Showing posts with label Breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakfast. Show all posts


Daisy Lupin rest in your own peace.

As I stand here, I may feel awestruck, yet I am not alone, I am connected with the Glitter Sisters, around the planet and indeed in Daisy’s case now the universe, who knows where? Daisy always had the ability to take us all into the next dimension! That doesn’t leave me feeling awestruck, no it is simply awesome. Around the globe flowers are being scattered on blue waters, songs are being sung, prayers are being offered, thoughts are being kindled under trees and candles are being lit…all for our dear glitter sister, Daisy Lupin, Hilary. The Who’s Who of the Glitter Gang are all with us, in spirit now, sharing your grief and holding you with love….. Angie, Ontario Canada. Pam Aries, Charleston, South Carolina, Kate Robertson, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA Ninnie, Ozark, Alabama, Terri, South Carolina, Violette, Canada, Lisa, California, Pixie Sue, Northallerton, Claire, Grantham, not knowing yet of Daisy’s passing indeed Daisy herself posted recently Daisy Lupin said... Still thinking of you. Spent the weekend in the garden, which was lovely. I have been cleaning and freshening up my daughter's room today. Although she is grown up and lives in London, she still has her room here. She is in Jamaica this week and then late next week she is coming up to stay for a few days before returning to London. Kai, Dayton but out in the VW bus at the moment, with her latest illustration, a Daisy! Tinker, Redlands, California, Janet, Antelope Valley, California Gemma, Arizona Flassie, Judie, Gulfcoast, Florida, Angela, Savannah, US Lila, Arkansa, US Carmen, US Sheila & daughter Blue the Spa Girl, Canada. Sioux, Texas, Robyn, Australia, so close to Daisy, Hilary who wanted so much to be here today, but will vist soon. Denise, mrsnesbitt, Carlisle, today, for Daisy, for the Glitter Sisters Each of the listed above also represents about another 15 – 20 people who didn’t know Daisy as well as we did, but who were moved by the affection and love we all talked about when talking about Daisy and who witnessed the depth of the sorrow and loss we all felt when we heard the sad news. Daisy was a true Glitter Sister and can relish in the fact that she was part of the very first International Glitter Sister Meeting in March this year. Here, Daisy documents the event…. Tuesday, March 20, 2007 WE CAME, WE SAW, WE CONQUERED I thought the above quote of Julius Caeser's was apt for the First International Meeting of the Glitter Sisters. The day started for me at 7.20 in the morning on the road to Newcastle, a city sixty miles away. It was cold but the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining. At Newcastle, I had a little time to spare before boarding a train for Northallerton. By this time I had phoned the redoubtable Mrs Nesbitt to say I was en route, she told me that when I changed trains at Northallerton, Sue [who might be called Poppy, she could be really because she has red hair] would meet me at the station and we would jump onto a train for Thirsk [ a journey time of seven minutes would you believe!]on which Mrs N would already be on board. I spotted Sue immediately, and came out of the waiting room to say 'You have got to be Sue', luckily it was, and we went back to sit in the waiting room trying to keep warm. There was one gentleman in the waiting room reading his paper, well really rustling it nosily, I think by this time we were talking so much the decibels were rising. By the time we turned to Stone Circles and Goddess Dolls, he walked out of the waiting room, such is the power of the Glitter Sisters to clear a room! The train approached, Sue and I waved like maniacs at the carriages, getting some very strange looks, no one waved back, so we got on one end and worked our way through the carriages looking for Mrs. N. Eventually in the last carriage, I could see a head bobbing up and down, I said to Sue 'That's Mrs N'. We all met and hugged, once again causing consternation. Then suddenly we were at Thirsk station, where Anna was waiting for us, she drove us into Thirsk [ for some mad English reason Thirsk station is not where you think it should be, in the centre of Thirsk, no no its way out in the boonies]. Anna had pinched her husband's swish car for the day so we arrived in style. We parked in the Golden Fleece Car Park and went in. As though it was ready and waiting for us was a large circular table and room for six people. The Goddess of the Glitter Sisters was really looking after us. Talk about King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table, more like Queen Violette and her Glitter Sisters of the Round Table. We had just devested ourselves of our many layers of clothes and sat down, when two faces appeared at the inner window. There's Kai abd her sister I shrieked, all decorum forgotten, a love fest ensued, of hugs, clasps and kisses, by now we had a lovely audience of sedate yorkshire ladies drinking their yorkshire tea in the pub on market day. We all sat down round the round table, and strangely enough all laid our hands flat on it touching the next person's hands. We were lucky the table did not levitate, take off and whirl us round the room, I think we would have been escorted off the premises then. Then we started throwing out a pile of little delish and pretty things we had all brought as little treats for each other. It was like Christmas