Showing posts with label Tech Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech Talk. Show all posts

Dealing With Computer Crashes

Have you ever had to bear the perils of a computer crash? A heavy load to carry, isn’t it?

It is understandable when someone who experiences a computer crash gets agitated and panic-stricken. You would start thinking that you are dead meat and all your important documents would be wiped out from your computer forever!!!

No worries, there is still a way out of the calamity. Remember! Every problem has its solution, and computer crashes are of no exception.

But just because it can be solved, that does not imply that you can still take this matter for granted.

Let us together explore this issue and see what should be done in order to avoid it from happening repeatedly.

Sometimes your computer hard drive could crash because of the existence of a virus or malware that can be found in the Internet, some of your files or software that you had downloaded. How would you know that?

As long as you can still see the LED light flashing but are unable to log on to the system, that would most likely be the root of the problem. Nevertheless, there is still hope that your data can be recovered.

But do not be too hopeful if it happens again! Hence, in order to ensure that it will not happen again, you should always equip your computer with software that helps protect viruses from attacking your hard drive.

Other times, your computer could crash due to a glitch in the hardware. That problem could be detected when you notice that the LED light is not even flashing at all. Be aware that this problem could also occur when the hard drive gets too hot.

In view of that, the affected hardware has to be repaired so that there is a chance that all the data stored in the hard drive could be retrieved. However, it would be very exorbitant to get it fixed.

Therefore, in order to refrain from having to fork out a huge sum of money for that, you should ensure that you do not turn your computer on for too long to avoid overheating of the hardware. As for laptops, you should purchase a cooler to be placed on the laptop base when you really need to use it for long hours.

No matter what the situation is, there are professionals who can assist you in recovering the data that you need the most. But you as the user should not be complacent about it either! Always remember to back up your data with any disk, thumb drive or external hard disk lest the worst-case scenario takes place, whereby your data could not be retrieved at all.

So everyone, always stay knowledgeable on the possible hard drive problems and solutions, and do your part to handle your computer or laptop hard drives with utmost care.

-Nafa Danfad

Tips On Retaining High Battery Life For Laptops

Laptops can be regarded as our babies. Every single time, we need to take good care of them, and always ensure that they have the key essentials to survive for a longer period of time. You would not wish to see your laptop die off on you while you are doing your work with it, would you? So it would be crucial for you to make sure that the battery life can last as long as possible and that it does not shut down on you too often. It could be quite a nuisance if that happens all the time.

Therefore, we would like to share with you five key tips on how your laptops’ battery life can be preserved for a much longer period of time, which can save you from having to recharge your laptops every one or two hours.

Bring down the light intensity of the laptop display. Every time you bring it down, you are saving the battery from losing ten minutes of its life. You should also lower down the monitor resolution and color quality that can help to increase the battery life as well.

Just click on the ‘Start’ button, then select ‘Control Panel’, followed by ‘Display’, and from there, go to ‘Settings’ and edit the screen resolution and color quality. You should even consider removing additional and unnecessary features so that your battery power will not be too largely utilized. Go to ‘Control Panel’ and then select ‘System’ followed by ‘Advanced’, in order to make the necessary changes.

Do not leave unutilized devices on for too long. If you are not using them, just switch them off, and if you think you need not use some of the gadgets at all, then it would be best that you remove them for good.

Switching them on for too long can eat up all the battery power, and it would be even worse off knowing that the laptop goes flat just because of devices that were turned on but not used at all. Devices like Bluetooth and Ethernet adapter are meant for transfer of data from handphones to laptops, and vice versa. However, if you do not require them, they should thus be disabled.

Control the actions that are taking place in the hard drive by using a disk defragmenter. This can reduce the rate that the hard disk has to go to gain access to the files and folders in it, which in turn can extend the battery life as well. Just click on ‘Start’, followed by ‘Programs’, ‘Accessories’ and ‘System Tools’ to begin the defragmenting.

Remove startup objects that are unnecessary for usage. Too many items that appear when your laptop starts up can accumulate the amount of memory in your CPU, thus using up a large amount of power in your laptop. Therefore, you are advised to remove them, by opening the applications and proceed to the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ menu to do the necessary removal of the applications.

Keep the battery well maintained at all times. The battery must be charged up to 100 percent, and must be kept away from extremely high temperatures or under the hot sun. Batteries must always remain cool so that they can continue to provide the power for the laptops effectively.

