Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Getting The Right People For Your Company

First impressions count, but if you are unlucky enough to get to know that your first impressions were wrong, things would turn against you and you may lament it.

This is something you should be concerned about when finding the prospective people to boost your company’s standing. And when you are looking for that pool of candidates, it is not about following your heart, but rather, it is about following your mind and analytical skills.

Bear in mind that people you like may not be the ones who can rise to the occasion when they are put to a test.

So let’s take a look at what it takes for you, the employer of your company, to be able to scout for the right people.

1. Pen down and affirm the job description and requirements. You can prepare a draft of the description before confirming and disseminating it publicly.

2. NEVER insert physical traits as part of the requirements. Personal bias should always be abstained when setting the criteria for the prospective candidates. The traits should be determined based on the essential requirements of that particular job position and the tasks that would be assigned for the holder of the position.

3. Be upfront and inform the candidates of the company practices that they ought to take note of, and the expectations that you have set for them. This would in turn provide you the answer as to who is up to the challenge and would be able to adapt to the culture of your company.

4. Be assured of the criteria that you have set and do not let any other external factors ignite your doubts on those set of criteria.

5. After the interview process, rate the candidates with reference to the criteria. The one who fulfills all or most of them would have to be the utmost suitable candidate to fill up that job vacancy, and the one who will excel and probably exceed your expectations when given the tasks assigned.

The key to a company’s huge success is the team of staffs who will soar to the sky. So to all employers and personnel, treat this issue with high importance, because if you do, you will be guaranteed a taste of your fruits of labor.

-Nafa Danfad

Tips On How To Create A Successful E-Commerce Web Site

An excellent website is not just about being attractive in terms of the imagery and layout. The ‘character’ of the website counts too! Yes, first impression counts, but when it comes to e-commerce websites, some things matter more than what you see on the surface. Having a successful e-commerce website means everything to a business or organization. It can be the ultimate factor that pulls customers into your business, and can also be the factor that pushes them away from your business. What it takes to have a successful e-commerce website is to be the one that abides by the following dos and don’ts of creating an e-commerce website.

Here are the Dos in creating an e-commerce website:
1. When it comes to the page where customers make their purchases, avoid having to make them go through clicks after clicks just to purchase the items. Keep the navigation as simple as possible and make the purchasing procedure more convenient for them by creating lesser links that they need to click on. Making them click at most three times to make a purchase would be fine.

2. Always ensure that all the links that you have created can function the way they should. It would be quite embarrassing to find out that your customers cannot access to a page just because the links does not work. So test out the links to make sure all of them work before you officially publicize the website.

3. Give names to each of your links so that customers would be made clear of where the links would lead. Be more specific in naming the links. For example, if you have designed a special page only for stationeries, then name the link as ‘stationeries’. In this way, the time taken for customers to navigate would be faster and the navigation process would be less complex.

4. Avoid using jargons that can be difficult to understand. Keep the language usage simple and comprehensible. This, too, can contribute to the ease in the navigation process.

5. If you were to discover that one or a few of your items are out of stock, make sure that you create a page in the website that can inform customers that the items are unavailable, before they reach the page for purchasing the item. It would be frustrating for them if they have gone through the whole purchasing process just to realize that the item is unavailable for purchase. This problem can cause your business to lose customers and their loyalty towards you. Hence, this should be carried out to avoid such complication in your business.

Here are the Don’ts of creating an e-commerce website:
1. Never make use of frames to design your e-commerce website. If your site is surrounded by frames, customers would tend to ignore your site due to their frustration in trying to navigate your site. So never rely on frames for your site to help you gain customer attention.

2. Avoid using too many enlarged pictures, which will take up too much of your page space and block some of the important links in the website. Customers would get annoyed if they are unable to find the links they are looking for because of the huge pictures that get in the way. In fact, using huge pictures will affect the loading time of your site and that definitely makes customers furious. It is great to have images to create live to your site, but it would be more desirable if you adjust the sizes to fit in the pages well.

3. Do not use splash pages as your introduction because there are always chances that viewers would skip such pages. Most customers are more in favour of proceeding directly to the website itself rather than having to spend minutes of watching just another splash introduction, especially customers who are constantly in a rush. Hence, splash pages are not necessary for an e-commerce website. What is important is that you can deliver through the overall website.

4. Whenever possible, do not request from your customers to install a software just to view the products offered. It would contribute to the hassle of purchasing the products and would just lead to more frustration from customers. So when you include your products, do not make use of complicated software that can affect the customers as well. Insert the products the easiest way possible so that all your customers would need to do is click on the product and be able to view it right away.

Watch this video and learn from some of the most successful business entrepreneurs here who have made use of e-commerce websites to gain profits and customer loyalty.

Hope that the following tips would help you, especially aspiring business owners out there, to build an e-commerce website that can facilitate your interaction with your customers, and can even make them come back to you for more. With an excellent e-commerce website, you can be on your way to a profitable success and to tasting the fruits of your labour.

