Showing posts with label indian summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indian summer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Traveling Thursday: Sunshine State


Summer is like a haiku, a very short form of Japanese poetry. Brief but meaningful.  A season that brings all sorts of memories, some cheerful and some are not. I recently wrote 'Episodes', a haiku about the varied experiences summertime conveys to us. Read it here.

What's your favorite summertime memory?  

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Shadows of Summer

Shadows of Summer
Acrylic on Canvas. Painted today.

Capturing the elusive warmth of Summer in canvas.

Everyone around is asking 'Shouldn't it be in the 90's (degrees) already at this time of the year?'.  Should be, but the weatherman said this will be the coolest and rainiest Summer in history of Chicago.  

Got to make the most of it then, or else, Indian Summer will be what's left.  Then comes the bitter chill of winter.  

I'd rather have this than those.  At least for now.