and Birthday's all in one as we opened, oohed and ahhed and spread tissues paper, stickers and glitter all over the table. Occasionally , one of us would break out with, FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF THE GLITTER SISTERS, and the cameras began to flash at each other. We realised no staff had approached us, I think they were a little uneasy and were treading with care, who were these mad women, where had they come from, was this the future of the world, they were seeing being trialled in Thirsk? Did we have minders, were we really allowed out alone with this standard of behaviour. We started telling people it was an international meeting, the first one to be held, I mean Sue had come as far as about seven miles away! Finally Lorna, Kai's lovely sister, got up and got us some menus. It was decided it was a celebration and Glitter Sisters definitely did not do salad but much more rib sticking Yorkshire food. We all pointed disapprovingly as Mrs N copped out and ordered the smoked salmon salad, which I have to say was served in this most beautiful bowl patterned with fishes, which we did think of putting it in one of our bags as a souvenir! Alas the waiter was EXTREMELY quick to take it away, do you think he overheard our conversation? The wine flowed and we decided that Glitter Sisters always do puds and desserts, especially as they were to die for, delish. Then the fun started, the conversation grew in volume and was peppered with a few risque words such as d*****, which was because I told a story of a young lad whose mother lives near me and is the manager of an Anne Summers Shop [ the English girls will get this one] he decided to plant a few of these items amongst my plants and the next door neighbours,[ to go off on a tangent what did we do, that fine summer's morning, report him to his mother, so we lined them up on his patio for all to see when his parents awoke]. Oh we were flying high by now, and strangely enough once again the bar emptied just us Glitter Sisters left, then for me the best bit. Wow!!!!!!! I can make Peace Cranes now I had one to one tuition with Kai, it is much easier to follow a person making it instead of printed instructions. Menus were being ripped up everywhere. How we were all shiny, red faced and noisy and just so enjoying ourselves. Then like Cinderellas, it was time to leave the ball, the weather had changed, it was sleeting and windy, our powers were all glittered out, we didn't want to return to our rags, but the party was over. Much hugging and more hugging and even more hugging and Kai and Lorna went on their way and Anna took us back to the statiion. Thirsk station, with every modern amenity, no waiting room just miles of open track. The wind howling and the snow blizzarding as we sang silly songs and tried to huddle at the side of a railway man's hut. Brave Anna waited with us for well over an hour and just as she decided to drive us to Northallerton, the train finally arrived, more hugging etc and thankfully we entered a warm train. Sue and I left Mrs N on the train and got off at Northallerton. There I waited a further hour and a half for a train to Newcastle, at least there was a waiting room, but no coffee shop. Kind Sue waited with me and finally we parted, yes more hugs. I arrived in Newcastle to hear a train was to depart in two minutes for my nearest town. Never in my life have I got over a bridge to three platforms away in a faster time. Just before the train started I boarded and sank into a comfortable seat and warmth. Suffice to say I slept all the way to my station, which luckily is the terminus. Out of the station into the bitter cold, into a warm car and home. A lovely hot cup of coffee, [with a little nip in it if you know what I mean, Irish Whisky] and then a hot bath and straight to bed, I fell asleep immediately. The 19th of March 2007 should go down in history. How amazing that six women who have never met each in the real world, should be so like old friends, one good thing to say thanks to the modern world for. Being a true Glitter Sister event it wasn’t about us meeting up…oh no, it had been discussed by the rest of the glitter sisters in avid anticipation of the day itself… Daisy.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo this is like waiting for Christmas. Well, I am cracking open the wine tonight to celebrate Kai's safe arrival in the UK. People keep saying about the meeting next Monday, have a glass for me, believe me if I have as many glasses as people are telling me too, here is one glitter sister who will be getting carried onto the train to go home by the other glitter sisters. WATCH OUT THIRSK YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS ABOUT TO HIT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daisy Come on girls you are going to have to try a bit harder than that, we have had two heavy showers that turned into snow flurries today, they have melted now. So fingers crossed, they will probably freeze because it is bitter cold. Come on shake those glitter sticks and do the no snow dance and I'll raise an extra glass or two to you all if you succeed. Lisa Oceandreamer responds… Star light, start bright make the snow melt in the night Make the new day warm with sun So these GPS can have some fun Wave your glitter wands shout out the spell that tomorrow's weather all goes well. After the event it was still the subject of much discussion Gemma said... Great people who don't know each other bonding in such