Showing posts with label History Quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History Quiz. Show all posts


Did you know?

Julius Caesar was asascinated on March 15th 44BC:

Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome, was stabbed to death in the Senate house by Republican conspirators. Elected consul in 59 B.C., Caesar was a popular reformer who often fought with the Senate. He also proved a brilliant military leader, conquering Gaul, making the first Roman inroads into Britain, and winning devoted supporters in his legions. Competition between Caesar and Pompey the Great erupted in civil war in 49 B.C., and Caesar emerged triumphant the next year. Appointed Roman dictator, Caesar traveled around the empire for several years and consolidated his rule. In 45 B.C., he returned to Rome and was made dictator for life. As sole Roman ruler, Caesar launched ambitious programs of reform and planned new imperial expansions. In the midst of these vast designs, he was assassinated by a group of conspirators who believed that his death would lead to the restoration of the Roman Republic. However, the result of the Ides of March was to plunge Rome into a fresh round of civil wars, out of which Octavian, Caesar's grand-nephew, would emerge as Augustus, the first Roman emperor, and the Republic would be forever destroyed.

As today is rather dull, I have found a great problem solving game here It is based in the Roman Empire, so appropriate for the day.

Yes, weather looking dull but I will still nip outside and get the washing hung out, hoping it will dry before suspected rain!

I am having a quiet day today, a day at home doing housy things.

I do have a few lovely days in the pipeline.

Tomorrow is my day out with Enid, we are going to the cinema to see Norbit! We saw a preview

which we found absolutely hilarious, so we are looking foreward to the movie. we will have lunch out and probably find a couple of interesting shops somewhere.

I am not sure what we are doing on Saturday, it depends on Jon's work schedule, but hopefully we may get out on the motorbike.

Sunday is Mother's Day and I have all of the family coming for a big lunch at 4pm.

When I say the family....

MIL, SIL with her boyfriend who is over from Canada, my nephews, Jon & I!

I am cooking a dinner, lamb, beef, etc. I will plan the menu today and let you have a sneak preview. I have some fantastic fresh organic vegetables which Enid collected for me yesterday when she went out for a drive. I want to cook most of them today, whilst fresh and freeze. Then Sunday will be easier to handle.

Then ofcourse Monday will see the Great get together of

myself, Daisy, Anna & Kai!

We are meeting in Thirsk and are having lunch here

The menu arrived yesterday and it sounds wonderful!

So, lots instore so I want to get all my jobs done.

The patient today.......