Showing posts with label Making Money Online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Making Money Online. Show all posts

Add Brightness To Your Web Advertising Experience With AdBrite

It is a bazaar specially designed for advertisers and publishers, and it is currently attracting up to 712 million impressions in a day from 39 084 different sites. What are we talking about?

We are talking about the one and only AdBrite!

AdBrite has become the all-time favourite site that so many advertisers and publishers have turned to for grabbing, not one, not two, but thousands of impressions from the ad placements in their sites.

Simply by looking at the number of impressions made in a day from various sites that is still counting, rest assured, AdBrite can help you achieve positive and successful monetization of the ads and the sites as well.

Want to know what AdBrite has to offer for advertisers?

Freedom to select your ad format
In AdBrite, advertisers can select from the following formats:
- text ads that let you gain earnings from Cost Per Click (CPC).
- banner ads that let you gain earnings from Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM).
- full-page ads that are displayed in full screen and, like banner ads, make you gain earnings from CPM.

Freedom to select targeted audience
AdBrite has a traffic estimator that will allow you to view the accurate amount of traffic within that targeted area and make your bid immediately. You can make use of aspects like demographics, geographical location, keywords and the content themes as your criteria to specify and reach out to your targeted audience quickly and precisely.

Make your own ads
You have the choice to make your own ads and make numerous additions or changes to the ads. AdBrite will keep you updated on the status of your created ads and will always display your best looking and most effective ads.

Option to change your bids
You can make changes to your bids on the basis of how well your ads have helped gain traffic.

Access to publishers’ sites where your ads are displayed
You are given the access to sites from various publishers where your ads are placed. This means that you can view and find out how your ads are performing based on the traffic coming in to those sites.

AdBrite has something to offer to the publishers too. What are they?

Freedom to select ad format
Just like advertisers, publishers too can choose their most favourable ad formats, ranging from text ads, banner ads and full-page ads. Full-page ads will only be displayed once a day for every user who visits your sites. You can choose to personalize text and banner ads the way you think would best fit in your sites, gain traffic easily and gain your chances of obtaining attractive payouts.

Capture advertisers’ attention
Visitors of your sites, particularly advertisers, can purchase the ads straightforwardly from your sites by clicking on ‘Your Ad Here’. Your sites will also be included in the list of sites in the AdBrite marketplace and AdBrite’s sales people will be there to help promote your sites too.

You decide what is best!
In AdBrite, you have the power to decide. You can write a review of the ad even before the ad is being displayed in your site. You can determine the cost of the ads for those who wish to buy the ads from your site.

And here is the catch! If AdBrite is unable to grant you the desirable income out of the ad placements, AdBrite will offer to help display ads from other similar networks, such as Google AdSense.

So would you like to rise to the occasion and give AdBrite a shot for an unforgettable money making success? Then get seated on your chair, turn on the computer and log on to to be a part of this incredibly dynamic advertising and publishing network.

Advertisers can begin your journey with AdBrite by selecting the criteria for your targeted audiences. As for publishers, you can kick-start your journey here as well simply by creating an account.

Watch this interview on Adbrite with the CEO himself, Philip Kaplan

With AdBrite, you have the power to decide what is best for the ads, the power to capture the hearts of your audiences and visitors, and the power to earn big bucks in a jiffy!

Join Adbrite now!

Tips On How To Create A Successful E-Commerce Web Site

An excellent website is not just about being attractive in terms of the imagery and layout. The ‘character’ of the website counts too! Yes, first impression counts, but when it comes to e-commerce websites, some things matter more than what you see on the surface. Having a successful e-commerce website means everything to a business or organization. It can be the ultimate factor that pulls customers into your business, and can also be the factor that pushes them away from your business. What it takes to have a successful e-commerce website is to be the one that abides by the following dos and don’ts of creating an e-commerce website.

Here are the Dos in creating an e-commerce website:
1. When it comes to the page where customers make their purchases, avoid having to make them go through clicks after clicks just to purchase the items. Keep the navigation as simple as possible and make the purchasing procedure more convenient for them by creating lesser links that they need to click on. Making them click at most three times to make a purchase would be fine.

2. Always ensure that all the links that you have created can function the way they should. It would be quite embarrassing to find out that your customers cannot access to a page just because the links does not work. So test out the links to make sure all of them work before you officially publicize the website.