a way...also that there were people all over the world who weren't there....cheering for you!!! Sheila said... There may have been six of you in the restaurant, but I think many many more of us were there in spirit..! When Kai returned to US this is what she wrote… Daisy, such a graceful, loving lady.. Did I mention she oozes talent? She was gracious enough to sit thru an Origami lesson while we awaited the feast of glitter gastranomic delights.. We made some peace cranes and they came out well thanks to the wine.. As we were driving to Dad's house, Lorna smiled and said, "You have some fun friends!" You bet I do!! Peace, Kai. Saturday, June 16..the day we received the sad news from Lydia I didn't know Daisy as well as a lot of her blogger friends, but I feel the need to acknowledge her sudden and unexpected passing. Just last week we had exchanged a flurry of emails, chatting about our favourite books. We enjoyed some of the same authors and she recommended books to me which I ordered on Amazon the same day... All spring I have followed Daisy Lupin's blog, reading her account of planting her garden. She loved to spend time there and it was evident by the magical results she achieved. I looked forward to seeing her pictures as the new plants grew and flowered. This morning's news has left me numb. I want her family to know that I feel such sorrow at her passing. To her blog friends ..I know we will all feel her loss keenly. She educated us with each post, and taught us things that we would otherwise never have learned. I had known her online for a few weeks only, and yet she took the time to send me a card and tree ornament last Christmas, both hand made with love. I learned that she didn't suffer fools gladly, yet if she was your friend nothing was too much trouble. She loved to sleep with the moon shining on her face...When you look at the moon tonight, there will be another star in the heavens... Kate A dear friend has passed I don't know if I can even write about this but I will try. My dear Glitter Sister Daisy Lupin passed away. Her last note let us know she had been ill but we all figured she just had the flu or something. I expected her back at her blog enticing us with wonderful stories before long. Todays note from her daughter was so shocking that I still can not believe it. We are all losing such a wonderful soul. I never got to meet Daisy in person but felt a strong connection and friendship. We all share lives and loves and trials, she offered support and love. I will miss you Daisy! You can leave messages for the family at Daisy's blog . Please keep them in your heart and prayers. Quote of the Day:" Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." ~Flavia Kai Daisy passed away last eve.. I have no more words right now, it's like someone just ripped another hole into my universe and snatched a bright and beautiful star from it.. and the world is a little darker today..such sadness. Peace, Kai Gemma Daisy has now entered another doorway. Lisa Oceandreamer Daisy/Hilary always wore moonstones, she taught us about the phases of the moon and the affects of the moon and cycles of the moon. She talked of sleeping with the moon light on her pillow. She would lay her moonstones on the window sill to absorb the moon light. I own moonstones now because of her. For me, she now dwells in the moonlight. She is the blooming garden, mighty oak the Rowan tree, quiet village life and fairies that dance among the blooms. She is the reading of a good book on a wooden chair in the sun of summer. She is fairy lights and incense and the Green Man upon her sitting room wall. She is a day’s ride on the local bus wearing her magic hat. shawls on a cool day and dangling earrings every day,the loyal friend, the wise goddess, the healing teacher. She is a glass of wine with candlelight. She is fairy pod lings and spirit dolls. She is her childhood imagination and Sunday tea, the train through the countryside and the waves of Cornwall . She is the hippie heart, music playing, songs Ladies of the Canyon and Suzanne. She is the finch and the shy crows and the blackbirds and thrushes she sees from her garden chair. She is the colour purple and barefeet, the smell of jasmine and roses and Vanilla. Sunday rest, history retold. She is the willow tree, springtime and Saturday market. She is faery steps that lead upward Lunar months of the Celtic calendar. She is the cool breeze on the first Spring morning. She is so much more....and she will remain within all our hearts and when we see these things, feel these things, touch these things, read a certain book, hear a song, watch the night sky or a bee landing upon a will be her. Daisy will live on through those she touched and will forever be in the moonlight and dancing with her cat in the kitchen and out with the flora in her garden. Henry Van Dyke 1852 - 1933 * Parable of Immortality * I am standing by the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says 'There she goes!' Gone where? Gone from my sight - that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the places of destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says 'There she goes! ' there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout 'Here she comes!' 'Here she comes!' Glitter Princess, Daisy Lupin, our very own Hilary. This is the eulogy I will be reading at 10.20am Please know your comments will be viewed by Daisy's family here, where the Glitter Sisters have been posting their own tributes. Denisexxx