Learn more about how battery life can be retained for a longer period of time by watching this video.

A laptop battery life is just as precious as your life, because if it is not well taken care of, it can die off on you forever. So keep your laptops in good shape, and most importantly, keep the battery lives in good condition always.

Solutions To Boosting Wi-Fi Signals

The one thing that can bug the lives of Wi-Fi users the whole day through is when the router is unable to retrieve sufficient signals for users to gain access to Internet wirelessly and easily. All the hanging and sudden loss of Internet connection can be such a killer, especially when you are in the middle of an online conversation or typing an important email message. So you know very well that you have to crack your brain and think of the best solutions to at least lessen the burden of having to re-connect over and over again.

Let us help you out on this as we present you some useful tips here on how you can boost Wi-Fi signals regularly and cut down on the problem of getting disconnected too often.

The position of the router actually plays an integral part in receiving as much Wi-Fi signals as possible. If the router is placed somewhere that is a little cramped and narrow, it may not be able to retrieve lots of signals.

In other words, the bigger the space, the more signals can be collected. Therefore, it is always best to place the router on a spacious area, whether at home or at your workplace, so as to gain more signals and smoothen wireless connection.

A router that is placed behind the desk may not be able to function well in terms of retrieval of signals. So what you should do is to let it ‘lean’ on a wall, which can apparently lengthen the distance between the router and any connection interruptions that are bound to happen. This, too, can boost Wi-Fi signals easily.

Purchase a booster antenna and plug it into your router. Ensure that you point the antenna towards the direction where there is a possibility of receiving huge amount of Wi-Fi signals.

Make use of a repeater. What a repeater does is that it gets you connected to the Internet wirelessly, and the next time you want to get connected, it is there for you to click on again. One example of a repeater is Linksys. You would get to see this name every time you wish to connect to the Internet, and you should always make use of it as that will continue to boost your Wi-Fi signals at all times.

Insert a powerline extender instead of the conventional Ethernet cable. One should be inserted in the router itself, and the other in the socket located in an open area. The powerline will help to deliver the Wi-Fi signals to the computer without needing a cable, and even guarantee a smooth flow of the signals, thus reducing the constant loss of Internet connection.

Here is another interesting tip of the day! You can even boost your Wi-Fi signals using a mobile phone. Amazing!

Watch this video and see how a mobile phone can do wonders to your wireless Internet connection.

Hope these tips can brighten your day and put a smile on your faces, especially to those of you who are still working hard to figure out how you can gain all the Wi-Fi signals you need. All in all, it takes creativity, patience and strategic planning to increase the signals and make certain that the Internet will not get away from you.

DVD Shrink 3.2 : Backup DVD Disks And Shrink DVD Files For FREE

When it comes to backing up DVDs, people would complain on two things. First of all, they would make a big fuss about the DVD titles. The titles are normally encrypted, meaning that it would be difficult for one to back the files up into the hard drives. Second of all, the files are usually too huge and can hardly be changed. But everyone, these problems can be solved for good!

Introducing the revolutionary DVD Shrink 3.2 software!

Yes, DVD Shrink is the effective tool that can help you solve those two problems.

It is the solution to the first problem because it contains decryption algorithms that that decrypts the movie titles, thus making it easier for you to backup the files.

It is also the ultimate solution to the second problem. It condenses the file sizes, and even lets you re-create a new DVD by making a collection of movies from more than one DVD or choose the scenes of the movies that you wish to view. This can help you save more backup space and allows for better quality in your favourite movies!

Best of all, you can enjoy the privileges of using DVD Shrink for free! No charges needed. Just download the software and you are all set to experience the thrills and spills of watching your most wanted movies without any burden to bear.

Here is another catch about DVD Shrink! With DVD Shrink, your movie files can even be transferred and fit into your iPod videos. So you can enjoy your favourite movies even when you are walking down the streets! Amazing isn’t it?

Watch this video and see how DVD Shrink can make that possible for you.

With all that DVD Shrink 3.2 has to offer, you should not give this one a miss! So go visit the official website now to find out more here, and start downloading it for free today.

Have fun shrinking your DVDs and have a great time ‘at the movies’!

Tips And Tricks On Utilising Your PC

How You Can Make PC Work Your Way? Do you know that you can make differences to the way PC works? And do you know that the differences can be made in simple steps? There is not one, two, but a couple of ways for PC to function the way you want it to.