3. Give names to each of your links so that customers would be made clear of where the links would lead. Be more specific in naming the links. For example, if you have designed a special page only for stationeries, then name the link as ‘stationeries’. In this way, the time taken for customers to navigate would be faster and the navigation process would be less complex.

4. Avoid using jargons that can be difficult to understand. Keep the language usage simple and comprehensible. This, too, can contribute to the ease in the navigation process.

5. If you were to discover that one or a few of your items are out of stock, make sure that you create a page in the website that can inform customers that the items are unavailable, before they reach the page for purchasing the item. It would be frustrating for them if they have gone through the whole purchasing process just to realize that the item is unavailable for purchase. This problem can cause your business to lose customers and their loyalty towards you. Hence, this should be carried out to avoid such complication in your business.

Here are the Don’ts of creating an e-commerce website:
1. Never make use of frames to design your e-commerce website. If your site is surrounded by frames, customers would tend to ignore your site due to their frustration in trying to navigate your site. So never rely on frames for your site to help you gain customer attention.

2. Avoid using too many enlarged pictures, which will take up too much of your page space and block some of the important links in the website. Customers would get annoyed if they are unable to find the links they are looking for because of the huge pictures that get in the way. In fact, using huge pictures will affect the loading time of your site and that definitely makes customers furious. It is great to have images to create live to your site, but it would be more desirable if you adjust the sizes to fit in the pages well.

3. Do not use splash pages as your introduction because there are always chances that viewers would skip such pages. Most customers are more in favour of proceeding directly to the website itself rather than having to spend minutes of watching just another splash introduction, especially customers who are constantly in a rush. Hence, splash pages are not necessary for an e-commerce website. What is important is that you can deliver through the overall website.

4. Whenever possible, do not request from your customers to install a software just to view the products offered. It would contribute to the hassle of purchasing the products and would just lead to more frustration from customers. So when you include your products, do not make use of complicated software that can affect the customers as well. Insert the products the easiest way possible so that all your customers would need to do is click on the product and be able to view it right away.

Watch this video and learn from some of the most successful business entrepreneurs here who have made use of e-commerce websites to gain profits and customer loyalty.

Hope that the following tips would help you, especially aspiring business owners out there, to build an e-commerce website that can facilitate your interaction with your customers, and can even make them come back to you for more. With an excellent e-commerce website, you can be on your way to a profitable success and to tasting the fruits of your labour.

WidgetBucks: The Key To Earning Big Bucks

Here comes another moneymaking opportunity that lets bloggers earn big money in a jiffy. It is one opportunity that you would not want to take your eyes off. It is none other than WidgetBucks! At WidgetBucks, rest assured, your blog monetizing experience will never be the same again.

There are two ways to earn income with WidgetBucks. One way of doing so is when people click on WidgetBucks ad widgets displayed on your blog or site. You will get paid on pay-per-click and cost per thousand impressions basis. The other way is when you refer people to WidgetBucks itself. It is that simple!

The earnings that you can obtain from using it are dependable on a blog’s content and traffic. The more crisp the content and the more traffic coming in, the more you will earn! The earnings for the month will be given by checks on the first day of the next month. This payout shall be carried out once you have obtained at least US$50.

Earning Through Pay-Per-Click & Cost Per Thousand Impressions
With WidgetBucks, you can be guaranteed to achieve excellent monetary gains so easily. WidgetBucks makes use of MerchSense, which carries out assessments on your blog content and the demographics of your visitors, and will thereafter determine the suitable ad widgets that should rightfully be displayed on your blog.

In this way, you can be confident that you can reach out to your visitors through these ad widgets. The earnings that you will get are determined by both the clicks on the ads and the impressions gained based on the visitors coming in to your site.

Income Evaluation
The evaluation will be carried out daily, meaning that if your blog content changes the following day, you can expect another ad widget that fits the new content of your blog. The impression and click counts are being done on hourly basis, and reporting of income is carried out within 3 days from the time the ad widget is displayed.

Earning Through Referrals
Besides earning through PPC, WidgetBucks can let you earn big bucks through referrals. In this referral program, what you need to do is refer WidgetBucks to people, and based on the commissions gained by the people you refer it to, you will attain up to 10% referral fee and that same fee amount will be credited to you for the entire year. The fees, alongside the commission payout, will be given to you every month.