Write it down!

Photo a Day
My List

Paperback writer

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?
Based on a novel by a man named Lear
And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer,
Paperback writer.

I am a great list writer.
I have a lot to do over the next couple of days and find writing notes and making lists helps me keep a degree of perspective and keeps me organised.

Today's list speaks for itself!

I now feel organised.
Now I will continue with my day.
Not many words from me today,
I want a clear head,
so this afternoon I can spend time writing my eulogy for Daisy's farewell tomorrow.

I will spend the morning thinking as I take Wilma on the beach.
It will be nice to go to the Garden centre too.

Jon is taking me to choose something for my birthday.......

Watch this Space!


The week ahead!

Photo a Day
The Sky !

Grey skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;

Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.

Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,

It's not your style;

You'll look so good that you'll be glad
Ya' decide to smile!

Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out those double chins;
Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,

Slap on a happy grin!

And spread sunshine all over the place,

Just put on a happy face!

Amazingly there was a break in the clouds yesterday and we went to Whitby on the motorbike!
We got absolut
ely drenched! LOL!

I took this at Whitby and you can see the dark clouds.
Although we passed through rain we were going to go over to Pickering, but as we pulled out of Whitby into yet more rain the sky looked dreadful over Pickering so we headed home.

I thought of Robyn!
A gathering of Harley Davidson bikers!

My gloves and leathers are still drying out!

A busy week ahead.
A mixed week too.

It looks as though Daisy's funeral will take place.
I would like to thank you for your comments regarding Daisy, it has indeed been a very difficult time, so unexpected.
All of us have been deeply saddened by Daisy's passing and have felt really supported by the many comments left on our blogs.

I will need to decide whether to drive to Carlisle or travel by train.

I am one of those people who likes to be punctual.

If my train leaves at 8 o'clock, I will be at the station for 7.30!

If I travel by train I will only have one change of train which will be in Newcastle, but I will be worrying all the time incase I miss the connection!
so, will look into it
a bit more.

On Saturday we will be having a BBQ as we do every year for my birthday.
I will be spending time this week getting everything ready and making sure the house is spick and span.
The weather is dreadful at the moment but we will put up some tarpaulin sheets from the patio doors and carry on as normal.
Some years ago when it was my SIL's birthday they did the same with the tarpaulins and it works a treat.
Because the tarpaulins are sky blue it does give the feeling of a blue summer evening!
I will also use some lights and candles so
it should look welcoming!
On Sunday we will be going to Scarborough for the Motorbike Racing.

Today is 25th and the eagerly awaited release date of the new Shirley Bassey Album.
We watched her yesterday, she was singing at Glastonbury, my can she belt out a song!
I won £10 on the lottery so will use this to buy the CD favourite sone is "Get this party started!"

This is the song used in the Marks & Spencer's Christmas commercial for 2006.
You will recognise Twiggy too.I need to learn the words for Saturday! LOL!

The album is called "The Living Tree! It was sometime this year we saw her on the TV singing this song and it really made the hairs on my neck stand up! When you think she is 70 this year! She is amazing! The very essence of a diva!


Saturday afternoon, it's raining!

Photo of the Day
Last first home grown radish!

Do you carrot all for me?
My heart beets for you,
With your turnip nose
And your radish face,
You are a peach.
If we cantaloupe,
Lettuce marry;
Weed make a swell pear.

June is here! Signs?

The rain was heavy during the night and although it looked fairish this morning, the heavens opened this afternoon! Fortunately Jon managed to cut the lawn but had to stop when the rain became heavy.

A quiet day really, just household tasks.
I pity the poor people at Glastonbury. Today one of my favourite groups are playing..."The Killers!"
Found this lovely version of one of my favourite songs of theirs.
It was recorded in Abbey Road Studios, I will let the band speak for themselves.

Response to comments:

Wilma only swivels her head like she did in the video when a word is new...she didn't do it today when I said the same word, but she did when I said "Fillet Steak!" LOL!

you were's raining!

Yes the flowers are lovely they smell wonderful today, in the rain

great stuff, glad you loved the video.....there will be more! LOL!

Can't wait to see Spot on a video!

..need a translation.

Freecycle is great!

Yes a true star!


This, that and the other!

Photo of the Day
Our Back Garden
1 hour ago

English Country Garden
How many kinds of sweet flowers grow
In an English country garden?
We'll tell you now of some that we know
Those we miss you'll surely pardon
Daffodils, heart's ease and flox
Meadowsweet and lady smocks
Gentain, lupine and tall hollihocks
Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, blue forget-me-nots
In an English country garden.

How many insects come here and go
In an English country garden?
We'll tell you now of some that we know
Those we miss you'll surely pardon
Fireflies, moths, gnats and bees
Spiders climbing in the trees
Butterflies drift in the gentle breeze
Their are snakes, ants that sting
And other creeping things
In an English country garden.

How many songbirds fly to and fro
In an English country garden?
We'll tell you now of some that we know
Those we miss you'll surely pardon
Bobolink, cuckoo and quail
Tanager and cardinal
Bluebird, lark, thrush and nightingale
There is joy in the spring
When the birds begin to sing
In an English country garden.

