Showing posts with label art business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art business. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 May 2010

The Best Art Business Books

I've produced a new "resources for artists" information website called The Best Art Business Books. Many thanks to all those who are already tweeting it and 'liking' it on Facebook!

Why did I create this new site. Well - as I've indicated before (Making A Mark - Amazon assigns ludicrous categories to Art Books 11 May 2010) it's sometimes really, really difficult to find the book you're looking for on a topic you're interested in on Amazon because of the way they are categorised and tagged - sometimes with very odd labels.

What I've also noticed is that there has been a fair few new books relating to the art business which may be of interest to artists - if they ever came across them!

So what this new site aims to do is provide a curated collection of the what appear to be the better books on Amazon which are about the art business and the business of being an artist or illustrator.

I've tried to sort books into appropriate categories and these relate to artists, illustrators, people selling in galleries and in less traditional venues, those setting up galleries and those who collect art!
  • Do you want to learn more about the business of being an artist?
  • Looking to improve your marketing of your art - and your sales?
  • Want to make the jump to full-time artist or illustrator but not sure what you don't know that you need to know?
  • Thinking about setting up and art gallery and looking for tips?
  • Need a form for an art business transaction?
  • Seeking legal advice on some aspect of the art business?
  • Starting to collect art and wondering whether there's a book that can help?
If any of the above apply then The Best Art Business Books has a book which can help you.

This selection of books about the business of fine art and illustration are a combination of my own personal recommendations, recommendations by artists and art bloggers I know and rate highly and books which have achieved a high rating on Amazon.
These are the topics which it covers.
You can find out about......
click a link to go straight to the topic
This is still a work in progress as I add in links to artists and illustrators who have blogs and posted a review of art business books they have read.

Can you help?

I'd be interested in your impressions and suggestions for how it could be improved.

Two questions for you:
  • Do you have a favourite book about the art business which you have found helpful?
  • Do you have a book about the business of being an artist which you have reviewed on your blog?
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