Here are some of the ways that you can make use of to fully utilize PC.

Speeding Up Your Start Button
How do you let the Start Button function quickly once you click on it? Here is how it goes:

1. Click on ‘Run’, and type the word ‘regedit’. Once done, click ‘OK’.

2. It will lead you to ‘Registry Editor’. Once you have seen the page, select and click on ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.

3. From there, select and click once on ‘Desktop’. This will let you see a long list of files.

4. Within that list, you will come across a file named ‘MenuShowDelay’. Double click on it and under ‘Value Data’, change the number 400 to 0.

5. Once the number has been changed, click ‘OK’, close the Registry Editor and restart your PC.

When you re-log in to your computer, you will find that your Start menu will work in an increasing speed.

Creating An Invisible Folder
Don’t want your folder to be seen by others? Feel the need to keep the folder a secret? Then here is how you can ensure that nobody knows about your folder except yourself:

1. Right click on your computer background. Select ‘New’ and then click on ‘Folder’.

2. For desktops : Click rename the folder and hold + alt 0160’.

3. For laptops : Click rename the folder and hold fn and press numlock then u need to hold alt + then press m,j,o,m.

4. You will see that the name is not reflected below the folder icon.

5. So far, only the name is invisible, but not the folder itself, so what you need to do is right click on the folder and click ‘Properties’.

6. Under ‘Properties’, click on ‘Customize’. Once done, click on ‘Change Icon’.

7. Under’ Change Icon’ you will see a blank space between a few visible icons. Select the blank space and click ‘OK’.

From there, you need not worry about whether others will see the folder, because it has already turned invisible.

Creating Your Web Background
Ever wished that you had a web page background as your desktop wallpaper? It can come true for you, with these simple instructions:

1. Go to notepad and type the URL of the website that contains your favourite web page. It should look like this:

Click For Larger Image

2. Once done, save the work as an ‘html’ file. This is very important!

3. After saving, you will see a shortcut icon of your file that could look like a FireFox icon.

4. Right click on your computer background, and then select and click on ‘Properties’. Once you have entered the Properties page, click on Desktop and search for the saved file.

5. After selecting your file, click on ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’.

Your desktop background will transform into a web background. With that, you can always view your favourite web page every time you log in to your computer.

So there you have it. Piece-of-cake instructions on how you can make your experience with your PC a fruitful one. Have fun..

Stay in touch with us for more updates.

View The World From Home With Google Earth

Google Earth
Ever dreamt that you can fly way up high and see how amazing the galaxy is? Ever imagined that you can obtain all the geographical details simply by clicking?Imagine no more because here comes the all-new Google Earth 4.2! Google Earth 4.2 lets you view Earth from the top and the wonders of everything that makes up this amazingly gigantic galaxy, and you can experience all that at whichever angle you want to view them from.

Best of all, you need not ride on a space rocket to make those dreams of your come true. All you need to do is click!

See The Sights Of The Sky
You can get to know in-depth about our Heaven’s dome and everything that takes place up there. It is definitely not just another blue sky!

With Google Earth 4.2, you can discover the lifecycle of the stars, see the constellations and view the planets up close using the Hubble Space Telescope. Unbelievably astonishing!

View Images At High Resolution
3D topography and buildings are fun to watch, but at Google Earth 4.2, you can even view high-resolution photos on 3D!

The photos are in line with the topography, meaning that you can view the 3D images closely and clearly, giving you a more real-life experience when entering the 3D world. The photos and updated contents like traffic can all be found in the Layers menu.

The 3D images are looking better than ever. They are of higher quality and look more realistic, even for those images of hilly areas. It makes the 3D world look like the real world that you are in right now!

You have to check this out!

Search And Share Geographical Details
Searching and sharing geographical information at Google Earth has been brought to a whole new level. At Google Earth 4.2, you can view your vacation or hiking expedition pictures that are uploaded directly from your GPS, covers of your personal images, and huge geographical data collections that you have.

Another feature to look forward to is its ability to tell you how the world evolves from a period of time to another by means of eye-catching animations. All you need to do is create the time of the data and Google Earth 4.2 will do the rest!

Watch the video to find out how Google Earth 4.2 works.

Google Earth 4.2 gives everyone an out-of-this-world experience that none can give. Come and get intrigued by the natural beauty of our world and galaxy. Visit the website and download your Google Earth 4.2 for free!

