Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something Different

Organic Cotton Wahcloths

My organic washcloths has been featured in this lovely collection curated by Anastasia, European designer of Cute+Broke.  Check out the complete list of items in this Treasury.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Whimsical Blanket for Alice

I made this blanket for my cousin's daughter's third birthday.  
She had an Alice in Wonderland themed party and loves purple.
The label on the box was handmade too.
Hope you like it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back and Bouncing

After three months of being away from the blogosphere, I'm finally back!  And sure knows how to welcome me back with a big bounce.  Europe's leading online marketplace is celebrating it's one million members and my Patricia Scarflette is once again on their front page.

Thanks Dawanda and Hooray! for your one million members and counting.

Me Eco-Friendly Scarflette is also featured in Dawanda's Trends and Styles.

Click and check out's unique products.  You'd be happy you did. 
Cheers! And Thanks for stopping by again.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

An Old Century Style

The classic triangular shawl is revisited. Using vintage style and pattern, I recreated one of the styles that made crochet popular in the late 1800s.

I couldn't help but think about the history of the needle art I came to love while doing this piece. Wondering how many women across centuries took the quiet time to finish the same project. Imagine from 1800s 'til today, this form of art ceaselessly persevered.

It was a joyful process to give life to a classic creation and give history a modern take.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sunshine State

Will from Florida requested the new color for the iPad sleeve. Orange - zesty as the Sunshine State itself.

Thanks Will for your suggestion, and hope your iPad is getting cozy with its new sleeve.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Digital Bookworms

If you're a bookworm like me, chances are you've got an eReader. Digital readers such as Nook, Kindle, iPad and Sony Readers have become so popular due to their portability, book-on-demand and online reading features.

I made these cozies to fit a Nook, Kindle or Sony Readers. Next time you cuddle up with your favorite read, why not give your hardworking reading machines some cozy time too with these neat covers. Also fits most traditional pocketbooks.

Click here to see more images.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heather Grey Laptop Sleeve

Heather Grey, the newest addition in the

Even the new label is entirely handmade.

I'll be posting a tutorial on how you can make
your own label, so stand by.

Click here to see more images of the new laptop sleeve.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Going Vegan

Love your greens? Wear it!

'Peas in a Pod'
Multistrand Artisan Necklace

Click here to find out more about my new creation.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Roses are more than Red

It's time for 'Magnificent Mondays'!

Roses bloom, not just in red.
Here's an 'earthy' take on the world's most iconic bud. Enjoy.

Click here to find out more about this week's picks
and the artisans behind these creations.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Front Page

My 'Poppies in Paris' Lariat was featured in's Front Page Today. Thanks Etsy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bye Snowballs

See more at UrArtist Shop.

Winter is not over yet. In fact, we're still at freezing temperature here in Chicago. That means, we still get to wear our favorite winter outfits and accessories.

Yesterday, it was time to bid farewell to 'Snowballs'. Nope, it's not our pet or a peeve. It's the knitted scarf I made that's truly one of a kind. I made it with freestyle knit stitches, no pattern in hand or plan. It was one of those 'knit a stitch as you go along'. An abstract fiber art is what I call it.

It was one of my favorite knit creations. I love that there's nothing one like it and that it's purely a product of the imagination.

So, bye 'Snowballs'. May you give warmth and comfort to your new home and owner.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rugby Stripes Are In

Available at UrArtist Shop. $39.

My laptop sleeves are gaining popularity. So far, over two hundred of these cozies has been shipped around the world since I started making it over a year ago. What once started as a personal quest to find a unique laptop sleeve for my then new laptop, became a sensation to savvy web surfers across the globe.

I've sent couple of these fibrous handmade caddies to all continents except Africa. The top five countries are USA, Germany, Canada, Asutralia and France.

Last week, I got a request from a New Yorker who loves to watch rugby football to make a 'rugby stripes' laptop sleeve in her favorite colors - medium pink and red. I'm always excited whenever I get such requests since the finished work is not just a product but a result of two collaborating individuals. The creation process becomes more enjoyable for both.

Maybe next time you watch your favorite game, you'll be inspired to have a laptop sleeve to match your team's color. Don't forget to tell me about it, I'm always open to try new ideas.

Happy web surfing!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tangled up in the Studio

'Grey Skies are Turning Blue' Art Cowl

It's really getting cold here in Chicago. We already switched our summer clothes in our closets with fall and winter outfits. Ofcourse, these breezy weather calls for accessories to keep us warm.

At this time of the year, my studio morphs into a fibrous stead. Skeins and spools of yarns, threads and laces take over the canvases and paints. What once used to be a jar of brushes is now stuffed with knitting and crochet needles. 'It's that time of the year.', my husband would say. My sketchbook is getting filled with designs of scarves and other yarn projects.

So, pardon me if you haven't seen me writing much these days. It's because I've given in to that irrepressible calling to turn those yarns into something extraordinary, while wrapped up in my favorite cozy and sipping my favorite peach white tea.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Sweets don't interest me as much as spices.  

Two years ago, my husband succeeded in getting me into chocolates.  It stared with that little espresso bite.  An inch of dark chocolate cube with rich espresso filling in the middle.  A powerful dose of caffeine enough to wake up a sleep-deprived gal.  

Then, they say the rest is history.  There's chocolate mousse, cafe mocha, chocolate martini, chocolate power bars and granola cereals with dark chocolate.

So, here's to all the chocolate lovers - a rich dark brown sleeve for your iPhones.  

To remind you of all the sweet things in life.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Black Saturday

The beauty of black. 
Classic, timeless. 

An insignia of loss.
The grace of defeat.
Token of grief.

Symbol of darkness.
Feelings kept.
Unfulfilled dreams.

It's petals wither.
New buds sprout.
Sign of hope.

A new beginning."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We Card Hard

Credit cards, business cards, driver's license, gift cards, membership cards, pledge cards, appointment cards and card-size bill folds.   Did I miss anything?  Oh, yes.  Photo cards, moo cards, coupons and memory cards.  I'm sure the list goes on.

Is sifting through the ever-growing number of cards getting tougher?  Why not put them in color-coded sleeves.  Business cards in black.  Credit cards in red (red, to signal 'stop' or 'pause' before using it).  Yellow for others.  

Plus, you won't end up losing everything, in case that precious wallet or purse gets lost.

Isn't that clever?