The Art Of Negotiation (Part 2): Dealing With Difficult Clients

Clients are your golden tickets to attain success in your business or company, especially when they recurrently turn to you for business dealings.On the contrary, they can also be one of your greatest hurdles.

This is more so when they project a hard-to-please attitude and get very demanding towards you. Your job right now is to cross this hurdle!

Below are the seven steps to take when dealing with difficult clients:

Step 1:
Pay careful attention to your clients’ criticisms and keep your cool when asking them questions. By doing so, you can easily determine the likes and dislikes of your clients and think of what you can do to meet their needs.

Step 2:
Do not intervene when your clients are talking, unless they become a little out of hand with their words. It pays to listen to them to the fullest. If they get quite harsh, courteously ask them to keep their cool and speak in a more calmly manner.

Step 3:
Note down the discussions you had with difficult clients and the measures you have undertaken to deal with their apprehensions.

Step 4:
View the issue through the clients’ perspectives. Perhaps the repeated calls and annoying naggings that they have been making are all due to their overload of stress that has got nothing to do with work matters. In other words, they may be burdened with personal matters and get carried away with them.

Step 5:
Do not immerse yourself into a quarrel with your clients. In dealing with clients, your ultimate aim is to come to a win-win situation, rather than to gain everything at their expense. Be more open-minded and receptive of the different opinions.

Step 6:
Clients can sometimes be in the midst of feeling puzzled and downhearted. They are human beings too! So you should be the one to lift them up. A little bit of that can make their day and curtail the frustration in them.

Step 7:
Always remain cool. If you are all steamed up as much as the clients, you can always inform them that you will call them back or arrange the meeting on another day or timeslot. In doing so, you can give yourself some time to overcome your anger.

Clients serve as the base that helps support your business. Without this base, your business could very well tumble and fall.

Therefore, you should let your clients have a sense of belonging in your business, no matter how difficult they are.

Let these seven great tips guide you along in dealing with your clients more effectively and efficiently.

The Magic Ten For A Business Plan

Being your own boss is the goal that everyone in every walk of life wants to achieve. Most of us would believe that setting up a business is the gateway to attaining that goal.

But it does not just take self-belief to make a business materialize. You need to be affirmed of it! That affirmation can only be concrete if you pen your thoughts of your ideal business down. In other words, you would need a business plan.

The business plan marks the beginning of your quest to grabbing the opportunity to be your own boss, but the business plan would not be a business plan without your aptitude in creating it. Remember, this business plan will serve as your guardian during your reign as the business owner.

So to those who have had an aspiration to establish a business of your own, get your pen and paper, and take down these ten steps to writing up an idyllic business plan:

1. Outline your long-term goals before plummeting into the short-term ones. If you were to hurriedly work on the short-term goals without analyzing what you can envision in your business, you may see yourself being wedged halfway through, not knowing where you want to lead your business. So the long-term goals should come first! A brief summary of those goals would do fine.

2. Prepare your budget realistically. You may have drafted your business goals and strategies, but remember, that is a plan. The reality has yet to arrive. So in budget setting, you would need to think of what reality may have to offer for your business, and use it as your basis for budgeting. Before doing so, do research on the industry, which is dependant on your business nature, as well as your targeted customers, demographics, the opportunities and threats, and even economical status of that market.

3. Make the extra effort to gather information from your targeted customers. This can be done by methods like conducting surveys or forming focus groups. The amount of success in your business depends primarily on your customers! So seize the opportunity to find out more about them.

4. Place priority on getting to know your competitors. They are actually your gateway to finding the answers to your queries about how you can make your business prosper. They indirectly can give you an idea of the dos and don’ts of your business that you should notify yourself of.

5. Pen down the possible risks of venturing in your business. Preparing a business plan does not indicate that your business will be risk-free. You should list down the probable negative situations that can transpire in your business and ways to tackle them such that you will not bound to be at a loss.

6. Prepare the plan with an opened mind. Collect feedback and opinions from others about what you had drafted so far. A few heads are better than one after all.

7. Expect the unexpected. You should not be too narrow minded in terms of the business or marketing policies and practices that you wish to implement. Research and analyze the current marketing tools and business practices that can possibly boost your profits and status. And be prepared that while you are managing your business, you may have to amend your plan along the way due to the external factors that are constantly changing over time.

8. Take down the unique selling point of your product or service. Do not blindly let your competitors lead the way! You are in it to compete with them, so you have to draft out something that can make your product or service stand out.

9. The business plan is meant not only for yourself, but also for your prospective subordinates. They have a major part to play in producing positive outcomes for your business. And for that to take place, they need motivation! So do include an outline of monetary rewards, benefits and privileges that can serve as sources of motivation for your subordinates to give their fullest dedication in their tasks.

10. Above all, never thrust aside the importance of the business plan.

As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So draw your attention to the ‘Magic Ten’ of creating a well-defined business plan.

Good luck to all entrepreneurs in the making! Start writing your plans to start your business with a bang!