As you can see, the rose we bought for our wedding anniversary is in full bloom!
The perfume is wonderful and wafts over when I am pegging the washing out....well, when it is not raining!

The weekend is here, the weather has been dreadful yet again but work is progressing with the building project.
I am quite into it now and am looking forward to the finished item...whenever that will be.
It will totally transform the area immediately off the patio from the kitchen patio doors, so every time we walk outside the transformation will be evident...
I will have to start planning! LOL!

Jon is working for part of the weekend so I am hoping to get out in the garden.
I have done really well this week thanks to Freecycle.
A lady was offering some spring bulbs which she had to dig up, and her friend was wanting a new home for a garden plastic table and 4 chairs.
You can never have enough garden furniture...especially when it comes in free!
With my Birthday BBQ just a week away this will be really useful.
I returned the e-mail and the next thing I knew I was on my way to collect!

Last week I had lifted my tulip bulbs from the container at the front of our house.
I had left them in a large bucket, ready to dry them out...when the rain came in abundance!
I have now dried them all in the greenhouse, together with some daffodil bulbs we had to move when we dug over the paddock for our vegetable plot.
I was going to sort them all out but I think I will just plant them at random, that way it will be a total surprise in the Spring.....hopefully a host of colours.
Just need to decide where to plant them...
I may plant them under the sycamore.

I am really excited at the thought of digging up my very first early potatoes.
Bob Flowerdew digs his up and if there are any really small ones he puts them back in the soil after removing the larger ones...this sounds good to me!

Hopefully I will get out in the garden over the weekend as I want it to look really nice for next Saturday!

We always have a good laugh at the BBQ and possibly Jon and I will go out for a meal on Friday, my actual will just be to our local, but a change.

It is 16 years this week, since we moved into our house.
June 28th 2001! The day before my birthday, I remember it so well!
It is the longest I have ever lived in one house and we both still enjoy living in the village.

Just as I typed the above I looked out of my study window....LOL!
John, neighbour over the road is erecting a fence,
which you can see was of great interest to the cows!

There are 2 houses for sale in the village, so new neighbours!

Yesterday we received confirmation of accomodation in the Isle of Man, so now we have both accomodation and ferry tickets for the 2008 TT!
We are both really excited....even if it is nearly a year away!

Comments from yesterday...


Indeed a beautiful beach, just gorgeous.

Heard from Daisy's daughter today, possibly Wenesday or Thursday, but still not definate, would you believe more tests.
It is so difficult for family and friends with so many lealities to go through; I hope Daisy's family are soon able to set some dates.
I am not sure what the etiquette is regarding comments, sometimes I feel like a plate spinner...I just get round leaving comments and I am then trying to catch up, which is why I am responding to comments here.I have tried to post comments on some blogs and have then found my comment is not appearing on the blog, so frustrating.

yes I agree about leaving comments on other blogs being a great way to meet new people.


Glad you had a good morning! LOL Wilma is indeed a tonic!
lilymarlene .... That stonehenge picture is a stunner, but it's not!

Pam ,
so glad you popped along for the walk!

yes memories!

Wilma...wait till you see today's video! LOL


You too will love the video today!
I am with you on the comments too..

Ex-Shammickite ...
it was the wind honest! LOL and not mine!

craftyhala ..
Yes so nice to see Wilma happy. To think, we rescued her! Her case was really bad, so we are glad we gave her a home!

Happy Summer Solstice! to's all down hill now! Nights will get longer, winter soon! LOL!! (Jon's words not mine!)



Photo of the Day
Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice
By Joy Marsh

Hanging stones commingle with the sun
faithful, even though defiled;
teach us to be mindful of dying and birth.

The sons and daughters of the neoteric
solstice chant their private incantations,
morning, noon and night they observe.

Ancients attuned to the turning skies
laugh, ever so slowly at first.
It’s a long, long way from the cords of time,
to synthesize with our beating drums and pipes.

What a bumper day yesterday, yes topped 25,000 visitors!
A time to celebrate!

All people who commented this space!

Lots of comments yesterday,but Blogger was having a flounce and would n't let me comment ON MY OWN BLOG!!! so...will comment here!,

I love taking the photos it helps me appreciate and share the feelings expressed in open roaming places....
One day you may see for yourself the wonderful beach here on our doorstep!!
Love and hugs,

Kai... interesting facts you have ...I didn't know they had the worlds oldest parliament.....will check the year it was formed! LOL
Wilma barks hello and sends a cuddle..
Peace n love,

Mahala... we are not far from Scotland, and as for the tractor...a real treasure eh!

Carmen ..thanks, 25, 000 is just amazing...for such an ordinary blog like mine.

