically Winsor & Newton way out in front and then four brands - two American and two European - bringing in the next significant group of artist grade paints.

Those who are unfamiliar with M. Graham Watercolor Paints may be surprised they came second. However you should note:
  • Reviews of these paints generally provide high praise for the quality, saturation and lightfastness
  • 95% of those buying this paint from Dick Blicks would recommend them to a friend.
  • The Wilcox Guide to the Finest Watercolours gave high ratings to these paints across the watercolour range.
Below that most paints got little or no support of significance - although there is a good spread of those that did get votes

The chart below reflects the paints in the poll in alphabetical order - and indicates the percentage of the vote each attracted.

The ranking of different brands of paint - in percentage order - follows the chart

Ranking of Watercolour Paints

This is the final ranking for the 2012-13 Poll to identify
  • 27% - Winsor and Newton Artists Watercolours 
  • 11% - M. Graham Watercolor Paints
  • 10% - Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints 
  • 9% - Fine Schminke Horadam Aquarell
  • 8% - Sennelier Aquarelle Extra
  • 6% - Holbein Artists Watercolor
  • 3% - Royal Talens
    • Rembrandt
    • St. Petersburg Watercolors
  • 2%
    • Daler Rowney Artists Watercolours 
    • Kremer Pigmente Watercolors
  • 1% 
    • Da Vinci
    • Dr. Ph. Martin's Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Paints
    • Grumbacher Watercolor - Finest
    • Lukas Aquarell
    • Maimeri Blu
    • Mijello Mission Gold Watercolors
    • Royal Talens - Van Gogh
    • Shin Han Premium Watercolors
The following paints failed to get a vote:
  • Art Spectrum Artists Watercolours
  • Blockx Extra Fine Watercolors
  • Holbein Irodori Antique Watercolor
  • Old Holland Classic Watercolours
  • Pebeo Fragonard Extra-Fine Artists' Watercolors
  • Robert Doak's Concentrated Watercolors
  • Stephen Quiller Watercolors
  • Utrecht Artists' Watercolors

I'll be posting a new Poll for 2014 in the next few days.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Daniel Smith's Watercolor 66 Try-It Color Sheet

Sometimes a manufacturer comes up with a new idea for how artists can try out their products which just make you nod your head and say "Yes!"

This is one of those - and it comes to you courtesy of DANIEL SMITH.  This Try-It Sheet contains 66 paint-able "dots" of pure DANIEL SMITH Watercolor.

I particularly like the fact that each colour is listed with information about:
  • its ASTM Lightfastness rating 
  • whether it is staining or non-staining
  • information about the extent to which it granulates
  • whether it is transparent, semi transparent/opaque or opaque
You can either use the sheet as a reference for when you are choosing which watercolour paints you want to use from the DANIEL SMITH watercolor palette.  Or you can just wet the dot with a brush and try out the paint.  Or both!

I've no idea how long this Try-It Sheet has been around, but I think Daniel Smith has just ramped up the "information for watercolour artists" stakes - in a very good way.

Thanks to Billie Crain on Facebook for drawing this to my attention.


DANIEL SMITH sent me a message to (1) thank me for this blog post and (2) tell me that they have posted two useful videos relating to this product on YouTube - so here they are:
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