Let's watch this motivational video presentation by Mr. Anthony Robbins

Recommended Books

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

The Successful Business Plan, 4th Edition: Secrets and Strategies (Successful Business Plan Secrets and Strategies)

The Secrets To A Powerful Mind

Mind Power for Students

Work Your Way To A More Powerful Mind

Doesn’t it frustrate you when you instinctively feel that you are slow in your thinking? Don’t you wish you had a more powerful mind that is able to grasp the things you need to learn more promptly?

The good news is that it is possible for anyone to achieve it. Mind power is not inborn, but it can be infused in you. You are the one to make it happen!

Here are ways that can make you augment your mind power:

ü Exercise!

The brain makes up a vital part of your physique, and exercising can play its part in stimulating your brain. If you need to revitalize your brain, try walking up and down or to and fro for a short period of time, especially before you go to bed.

ü Research on the suitable temperature for your mind to work well.

Temperature also determines how focused you can stay. Most would perform well under cool and moderate temperature. The surrounding environment, too, has a role to play. Majority would prefer a quieter and more serene area to concentrate better.

ü Be actively involved in problem solving.

When you do so, it encourages your mind to function more dynamically. Also, should you be able to solve a problem in your most creative way, you should pen it down to remind yourself that you do have a brilliant mind after all.

ü Be more spontaneous

Particularly when you already have an experience in a skill or subject. For instance, if you had gained experience being a badminton player, you would be able to observe and aim for the area in the court that would let you defeat your opponent. If you do not have an experience in something, you can always feed yourself with essential and sufficient information to guide you. This can also aid you in developing your intuition, thus developing your mind power.

ü Relax your mind.

Give yourself some intervals. You can sniff flowers or scents to refresh your mind. Too much pro-activeness in thinking would not boost your mind power any further.

ü Have a sense of self-belief that you are intelligent.

If you can go on striking a chord on yourself about how intellectual you are and you can be, it will turn into reality for you!

Above all, a conducive environment, brain stimulators and a bit of relaxation would help you accomplish your wish of having a powerful mind.

These key pointers are here to stay and here to guide you. So what are you waiting for? Get your brains working and climb your way to the top!

Remember only you can make the effort to practice these in your daily life! To do that, you would have to believe in yourself.

Recommended Books

Brain Builder CD-Rom Collection

How Important Is Insurance?

Public perception of insurance: another humdrum matter. This is so especially among families or individuals who take for granted that anything could happen to them. But life will always be life!

No matter what kind of life you are living, you would somehow land yourself into ill-fated situations like accidents, hazards and health catastrophes.

This is when insurance should come into place and save you from the entire financial burden that is uncalled for.

The initializing of an insurance policy could be a hassle because you would tend to feel that you are paying for an unfortunate event that may not even occur in the first place.

We are not born with the ability to foretell what is ahead of us, but just in case, you should take the first step to your lifetime of protection by signing up for an insurance policy.

Should there be any calamity on you and your family and properties, you would thank your insurance copiously for washing away all your financial troubles.

There are areas of life that people would want to be insured of:

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an amount of money that is financed to protect the deceased who was insured before this. It can be utilized as a form of investment.

Health Insurance

This is a must-have for all. Using your personal savings to account for your medical bills, even if the accident or illness is slight, can land you into problems with your savings.

Savings are meant to be ‘saved’ rather than being spent. By using health insurance, your medical bills can still be covered, and yet your savings can still be maintained.

Homeowner’s/Renter’s Insurance

Homeowner’s insurance is suitable for anyone who owns a house. Every single property or belonging that can affect the worth of your house will be covered, should there be an adverse incident like theft, robbery, or fire breakout.

This insurance is not necessary for anyone who only rents an apartment. Instead, renters should opt for renter’s insurance, which provides coverage for anything that you possess in the apartment you dwell in, like furniture, television, DVD players, and so on.

This insurance should not be neglected, even though you do not incur as much cost as a homeowner. This is because there is a chance that you as the renter may spend more than what you assume you would spend.

For instance, you could have bought a compilation of DVDs, which costs around $20 per DVD. What would you do if anything happens to the DVD player? You would have plunged yourself into a situation where you spent plentifully for DVDs you cannot enjoy.

But, with a renter’s insurance, at least you do not encounter such a big loss to yourself because the player is covered.
Insurance Gives Worldwide Coverage

Insurance covers you wherever you go. It is not only activated when you are in your place of stay. So for example, should your belongings be burgled while you are having a vacation in Australia, you are still insured.

Your life revolves around your loved ones, your personal belongings, and most of all, yourself. Everything in this world is temporary, but they ought to be protected as long as they are still here to stay in your life.

This protection starts with you!

Get Multi-lingual With Babylon

Has any of you ever contemplated about learning a different language, but do not seem to have sufficient expenses to enroll in a class and account for the monthly fee? There is one ultimate solution for you – Babylon 6! Yes, it is the superb online dictionary downloadable software that translates any word into the foreign language of your interest.

With just a one-time payment, you can use this online gizmo to help you translate your emails, web pages, files and many more. How? Simple!