Freedom Of Choice
The best part is that you are given the freedom of choice on how you want to place the ad widgets. It is compatible with any blog template format, such as Blogger, TypePad and Wordpress, and to top it off, you can even place the ad widgets together with other ad systems.

All Are Welcome
In addition to that, you can also place more than one ad widget, which can help you achieve monetary success in a much shorter period of time. These ad widgets do not take into consideration whether your blog or site is US or non-US based. Any site has the right to place them!

Preview Of Widget Bucks

The Easy 1-2-3 Sign Up
So are you ready to earn big money with a snap of your fingers? Then simply follow these three steps in getting started with WidgetBucks:

1. Sign up now.
2. Build up your widgets using its simple publishing system.
3. Paste the code into your site page.

Wait, there’s more! Signing up is not only free of charge, but also, you will receive a bonus worth US$25 even before your visitors and referrers come knocking on your door! You are actually halfway towards receiving your first payout of minimum US$50. Enticing isn’t it? Visit the website now for more details. All the big bucks that WidgetBucks has to offer are waiting for you to grab them.

So hurry and sign up with WidgetBucks today!

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

Express Yourself With Poems

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Come and join the poetry contest,
Loads of cash awaits you!

Yes! Enter the world of poems…come and take part in the
Anyone who has the passion to pen down a poem is entitled to sign up for the contest! Simply fill in your personal details online, state the title and the poem of maximum 24 lines and 65 characters per line, and submit it.

Should you qualify for the semi-final round of the contest, you will receive a notification email from within seven weeks from your date of submission.

Your poems will be judged accordingly by the Editors of

You can also take part in the Free Poets Choice…Rate My Poem Contest, where your poems will be rated based on the votes from poets all over the world.

Every year, will give away 1,200 awards with a total value of $100,000!

Plus, you can even stand a chance to bring home an iPod Shuffle for free! With such a large sum of money and a special prize to boot, you would not want to give this opportunity a miss would you? On top of that, the winning entries will be displayed on the website itself.

The whole world will get to discover that talent in you! Amazing!
So what are you waiting for?

Join the Free Poetry Contest now.
Let your inner thoughts prevail and be heard… and even win big money for doing it!

Free Poetry Contest proudly organized by

Pictures & Puzzles Galore

Pictures & Puzzles Galore at

Ever thought that your picture could bring you monetary rewards of as high as over $100,000? Ever dreamt of winning an ‘award’ for ‘The Best Photo Upload’?

Dream no more… for here comes free photo contests!

You can participate in the photo contests without forking out any additional fee, and best of all, you could be richer by thousands of dollars. Simply send in your personal details online and upload your favourite and greatest snapshots, and you could stand a chance to win big money instantly! will exhibit the winning shots and the details of the photographer on the website itself for everybody to scrutinize at.

You can also enter free puzzle contests and win some cash! Simply piece the jumbled up puzzles and submit the finalized puzzle. The person who solves the puzzle with the least number of moves will emerge as the victorious one, and will be walking away with $50 gift certificates. As much as $100 will be given out every day to the winners of the contests!

So many attractive prizes are up for grabs, and you can look forward to them every single day. Click on here to sign up for the contests for free!


Reach For The Stars With AffiliateBOT

Want to turn Internet into a money-generating tool for you? Do you dream of earning the rewards without having to incur those heavily laden additional costs?
Then there is one place you can be sure of to make that dream come true.

It is none other than AffiliateBOT! AffiliateBOT serves as an undeniable source of income for both the advertisers and website publishers. With the backing of over 500,000 efficient associates in the AffiliateBOT network, advertisers can promote their advertisements and take hold of their rewards, without having to spend on hiring and supervising of staffs. Alongside it, publishers can trust AffiliateBOT to place the superlative advertisements in the website space and watch the money grow all in the comfort of their own home, while going on blogging as per normal.

A Screenshot Of AffiliateBOT

Some advertisers may be wondering what does AffiliateBOT have to offer behind the assurance that no additional cost needs to be incurred. To be more precise, when advertisers become part of the affiliate network, they would experience a performance-based marketing system. This means that they would only need to make payments once the targeted sales revenue has been pulled off, whether the revenue is derived from sales, leads or even simple clicks.