Thomas Hamburger Jnr

Thanks so much.

Cynthia ...rain eased off, sunny at the moment, but it could cloud over any minute!

CaBaCuRl ...comes naturally doesn't it!

Pat, glad you can share it all!

My PAD and
Guelph Daily Photo


It will be about 14 miles from Whitby is Skinningrove...I'll check!

Anam, you are welcome anytime.


No probs.

Normally I answer comments in the comment box, but for some reason blogger was playing up this morning, so I posted here instead.

I was reading in a forum yesterday about comments on blogs.
It is a really good way to not only keep in touch with what people are up to, but it also shows a response to what is written.

I have noticed that the comments increase now..sometimes people read the blog but do not comment, it is so reassuring to see comments and also a response from the blogger.
I know this is something our dear friend Daisy noticed.

Still no news on final arrangements, my heart goes out to the family...
So much red tape and procedures that "Must" be followed during such a distressing time...let's hope matters are sorted and the family can make plans for Daisy's ceremony.

I haven't managed to get out for a walk today, well not yet anyway.
I did video Wilma on the beach yesterday so I will share it with you....

Please bare in mind it is quite a task to video Wilma, throw the ball, and also take is some of the atmosphere I wanted you to feel!



Photo of the Day
Fishermen on their way to work

Hi ho, Hi ho It's off to work we go (whistles) Hi ho, Hi ho, Hi ho

Can you see me ears mum?

Another lovely day on the beach!
As usual we had the beach to ourselves.
As we were walking along we came across one of the locals, out with his Fordson Major.
This is the type Jon had, and which he sold recently to make room for the new shed building.
He was going to restore it, but 13 yars down the line he simply did not have the time.
I had a chat with the chap. He was collecting shingle from the beach for his pigeons.
He told me there was a problem with his tractor....a pipe thingy!
We had a good chat and I left him to fix his tractor....I di think he posed well for me though!

On our way back to the car we bumped into another chap..
"You haven't seen a chap with a broken down tractor have you?" He asked...
"Yes, it's his pipe thingy!" I replied....

and he was off on his way, in the direction of the tractor.

I always feel my early morning walks are very soul inspiring, they restore my faith in human nature.
The people I come across are usually walkers, locals or dog walkers.
Wilma and I are quite well known, and we do see people regularly.
They always have a smile, a greeting and a comment about the weather.
The dog walkers always speak, even if we don't know them, indeed I always have a "Hello" or "Morning" for people I come across, it just comes naturally.
I think it is because we all feel the benefits of the sea, the beach and the natural calming atmosphere it creates.

Wilma thoroughly enjoys it too...and is restful for the rest of the day!

We had to get home...we were expecting a delivery!

Over to me........... left, left....

To the right....back a bit....

That's it!

Smile Colin!

Yes, the first delivery of the materials for the shed build, I am indeed the project manager!

Tuesday saw the first day of lunchtime ...

and the end of the day!

We have had a heavy downpour AGAIN during the night so work has been delayed, we are having a rain check at 12noon...Watch this space! LOL!

Whilst the work is going on I will be based at home to keep an eye on progress and order any supplies. It will give me a chance to catch up on projects.

It doesn't look as though we will get away for a holiday this year, we were hoping we may go to France again, but what with the building project and Jon's work load it is not looking good.
However, I am not too worried because we have something to look forward to in June 2008.

It will be Jon's 50th birthday on June 2nd and our 20th Wedding Anniversary on June 3rd.
We were discussing all of this and Jon said he didn't want a big "do" for his I suggested we go away....
well yesterday I booked our ferry crossing to the Isle of Man! Yes we are going to the TT 2008!
It is a great bike event and we have always said we would like to go.
Tonight I will hear from a B&B I phoned just a short while ago, so keep your fingers crossed!

Thank you for the many many comments and messages for Daisy, no plans yet for the funeral.
Claire had a setback when blood clots were discovered on her lungs, positive vibes are being transported as we speak!

Keep your eyes on my visitor counter........25,000 visitors very soon!
Now we must celebrate!
(Toddles off to think of something!)
All people who leave comments will be in for a little something!



Photo of the Day
Skinningrove Beach

I'm waking up
I'm reaching up
I'm getting up from this game
Oh no... don't leave me driftwood
On the shore
Oh no... don't, don't leave me driftwood
On the shore...

Atmospheric photos taken on the beach this morning!


Just managed, photo a day...with 15 minutes to spare!
But really that is just my time scale, working to our clock here in UK.
Somewhere it will be somebody's tomorrow and other's yesterday, so it is ll relevant.
I am aware of the time issues by the e-mails and messages I get from UK, US, Canada, Australia as we all communicate as we work together for various plans we have.