Just click on the word or sentence that you wish to translate and a new small tab will pop up to give you the favorable results, taken from an unbelievably long list of conversion tools from the world’s top publishers. In no time, you could be the master of 17 various languages offered in this dynamic language translation software!

Wait! There’s more…

Babylon 6 also allows you to search for exchange of units of measurements, time and currencies. That definitely cuts down all your hassle of having to hunt for the information, because Babylon 6 is where you can find such information with a snap of your finger!

It is also equipped with the writing instruments for English, where users can find the direct and accurate translations of the words, from your local language to the English Language. In that way, you would be free from usage of the wrong terms.

Babylon 6 even has an extra special feature just for you! Guess what? It can perform a spell check too!!! Yes, it will assist you in examining your spelling, word usage and the normal typo errors. This will wash away the risk of presenting a document full of mistakes!

So get on your feet and get in touch with the world of languages! Purchase your Babylon 6 now at a stupendously affordable price, with no handling fee chargeable.

Or you can download the free trial version to see for yourself how this innovative software can do wonders to your comprehension of assorted languages!

Visit now and grab a Babylon 6 Dictionary, the trusty book of languages!

The Discipline Of Goal Setting

We all have goals in life. We have the wildest dreams in life that we wish would come true. But can all these be attained with only a snap of your finger? Of course not! We are not born magicians or fairies.

We need to walk a certain pathway to reach that goal, and most importantly, the path we are taking should be right. This is where goal setting comes into the picture. Systematic goal setting is essential so that the risk of going the wrong directions would be lesser, and that your chances of attaining that goal are high.

Here are the key essentials of setting your goal, regardless of what your goal in life is:

v Create a positive avowal of your goal. You should tell yourself, ‘Make it happen and do it well’ rather than ‘Do not make any silly mistake’. This is something you should remind yourself every single time.

v Be specific. Set the year, date and time that you want to attain the goal. In this way, you can keep track of whether you have achieved the goal earlier, on time, or later.

v Lay down priorities. To achieve an ultimate goal, we would have to achieve several small goals first right? So prioritize the more important goals. This can help you avoid too much pressure in you due to the overwhelming number of goals.

v Write down your goals. Writing them down makes your goal setting more organized and easier for your tracking purposes.

v Keep the small goals attainable. You may not progress if your goals are too big. Be realistic. After all, you need these achievable short-term goals to achieve that long-term goal.

v Set performance goals rather than the ending goals. If you set your mind to achieve a performance level, you would not feel disconsolate by the ups and downs that you would have to endure when working your way up.

This is because you have already done your part in working towards the goal. Sometimes you have to bear in mind the external factors that are beyond our control like the economical crisis, bad weather or injuries.

Every flow has its ebbs, so does achieving a goal. But as long as you keep yourself spirited and execute something with a positive mind, you will soar to the sky. So good luck in achieving your hopes and dreams.

"Where there’s a will, there’s a way."

The Science Of Public Speaking

It is comprehensible that we tend to be afraid of talking in front of a group of people or large crowd, like during presentations, speech deliveries and story telling.

We would even have nightmares of being scoffed at when giving a speech, or fears of stumbling on words and messing up all the sentences while trying to stay in contact with the audience.

But do not vex over it. Such matters are treatable. On the whole, it takes self-belief and audacity to overcome those tribulations of public speaking. Take a closer look at some of the techniques that can help you out…

Preparation of Speech

1. When preparing a speech, do not pen it down like writing an essay. A written speech is meant to be spoken afterwards, so come up with interactive sentences. You can come up with questions to pose to the audience.

2. Make sure that you utilize the right vocabulary and grammar for your speech. This is to affirm that your audience will understand your points.

3. Be assured of the targeted audience you are going to deliver the speech to. That will determine how your speech will sound like. If you were to deliver a meeting presentation, you would need to give a formal one.

4. Come up with a conclusion that you can draw from your speech and make certain that your speech ends with a bang!

5. Take deep breaths a couple of minutes before the presentation. This will relax your body and soul and make you feel less panicky during the presentation.

During Speech Delivery

1. Develop the confidence in you when facing the audience. Have faith that the message you wish to deliver will create a major impact to them, and that is what makes the audience believe in your message too.

2. You can visualize that you are not talking to a large group of people. Instead, imagine that you are talking to somebody about the topic of your speech. However, do not get carried away by being too informal. If you are going to present a proposal to your boss or clients, you ought to be more formal.

3. Use hand gestures when delivering the speech. Gestures indicate your enthusiasm in putting across the message. Show that enthusiasm with the variation of your tonal expressions when speaking. Talking in monotone can lead everyone to dreamland in no time, so get the audience perked up together with you.

4. Speak with a resounding voice so that everyone can listen to what you are talking about. Do not mumble. Ensure the words used are well articulated.

5. Always have eye contact with the audience to show that you are communicating with them, rather than reading your cue cards as if you are just talking to yourself.

6. Remember to thank your audience for listening to you.

Spare some time reading this, especially if you are going to deliver a speech within these next few days. With a little help from us here, we believe you will ace in your speech delivery and your audience will give you a big round of applause!