What makes this network even more eye-catching is that it does not make exceptions when it comes to the size or nature of the businesses. This network welcomes all types of businesses with open arms! Advertisers also need not get overly concerned about the affiliates that form the network, because they will always be around to make your desired sales results materialize!
This attractive offer awaits all website publishers and bloggers!

Yes, AffiliateBOT does not count the nature of the websites, as long as you are up for it. As the affiliate to the advertisers, you will receive attractive commission for bringing in customers for them. This will be an additional bonus for you besides the earnings you will get from the clicks. Don’t you want to make sure that you will gain that income?

A Screenshot Of AffiliateBOT

AffiliateBOT will do the job for you. The network comprises merchants, who have attained the highest levels of recognition in the market, thus boosting the chance of bringing in more traffic locally and internationally for your websites. All these can be achieved for free! AffiliateBOT is also best known as a customer-oriented network. So if you, the publishers, have the advocacy to inform them the products that your visitors are looking for, AffiliateBOT is ready to go the extra mile and search for the best deals for you.

All these perquisites can come to life, and it all starts with you! Kick start your fruitful experience with Affiliatebot by signing up for an account via the official website, either as an advertiser or a publisher. With AffiliateBOT, you are just one click away to the affluent life you have always dreamt of!

Visit AffiliateBOT now and start earning right away.

The Guide To Becoming Rich

‘Money money money, must be funny…in a rich man’s world…"
Ever heard of that song from ABBA? Yes, money is something that revolves around the life of the richest.

But has it ever crossed your mind as to…how these lucky chaps got all their money? Don’t you wish you were one of them? And aren’t you aware that you have the power to be one of them?

Just pay attention to these tips and you could be on your way to becoming the next Bill Gates or Donald Trump!

Why We Want You to be Rich: Two Men - One Message

1. Excel in your studies! Think about this. If you can attain an honors in your university, chances of you grabbing a top-notch executive or managerial job is high, and when you attain such a job, you can see yourself earning thousands of dollars within a month. By the end of the year, your annual income would reach its climax.

2. Avoid using precarious means of making money like stealing, lottery, gambling or getting seductive with a filthy rich person. Playing with stocks is not an illegal way of getting rich, but it is a huge risk to take because it either makes you or breaks you.

3. Involve yourself in smart investments. You are strongly encouraged to invest a small sum of money as early as possible. You will find that the small amount in your account will keep on growing regularly, and in time to come, you will be richer that you thought you can be.

4. Create a business plan. Making a business is your first step to your first huge earnings. However, you need to stay focus and committed to your business in order to make it happen.

5. Be financially independent. You do not solely rely on a job to earn income. For instance, if you have borrowed a loan from the bank, it may become a liability for you, but do you realize that it becomes revenue for the bank, where you keep your accounts? And aren’t your bank accounts your assets? So in other words, you can depend on your assets to create earnings for you. To find out more about this, you can purchase the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

Money makes the world go round. But money is also the root of evil. So when working on gaining income, our advice to all of you is to do it in a safer and legal manner. Take slow steps and think with your brains and not your heart.

Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!

Boost Your Income With Bidvertiser

The NafaSG team has recently received yet another payment, this time, from a pay per click website called BidVertiser. The earnings we made were based on the clicks made by visitors on the advertisements displayed by BidVertiser itself.

Established in 2003, BidVertiser aims to provide advertisers the choice of sites they would invest in to place their advertisements, and provide publishers the choice of promoting their site space to the advertiser who gives the highest bidding. It utilizes different types of advertisement units like banners, buttons, skyscrapers and horizontally aligned advertisements.

It also goes the extra mile by revising the advertisements placed and the quality of the publishers’ websites, so that publishers will benefit from attractive advertisements and advertisers will enjoy the best conversion rates from the clicks made. A plus point of BidVertiser is that the minimum payout of the pay per click earnings per month for publishers is only USD$10. Hence, one would not have to wait too long to grab hold of the earnings made.

Proof Of Payment From BidVertiser
(Paypal Screen Shot)

Get Your Free Paypal Account For Online Transactions

The NafaSG team is very honored to have made the right choice of using BidVertiser as the gateway to attracting worldwide visitors to our website. It is the site for all publishers and advertisers to attain monetary success via the Internet.