What is time? Time is relevance, it is the moments that matter.
As it says in the song..."Time waits for no-one at all"

Well it will just have to wait for me.....
Tuesday is Day 1 of the shed build! Watch this space!

Remember when you watch this video of the Moody Blues.....
I have sat with these chaps and shared a few drinks! LOL!


Photo of the Day
Seagull, at Scarborough today!

Late, but not midnight, so managed a photo today!
Today has been a full, full day.
We finished the greenhouse, which was a fantastic team effort, then we managed to get out on the motorbike.
I will report on the bike adventure later, as it was indeed quite special.

Whilst at Scarborough I captured the chap you know I do like "Seagulls" as a subject.

On the way home I was thinking of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a story I once wrote as a screenplay for a school production.

This passage is from the book, tonight it is for Daisy, and I hope it brings comfort for her friends, in particular Robyn.

They came in the evening, then, and found Jonathan gliding peaceful
and alone through his beloved sky.
The two gulls that appeared at his

wings were pure as starlight, and the glow from them was gentle and
friendly in the high night air.
But most lovely of all was the skill with

which they flew, their wingtips moving a precise and constant inch from
his own.
Without a word, Jonathan put them to his test, a test that no

gull had ever passed.
He twisted his wings, slowed to a single mile per
hour above stall.
The two radiant birds slowed with him, smoothly, locked

in position.
They knew about slow flying.

He folded his wings, rolled and dropped in a dive to a hundred ninety
miles per hour.
They dropped with him, streaking down in flawless
At last he turned that speed straight up into a long vertical
They rolled with him, smiling.

He recovered to level flight and was quiet for a time before he
"Very well," he said, "who are you?"

"We're from your Flock, Jonathan. We are your brothers."
The words
were strong and calm.
"We've come to take you higher, to take you home."

"Home I have none. Flock I have none. I am Outcast. And we fly now at
the peak of the Great Mountain Wind.
Beyond a few hundred feet, I can lift

this old body no higher."
"But you can Jonathan. For you have learned.
One school is finished,

and the time has come for another to begin."
As it had shined across him all his life, so understanding lighted
that moment for Jonathan Seagull.
They were right. He could fly higher,

and it was time to go home.
He gave one last look across the sky, across that magnificent silver
land where he had learned so much.
"I'm ready " he said at last.
And Jonathan Livingston Seagull rose with the two starbright gulls to
disappear into a perfect dark sky.


Photo of the Day

Glitter Sister UK Gathering March 2007

Why? By Annie Lennox

This is the fear

This is the dread
These are the contents of my head
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel...Why?

I am struggling to find words......Daisy, 1st Left passed away last night.
Her daughter posted on her blog today....

This is Daisy's daughter Lydia writing.

It is with much sadness that I inform you all that unfortunately my Mum passed away this morning.

She has been ill throughout this week becoming increasing weak and confused by last night. Last night we had decided to get her into hospital this morning however this was too late as this morning I discovered her. My dad had been sleeping in a seperate room to enable her proper rest. We do not yet know the official cause of death. She has been taken away and most likely a post mortem will be carried out on Monday.

She spoke of her blog to me often and the friends she had made through this. I r
eally wanted to find a way to let you all know.

If anybody would like to contact us please leave a comment and I'll give you my email address.

Lots of love


For Daisy, the sky will be darker tonight as a ray of sunshine has been extinguished!

Just Beyond The Sunset
David Harris

Just beyond the sunset
Someone waits for me
Just beyond the sunset
Lies my destiny
Where the purple mountains
Lie in deep tranquillity
There I’ll find the treasure
Of love eternally

Just beyond the sunset
Waits someone so fair
Just beyond the sunset
All alone they wait there
Their hair is golden
The colour of the sand
Their eyes sparkle in the night
Like diamonds in your hand

Just beyond the sunset
Lies a home for me
Where the world is peaceful
Like a paradise should be
Just beyond the sunset
Someday is where you’ll find me

Written - July or Aug 1966

Daisy's blog is here

if any of you wish to leave comments of sympathy for the family.
Whilst visiting the blog, do have a look at the wonderful words Daisy found and the creative, wonderful things she made...
what a loss of talent!


Yes, more rain!

Photo a Day 14.06.07
Dawn Rose our Garden

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.

Yes yet another grey day here! I have had several attempts at going out with Wilma but we were greeted by rain every time, still hpefullu we will be going out later on!

The Apprentice Final last night.....AWESOME!
Congratulations to Simon!
See it here

I have been tagged by Ruth!

Ruth has tagged me for “8 Random Facts About Myself”.

The rules are as follows:

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own post about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.