Realize and unleash the gallantry in you…

NAFASG©™ Online Phone Shop

The public’s perception of long distance calls: expensive, slow in the duration of purchase and a hassle! But with the international prepaid cards offered here at our very own NAFASG©™ Online Shop, we will expunge your perception of long distance calls entirely!

The online shop was initiated by the proud members of the NAFASG©™ Team. The shop is meant to cater to the needs of our fellow visitors to connect to the other side of the world with fullest convenience.

Our prepaid phone cards will provide you with the access to call your loved ones and friends no matter where you are calling from and where they are receiving your call. You will be able to purchase online, which saves your traveling time, and you will receive your PIN code and Access Number via online. Purchasing of the cards becomes such a speedy task right here! Best of all, you can grab hold of your Access Number and PIN code at any place and at any time where you can connect to the Internet.

You can request for a permanent PIN number and simply top up the value of your card when necessary. There are other privileges that you can be on the lookout for in our online shop likePIN free connection and transfer of the card balance.
Our prepaid cards are offered at the best rates and are guaranteed more low-priced than making calls using operators.

The rates vary according to your place of stay and are listed in our NAFASG©™ International Worldwide Phone Services website for your reference. There is a vast selection of prepaid cards that you can choose from within just one country.

Just click on the ‘Cards’ section and you will not want to miss out on our attractive prepaid cards available for sale! So come and purchase our exclusive collection of prepaid cards right here at


Reach For The Stars With AffiliateBOT

Want to turn Internet into a money-generating tool for you? Do you dream of earning the rewards without having to incur those heavily laden additional costs?
Then there is one place you can be sure of to make that dream come true.

It is none other than AffiliateBOT! AffiliateBOT serves as an undeniable source of income for both the advertisers and website publishers. With the backing of over 500,000 efficient associates in the AffiliateBOT network, advertisers can promote their advertisements and take hold of their rewards, without having to spend on hiring and supervising of staffs. Alongside it, publishers can trust AffiliateBOT to place the superlative advertisements in the website space and watch the money grow all in the comfort of their own home, while going on blogging as per normal.

A Screenshot Of AffiliateBOT

Some advertisers may be wondering what does AffiliateBOT have to offer behind the assurance that no additional cost needs to be incurred. To be more precise, when advertisers become part of the affiliate network, they would experience a performance-based marketing system. This means that they would only need to make payments once the targeted sales revenue has been pulled off, whether the revenue is derived from sales, leads or even simple clicks.

What makes this network even more eye-catching is that it does not make exceptions when it comes to the size or nature of the businesses. This network welcomes all types of businesses with open arms! Advertisers also need not get overly concerned about the affiliates that form the network, because they will always be around to make your desired sales results materialize!
This attractive offer awaits all website publishers and bloggers!

Yes, AffiliateBOT does not count the nature of the websites, as long as you are up for it. As the affiliate to the advertisers, you will receive attractive commission for bringing in customers for them. This will be an additional bonus for you besides the earnings you will get from the clicks. Don’t you want to make sure that you will gain that income?

A Screenshot Of AffiliateBOT

AffiliateBOT will do the job for you. The network comprises merchants, who have attained the highest levels of recognition in the market, thus boosting the chance of bringing in more traffic locally and internationally for your websites. All these can be achieved for free! AffiliateBOT is also best known as a customer-oriented network. So if you, the publishers, have the advocacy to inform them the products that your visitors are looking for, AffiliateBOT is ready to go the extra mile and search for the best deals for you.

All these perquisites can come to life, and it all starts with you! Kick start your fruitful experience with Affiliatebot by signing up for an account via the official website, either as an advertiser or a publisher. With AffiliateBOT, you are just one click away to the affluent life you have always dreamt of!

Visit AffiliateBOT now and start earning right away.

Unleash The English Wizard In You

The English Language is the universal language that everyone needs to learn, regardless of your racial background, the country you are living in, and the highest level of education you have received.

We are constantly chasing for our goals and dreams in life. We want to gain admission to the best colleges or universities, get hold of a high-ranking job position in a company, and even become our own boss and establish a business. In other words, we want to be accepted somewhere.

But isn’t it factual that in order to gain approval and recognition somewhere, first and foremost, your proficiency of the English Language matters?

If you were in a job interview where the employer needs to make a decision whether to engage you for the position or not, he or she needs to be clear of everything you have mentioned in the interview, and that can only be possible if your spoken English is above average.

Or wait a minute! Just think of blogging. If you, the blogger, are addressing an issue to the readers, you have to make them understand, and that can only be done if your written English is outstanding. This means that before you ‘venture’ into anything, you should equip yourself with a strong foundation of the English Language.

For spoken English, you can always count on English-based channels on your television and stations on your radio. Specifically, you can expose yourself to the news as the gateway for you to enhance your spoken English in terms of the word articulation and the tonal expression when verbalizing the sentences.

Improve Your Written English (How to)

For written English, you can refer to English novels, books, newspapers and magazines to view how the authors and publishers can pen the articles and make readers want to read those articles repeatedly.