So come and check out how BidVertiser can help you make advertising on your website worthwhile, by subscribing to Bidvertiser’s first-rate publishing and advertising services right now!

A Screen Shot Of BidVertiser's Official Website

Join BidVertiser For Free Today.

Boost Your Income With Chitika

Advertisers, want to boost your sales revenue? Publishers, wish that you would get a share for publishing the ads? Of course you can, with the help of Chitika, the avenue for profit making through online advertisements.

Chitika is a great companion that can lend a hand to advertisers, in terms of enhancing the brand awareness and increasing online sales proceeds by means of high-flying websites and blogs, which are linked to the Chitika network.

Chitika practices pay-for-performance system for advertisers, whereas publishers, which are the websites and blogs, will be paid based on impressions, number of valid clicks made and the sales income and a low minimum payout of only $10 (for PayPal) and $50 (for check where PayPal is not available)

Take a look at the Chitika eMiniMalls and you will find that Chitika is absolutely effective in boosting sales. How is that possible? It actually displays every single detail that visitors need to know about the advertised products. It also allows visitors to search for the best deals in town for the items they are looking for or intend to purchase.

For every product, full descriptions will be provided, and the various advertising retailers or online shops that offer such product will be reflected so that visitors can contrast the difference in the pricing and decide which is best for them.

Check out the eMiniMalls forum where advertisers and publishers can post queries on how to attract visitors to buy the products and how publishers can attract them to click on the ads

A Short Video Of Chitika

Chitika has been the reliable source for over a billion advertisers and publishers. With such a large pool of advertisers and publishers utilizing their services, you can guarantee that Chitika is the place for you to make your earnings easily and effectively!

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

7 Tips To Increase Traffic Ranking With Alexa

Alexa...Something Specially For Bloggers
First and foremost, before I touch on the 'main course' of this article, I am sure some of you are curious to know or maybe some have already knew, but let us give some benefits to others who didnt know.

"What is Alexa?"
Alexa is simply a ranking scheme whereby ranking is being done on the basis of the level of traffic that a blog or website gains from the visitors who drop by to view the blog or website. This is provided that the Alexa Toolbar is being installed.
It is strongly encouraged that bloggers make use of Alexa because advertisers or ad networks like Sponsored Reviews and Blogvertisers would normally decide whether to offer you to write a review for them, based on the Alexa traffic ranking.

A Screenshot Of Alexa

How is the Alexa Toolbar to be installed?
There are two ways of doing so. Either you directly install the Alexa Toolbar from our web page, or you can download it through Firefox or SearchStatus, which is more highly encouraged. Alright! Now here comes the 'main dish' I was talking about earlier on.

7 tips that can help your website to increase traffic ranking
1. Install the Alexa Toolbar, which is the most fundamental of all. Put up the toolbar on your web homepage to be made noticeable.

2. Display the Alexa rank widget on your homepage as well. Whenever the visitors click on it, the visit is counted, even though the visitor does not install the toolbar.

3. Spread the good word of Alexa to your family and friends. Inform them about the benefits of using the toolbar either verbally or via a link to the Alexa website so that they will be made clear of what Alexa is all about.

4. Present a review on Alexa. Promote the benefits of Alexa because a review is most of the time absolutely credible.

5. Spread the good word of your website in forums so that other webmasters would take note of your website, thus increasing your traffic.

6. Utilize the PayPerClick advertisements. They can contribute to the increase in your traffic.

7. Put up a section especially for Alexa, whereby you can post anything associated with Alexa, and visitors can post any comment pertaining to it.

These tips would unquestionably be useful for you. But remember, in order for these tips to do wonders to your blog, you the blogger should play a major role in enhancing your website.

It is highly recommended that you deliver high quality contents, in terms of both the overall layout and the posts or articles. In this way, visitors would turn to your website frequently and that would greatly contribute to a massive increase in your traffic.

So hop on now to our website and download your Alexa Toolbar right here!
Make your way to the starting point to get your pool of visitors coming into your site.