1. My little finger on my left hand is bent.
This is a result of a fall in a netball match, teachers v. pupils, back in 1980.
It remained weak and lo and behold I dislocated it again about 8 years ago.
Quite simply it was knocked and jumped out of joint.
One day I will get it fixed, but know it will be painful!

2. My middle name is Elizabeth, after my nana who was Eizabeth Ellen, known as Dolly.
The family came over from Germany just at the beginning of the war.
Her father was a clockmaker. The name was Schumacer, so I may be related to Michael!

3. When I was 16 I worked as a nurse aid in a local hospital, now demolished.
I was based on the men's medical ward.
One job I had to do was to "prepare" the patients for surgery.
This meant shaving private areas with a razor!

4. I can play the spoons.
I find the older, soup spoons are the best.

5. I enjoy pease pudding .
I did not eat it for over 15 years following a school dinner episode when I was 7.
On a table of 6, I was the only one who liked it, so I swapped my dinner with the others on my table in return for their pease pudding.
I ate a whole plate full!
I wasn't very popular that afternoon!

6. I have evil thoughts about a former teacher, Mr. Pallister.
When I was 9 and not liking cheese pie or coconut pudding he made an example of me in front of the whole junior school, by forcing me to eat them both!
"People like me pay taxes so people like you can have free school meals!"
Were the kind words he said at the time.
Soon after my dinner I played skips and was sick.
I was so frightened I ran home to Auntie Dot.
I can picture her to this day, baking at the kitchen table.
She walked straight to the school, apron on, rolling pin in hand.
My family had a whip round and from then on I did not have a free school meal again, even though I was entitled to them.

7. I was banned from Weightwatchers in 1986.
I was in the meeting with my friend, we were chatting quietley. However the leader was not happy with this.
She turned and shouted "Would you like to share the secret of your success with the rest of the class Denise?" She bellowed!

"Before I came to Weightwatchers I would have a cooked breakfast, go to school and have tea and biscuits.
At playtime I would have more tea and biscuits.
Lunchtime I would have a school dinner.
Afternoon break, tea and biscuits.
Home for tea then out for a few drinks with friends, followed often by fish and chips.
Home for cocoa and a biscuit!"

I replied.

"And what now?"
She asked..

"I don't have a biscuit with my cocoa!"
Was my reply!

"Your attitude is not welcome here at Weightwatchers!"

Meanwhile she had been holding a bread roll up which she had poked her finger show us how much starch was in the bun.

As we stood up my friend shouted..
"If you are going to abuse that roll I have it?"

We never went back, but I did loose 20lbs!

8. My favourite vegetable is sprouts.
I often eat a whole plate full.

Now for the tagging the following eight...this is not compulsory,,,if you don't "do" tagging or you haven't the time......DON'T WORRY!

1. Adria

2. Sandi @ Whistestop Cafe

3. Radio girl

4. Compostwoman

5. Vallen

6. Annie

7. dot

8. Photowannabe


Hired or Fired?

Photo of the Day
Wilma, Skinningrove Beach 1 hour ago!

Rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you,
rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you

I'm like a - rubber ball, baby that's all
that I am to you (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy)
Just a rubber ball 'cuz you think you
can be true to two (bouncy, bouncy) (bouncy, bouncy).
You bounce my heart around (You don't even put her down)
And like a rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you
rubber ball, I come bouncin' back to you.

If you - stretch my love 'til it's thin enough to tear
I'll just stretch my arms to reach you anywhere
And like a -
Rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you
rubber ball, I'll come bouncin' back to you

As you can see by the horses in the field next to our house, it was a wrap up and keep warm kind of afternoon!

The view from the window said it all!

But Wilma was desperate to go out for a walk, she kept bringing her ball and dropping it at my feet, so off we went to the beach.

We went to the other side of Skinningrove.....
very dramatic!

The sea fret was still evident and was moving in as we walked along the path.

The one thing I just can not emphasize is the wonderful feeling of having an entire beach to ourselves!

After some long runs along the beach we played ball!

We spent a good hour on the beach....
can you tell?
(5 minutes ago!)

Tonight is the last episode of
The Apprentice!

I must say this is a big favourite in our house.

It is a spin off from the American series featuring Donald Trump.
Do the american visitors here watch it?

Last week Katy was put into a position where she actually walked away....she was in effect fired by Sir Alan, but some would disagree. I honestly think she has orchestrated the entire going on but think it all went wrong when she was sacked from her present job a couple of days ago.You can read about it here

For me one of the best episodes was the French Market Challenge.
Teams had to take quality British produce to France and sell in an open market.
One team leader bought a load of processed inferior cheese from a hypermarket and tried to sell it to the French!

So, who will win tonight?

Who gets your vote?