However, written English can be formal or informal, depending on the situation. Written English is formal when you are writing a newspaper article, a letter of complaint or email to your client.

On the other hand, informal written English is used usually for novels and magazines. Even in blogging! Unless the intention of the posts is to convey a serious message to the audience, blogging would normally be kept informal.
Basically, the key to your brilliance in the language is by enhancing your foundation of it.

You need to comprehend the vocabulary and grammar of it by reading more dictionaries. If you look carefully, dictionaries will guide you on the pronunciation of the words using Phonics.
Phonics look different from the 26 letters in the alphabet, but they will aid you in pronouncing the English words appropriately.

100 Ways to Improve Your Writing (Mentor)

Dictionaries will also provide you the different forms of the word. For example, from the word ‘feed’, there is ‘feeding’, ‘feeds’ and ‘fed’. Those will help you gain the knowledge on when each form of the word can be used.

You can see that there are so many avenues for you to master the language. So make use of them! Take that first step to augment your foundation of the language, and you may see yourself climbing the corporate ladder sooner than you think.

Wordmaster: Improve Your Word Power

The Model Salesperson

Anybody who talks about making sales would find himself or herself talk nineteen to the dozen about it for long hours. It is a huge topic indeed! There is a diversity of salespeople whom you will stumble upon.

They may be found standing and communicating with the customers in a retail shop, or distributing brochures during a road show and explain the purpose of the sale, or sitting down on a comfy chair selling a product to his or her clients.

Nevertheless, no matter what body position they are in and where they are stationed to sell the products or services, they all have one common goal. To make the customers buy!

Sealing a deal with the customers is not as simple as talking to them about the product or service. Remember, the salespeople are in actual fact the means for the company to get hold of million-dollar sales results and achieve profitability. The only route to excellent sales results is to have as many customers to buy the products or services.

So the principal job scope of the salespeople is to entice the customers into buying, and better still, create customer loyalty.
It does not take an extraordinary talent to make it happen, but it takes a salesperson that is devoted to pursue these tips on how to attract the customers to purchase and achieve the desired sales results:

1. Be customer-oriented. Always give your utmost attention to their buying needs. Listen carefully to what they long to have. For instance, if they are looking for only a mobile flip phone, do show them the way to the flip phone section. In other words, put their needs first.

2. Equip yourself with the product or service knowledge because you would be targeted by customers to answer their queries. However, should you be unable to answer some of the questions, do not blurt out a cock and bull story. Kindly inform them that you are unable to give the answer and offer to ask for their contact details so that once you have been notified by your manager of the answer, you can contact them and disseminate the information.

3. Display a pleasant disposition. Sometimes you are unlucky enough to have to face the music from a difficult customer. Still, be strong and continue to show the pleasurable side of you. Maybe in doing so, you can calm the customer down a little, and that he or she may leave the shop with quite a good impression of you.

4. Be assertive when you are selling. If you show your self-confidence, there is a higher chance of the customers believing in your words and probably buying the product or service. But if you seem to be reluctant from the tone of your voice, you cannot expect the customers to be anywhere near to assurance about the product or service. On the contrary, do not be too aggressive. A salesperson is supposed to attract the customer but not by force.

5. Apologize to the customer should you make a mistake in the information given. It is normal that a salesperson slips off his or her tongue when promoting something, but what is important is that you vindicate the mistake with an apology.

6. Be negotiable towards the customer. As much as you are working hard towards your goal, do not be selfish. Try to work out a win-win situation for both you and the customer. For example, you lower the price of the product or service whenever possible, and then the customer keeps coming back to your store for purchase because of the first good impression during the first encounter. So both of you have won!

With these tips, I believe that all of you pursuing the sales line would be able to build more self-reliance in attaining your most wanted sales results. Stay patient and dedicated, and you can make the company triumph. Continue to strive for the best as you go on board the journey through this field of work! Perhaps those who have been in this field for many years can share with us here more tips on being an effective salesperson. We would love to hear from you!

How Does Cheque Depositing Work?

Ever wondered what happens to your cheque after you have passed it over to the bank teller serving you at the counter?

It is not a bizarre fact that some of us are a little apprehensive when it comes to depositing of a cheque, especially when you are tasked to do so on behalf of the company you are working in.

This is because depositing it does not only involve simple conversion into cash, but also, there are other aspects of cheque deposition that one needs to be aware of.

Ok let me share with you the three steps on how your cheque is credited into the account where it should be stored …

1. Before depositing the cheque, as the recipient, ensure that it has been carefully filled with the correct amount and currency, and has been clearly signed by the person who gave it to you. Afterwards, pass the cheque to the counter for verification purposes, together with your name, contact and the account number.

2. The next step that takes place is the clearance of the cheque. The bank has to make sure that the cheque is valid for being credited into the account. Should the cheque be deemed unaccepted by the bank, it will ‘bounce’ back to the recipient and the giver. This can happen either because the information provided in the cheque is insufficient or invalid, or there is a problem in the conversion of the currency where foreign currencies are concerned. The cheque has to be re-written correctly, and for the case of cheques written using a foreign currency, it should thus be written using the currency of your country.