Increase Your Technorati Favourites

_____________copy below all the way down____________

It’s easy and worth it. If you want to move up in Technorati there are 2 ways to get there: gaining massive amounts of links to you from other blogs, or getting the most favourites. One thing you can do is get lots of favourites who favourite you in return! Before you start you may want to grab this supercool autofave program from Eng Tech.

All the people who have favourited you, this automatically favourites them in return. No more excuses for not returning the favour!Automatic Technorati Fave program the coolest program ever! Finds fans that have favorited you and automatically favorites them!

grab the program here [2.4MB].

(Reword the following paragraph a little. The Maurica link should be changed to link to who you got this from {me}. Move the 4 new faves (one is you) to old faves below Gary Lee. Add 3-4 new people to new faves.
Each name linked to their blog, and Fave the site is the link on their technorati fave widget on their site. AND, name THE WHOLE POST DIFFERENT FROM MINE!)
The time has come for me to get up on the Technorati Fave Train.
I was added to the Technorati Fave Train yesterday by Maurica
The Train was started at Gary Lee.
Maurica has been doing her best to help me improve my blogs. Maurica has been absolutely wonderful and extremely patient, especially with one not as tech-savvy as me. So, thank you for all your help and yes, I'd love to take this train ride with you! I will visit and fave all the blogs on this list if I have yet to do so, that's a promise!

So, do you want to ride the train?
***Start Copying Here***
Here are the rules:

1. Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.
3. Take “My New Faves” and move them into the “The Original Faves” list.
4. Add at least3 Blogs that you’ve just added to your Technorati Favorites to the “My New Faves” section. Remember to also add the “Fave Me” link next to your new blogs
5. Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on “Fave the Site.”
(Please FAVE EVERYONE on the List prior to posting the list or a Kitten will Die Alone in a Dark Alley Tonight).
Those who want good karma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.
My New Faves
Illusionare - Fave the Site
abhatnagar19 - Fave the Site
lmwong - Fave the Site
The Original Faves
***End Copying Here***

The Viral Tags Links Exchange

Viral tags is one of the unique method founded by the FoundersCafe to place your site and blog in a better standing of search engines as well as marking the higher rankings of Alexa in page visiting, limiting to a unique IPs as a single tracking cookie for each visitor that visits your site namely the traffic rankings.

How Does Viral Tags Works?
By exchanging of links, collaborating with internet bloggers and building of communities with the goal to share your contents to all worldwide internet users .

Terms & Conditions
Do not tamper urls that do not belong to you. No pornography allowed.

========= Copy and Paste below this line
The main idea of this tagging program is to allow others that got pinged by you to easily go to your site, and copy your Anchor Text (located right after “My Anchor Text”) and URL and paste them into their ViralTags Matrix.

1.) Copy and paste this program as indicated.

2.) Replace the anchor text located after "My Anchor Text" with your own anchor text. Also add your own anchor text in your ViralTags Matrix.

Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in their ViralTags Matrix, practice good karma by copying his/her Anchor Text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over your ViralTags Matrix below

4.) Encourage and invite others to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

My Viral Tags Matrix
My Anchor Text: NafaSg

Nafasg Text Unlimited Startup Entrepreneur Money Gio's Blog Hot MySpace Layouts Text Quotes Coolest Friendster Layouts A Great Pleasure Top Commercial Videos Top Music Videos Virtual Entrepreneur Bowflex-Store Best-Cybershot Guadagnare Online Nuovibusiness the interesting blog ATYOURSERVICE your anchor text here

Once I get a ping back from you, I will add your anchor text and the associated link to my ViralTag Matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text.
If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral.

So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.Please follow the instructions exactly, it’ll make everything easier and clearer for everyone.

URL - An acronym for "Uniform Resource Locator," this is the address of a resource on the Internet. World Wide Web URLs begin with http:// (Ex. http:// www.yourwond3rrblogg. com)

Ping (blog ping) - A notification to a web site that a blog has been created or updated.

Search Engine - see Google, Yahoo, MSN, Live, Technorati, and so on...

SERP - (Search Engine Results Page) The page of results that a search engine returns.

Google PR (PageRank) - The PageRank system is used by the popular search engine Google to help determine a page's relevance or importance.

(ViralTags courtesy of FoundersCafe)

======== Copy and Paste from Above this line ========


All credits given to Mika, an author of Text Unlimited for the personal invitation to viral tags.