3. Considering that the cheque is valid, the stipulated amount will then be credited into your account and will be reflected on your statement of account. The amount will automatically be converted to cash, so that will add up to the totality of your cash at bank.

In the Singapore banking context, the cheque deposited will be processed on the day of the deposition. If you pass the cheque later than the due time that is set, it can only be processed on the next day. It will be ready to be credited into your account on the following day, but if you deposited the cheque on Friday, you would have to wait till Monday for it to be credited.

Another informative insight from our team. Check it out and gain practical knowledge from it.

The Guide To Becoming Rich

‘Money money money, must be funny…in a rich man’s world…"
Ever heard of that song from ABBA? Yes, money is something that revolves around the life of the richest.

But has it ever crossed your mind as to…how these lucky chaps got all their money? Don’t you wish you were one of them? And aren’t you aware that you have the power to be one of them?

Just pay attention to these tips and you could be on your way to becoming the next Bill Gates or Donald Trump!

Why We Want You to be Rich: Two Men - One Message

1. Excel in your studies! Think about this. If you can attain an honors in your university, chances of you grabbing a top-notch executive or managerial job is high, and when you attain such a job, you can see yourself earning thousands of dollars within a month. By the end of the year, your annual income would reach its climax.

2. Avoid using precarious means of making money like stealing, lottery, gambling or getting seductive with a filthy rich person. Playing with stocks is not an illegal way of getting rich, but it is a huge risk to take because it either makes you or breaks you.

3. Involve yourself in smart investments. You are strongly encouraged to invest a small sum of money as early as possible. You will find that the small amount in your account will keep on growing regularly, and in time to come, you will be richer that you thought you can be.

4. Create a business plan. Making a business is your first step to your first huge earnings. However, you need to stay focus and committed to your business in order to make it happen.

5. Be financially independent. You do not solely rely on a job to earn income. For instance, if you have borrowed a loan from the bank, it may become a liability for you, but do you realize that it becomes revenue for the bank, where you keep your accounts? And aren’t your bank accounts your assets? So in other words, you can depend on your assets to create earnings for you. To find out more about this, you can purchase the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

Money makes the world go round. But money is also the root of evil. So when working on gaining income, our advice to all of you is to do it in a safer and legal manner. Take slow steps and think with your brains and not your heart.

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

Boost Your Income With Bidvertiser

The NafaSG team has recently received yet another payment, this time, from a pay per click website called BidVertiser. The earnings we made were based on the clicks made by visitors on the advertisements displayed by BidVertiser itself.

Established in 2003, BidVertiser aims to provide advertisers the choice of sites they would invest in to place their advertisements, and provide publishers the choice of promoting their site space to the advertiser who gives the highest bidding. It utilizes different types of advertisement units like banners, buttons, skyscrapers and horizontally aligned advertisements.

It also goes the extra mile by revising the advertisements placed and the quality of the publishers’ websites, so that publishers will benefit from attractive advertisements and advertisers will enjoy the best conversion rates from the clicks made. A plus point of BidVertiser is that the minimum payout of the pay per click earnings per month for publishers is only USD$10. Hence, one would not have to wait too long to grab hold of the earnings made.

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The NafaSG team is very honored to have made the right choice of using BidVertiser as the gateway to attracting worldwide visitors to our website. It is the site for all publishers and advertisers to attain monetary success via the Internet.

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Negotiation Techniques (Part 1)

Negotiation sounds like a business term, but do you realise that negotiation is a skill that we all can regard as part and parcel of our daily lives?

For example, when your child wants a bar of chocolate, you would tell your child to finish up his or her homework and would reward him or her with the bar of chocolate if it were being carried out.
That is negotiation.

When you are supposed to meet your friends for dinner but you have to be running late because you are still caught up at work. You inform them to let you know where they will be heading to for dinner, and inform them that you will meet up with them at the place itself right after work.
That is negotiation.

You need to take a day leave for a family occasion such as a wedding or an emergency, but your boss still requires you to station at work to complete a task before the due date.

You still need to inform him or her the importance of you taking your leave, but instead of a day of leave, you can request for half a day of leave, or time-off. In this way, you most probably would be able to complete your task on time, and yet manage to attend to the important matters arising your family.
That is negotiation.

But whether it is a business negotiation or a personal negotiation, you would still need to acquire the imperative negotiation skills. In the context of negotiation, you are supposed to come to a consensus between you and the other party.

In the end, it becomes a win-win situation for both parties. So what does it take to achieve this? When making business dealings, the first thing you are most encouraged to do is pre-negotiation.

This is where you make preparations as to your purpose of negotiation and what you wish to achieve at the end of it. This can be done by means of writing.
You should also include the possible queries that the other party could bombard you with. This can contribute to a more professional way of settling the matter.

Most importantly, to make certain that the negotiation runs smoothly, you must display your confidence and authority. But that does not mean you control every single thing that revolves around the matter. Remember, you want to come to a consensus with the other party.

Let’s take the previous example of your child wanting a bar of chocolate and you wanting him or her to finish his or her homework.

Do you want your child to keep bugging you for the chocolate? Do you want your child to take full control of you all the time? I don’t think so. So this is where you get a little but authoritative and appear confident of what you are doing. You do not feel like you are doing any harm to him or her. You just want him or her to finish the homework.

But at the same time, even you should not take full control of your child’s actions. Your child should not be deprived of his or her likings for chocolates. So you come up with a ‘deal’.

You make sure that the child does his or her homework. Take a look at his or her workbook. Can you see that the homework is done prim and proper? If that is the case, like you have promised, you would buy him or her the bar of chocolate.

So are you both gaining from this?
Yes.The child gets the chocolate, while you feel relieved that the child has completed the homework. There you have it! A win-win situation.

The same concept applies when making business dealings.
Let us say… you are a salesperson who promoted an oven for sale. You even conducted a demo on how effective the oven is by baking a cake.

A customer, upon viewing the demo, seems keen on it and wishes to buy the oven from you. A purchase is then made, and the receipt has been given.The next day or two, the same customer comes back and files a complaint about the oven, claiming that the oven is not working the way you had explained and demonstrated.

In view of the matter, the customer returns the receipt and demands for a money refund.

Would you abide by the customer’s demands and let yourself lose the profits that you initially gained, or would you find an idea to resolve the matter, such that both you and the customer would head for home happy?

You would prefer the second option right? But how does it work then? What you can do is to conduct another demonstration of the cake baking, but this time, use the oven that was bought by the customer. See the results!

Is it a positive or negative one? If it were positive, the customer would have no reason to return the oven back right? Then discuss with the customer as to why the cake did not turn out even though the oven was working as normal. You can probably suggest to her that she could have forgotten an important ingredient in the cake. Maybe baking powder!

If that is true, you can confidently explain to her that she needs to include baking powder so that the cake will rise the way it should be. Well, that sounds as if she lost the case. But you should not make her feel like a loser.

Instead, do something that can make her even at an advantage. Give her a free recipe book customized by the company you are working in that consists of all the tasty cakes that she can try to bake back home.

So there you have it! Another win-win situation. She still gets to keep the oven and also a free recipe book that allows her to try other varieties of cakes, and you get to keep the profits gained from the sale and best of all, convince her once again that your oven is constantly of high quality!

The art of negotiation is never a piece of cake, but if you can acquire the confidence and power to settle a matter, the negotiation can be carried out smoothly and effectively.

A Good Leader Is Not Born, But Is Made

Today I was reminiscing something and thought that I should pen my thoughts here. I was recollecting my years in school when I had to take up a leadership role in a community service group.

I was involved in the Mentoring and Tutoring group ever since my very first year in college. I expected it to be a second-rate experience for me, but little did I know I was going to land myself into the management committee of the club.

The eventful point of time took place during my second year. I was apparently selected to be the Honorary Secretary, based on the voting from the other members of the club.

Wow! That was an absolutely eminent position in the committee. I was facing mixed emotions upon hearing the news. As much as I was ecstatic about being appointed as the secretary, I was a little skeptical about my capabilities.

But what drove me to giving my all to this temporary commitment was that there was so much I could explore about being one of the leaders in the club.
A member of a club or group needs to be 100% dyed-in-the-wool towards his or her duties, but a leader of the club or group needs to be doubly committed.

Throughout my reign as a secretary, I had accomplished my self-research and analyzed my fellow friends who were in the same boat as me, and I managed to figure out what it really took to be an effective leader that others can look up to in admiration.

Here are my personal thoughts and I would like to share them with you, especially you who are also taking up a leadership role like I did before...

1. Take initiatives. The others around you are usually relying on you to lead the way in any matter associated with the group. So you should put on your thinking cap and show them the direction you feel is beneficial for you and for everyone.

2. Take the lead, but do not dominate. A good leader is someone who is receptive of others’ feedback and opinions. He or she should not be the egghead of the club who only is in favor of his or her own suggestions. In fact, more brains are better than one! That is why a few people are involved in the committee instead of just one person.

3. Leaders do make mistakes, but do not let those mistakes pull you down to the ground. Take them as stepping-stones for you to generate better ideas, and be a better leader in future.

4. Do not be a quitter! Quitters never prosper. Giving up halfway through implies that you have chickened out from your duties. You would not want to be labeled a ‘chicken’ would you? So prove to yourself and others that you can pluck up your courage and take up the challenge, come what may.

5. Most importantly, be a role model. Monkey see, monkey do. The way you render yourself will reflect on the way your members will perform and whether the group is going towards the right path. Show your utmost dedication to the group and your committee, and others will emulate you, and the club or group will prosper under your control.

My friends, when you are given the opportunity to hone your leadership skills, give it your best shot. You are not born to be a leader, but you are entitled to be one. All you need to do is believe in yourself and make others believe in you too.