Open your eyes wide and feel the Earth, the planets and the galaxy coming your way, and be a geography whiz in no time, with the revolutionary Google Earth 4.2.

PC or MAC?

PC or MAC?The question of the day… no it is not ‘To be or not to be? ’The question we are talking about is, ‘PC or Mac?’ It goes without saying that PC and Mac have dominated the world of technology for decades and have created a huge impact on the lives of many. The impact is so great that it has even brought about stiff competition between users of these two. Millions worldwide have actually created a controversy that has taken by storm, and that is whether PC is better than Mac, or vice versa.

But we are not going to compare them. We are just going to share with you what PC and Mac have to offer respectively.


HP Pavilion A1730N Desktop PCWith Windows Vista and Windows XP has offered the brand new ClearType technology, which allows text to display in a more edgy way.

This technology utilizes the power of pixels and sub-pixels that are handled individually, to provide astonishing text with high clarity and brightness similar to a printed text. With ClearType, the period of time needed to read the text is shortened by 10%.

HP Pavilion A1730N Desktop PC (AMD Athlon Processor 4600 Plus, 2 GB RAM, 320 GB Hard Drive, SuperMulti DVD Drive, Vista Premium)

In PC, you can find an absolutely wide range of software ranging from office applications to the latest video editing software such as the updated version of Adobe. During these few years, PC has been taking a step forward in providing all the various software that are in great demand among the frequent users of the computer, making PC the place that users can turn to for convenience in completing their tasks, whether they are simple office documents or graphical and animated projects.

In terms of performance, PC has been showing vast improvements on the speed of the loading of the different applications. The desktops and laptops are sold at exorbitant prices, you can expect high price being equivalent to high quality from a PC. Sometimes prices for PC desktops and laptops can be lowered if they are sold straightforwardly to the end users rather than going through retail stores.

Nevertheless, with the outstanding software availability including for removal of viruses and spyware, and the superb performance that has been improving over the years, it is worth paying a high price for PC.

Apple iBook Notebook 14The display of the text in Mac has a certain edginess that has already been built-in. One does not need to load an application manually to be able to view and read the text clearly. Mac has it all. Its text is also displayed in a bright and vibrant way that caters to the needs of those who want to create some life in their usage of computer.

Visit the Mac stores and your eyes will never miss out on the slick and stylish laptop designs that Mac has to offer. These laptops are lightweight and, in a way, suit the tastes of all kinds of generations, especially the younger ones.

Apple iBook Notebook 14" M9627LL/A (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 256MB RAM, 60GB Hard Drive, Combo Drive, Built-in AirPort Extreme)

If you are a graphics designer, a video editor or an animator, Mac is the one you would be rooting for. You will come across an assortment of applications related to graphics that can help you produce top-notch presentations of your work. Best of all, you can make use of these applications at ease because Mac is normally free from spyware and viruses, thus being prevented from computer crashes.

All these can be obtained by a user at quite cheap prices. Prices are still high due to the fashionable designs of the laptops and desktops, but the operating systems are normally cheap. So that makes Mac computers affordable for all.

Which Is Better?
You are probably wondering right now about which is better. PC or Mac? Everything has its pros and cons. PC and Mac are no exception! But ultimately, to decide whether you should opt for PC or Mac, you should analyze yourselves in terms of your working needs, daily needs and the materials you would require to complete your tasks effectively.

There is no need for us to be debating over which is better. Think about this! Bill Gates, the man behind Microsoft, and Steve Jobs, the figure behind Mac, are apparently good friends, despite the tough competition between them.. Watch the video "If you are neutral about both" below. So we need not create any controversial situations about it after all. At the end of the day, all you need to do is just come to a decision as to which of these two would cater most to your overall needs.

So have you made your decision? What do you think of this? Are you for PC or for Mac? Or are you neutral about this?

If you are for Mac, watch and enjoy this video of Mac.

If you are for PC, watch and enjoy this video of PC.

If you are neutral about both, just sit back and enjoy this video.

The Magic Touch Of Apple iPod Touch

You can listen to your favourite music, and see your favourite videos, snapshots and websites. But do you know that you can touch them too, with your own fingers? Indeed you can, with the all-new Apple iPod Touch!

The Apple iPod Touch may be small in size, but big on the power of its touch. The models can hold up a great amount of files with capacities of 8GB and 16GB, and you can enjoy all of those at the most attractive prices too! Come and take a tour with us as we bring you into the world of Apple iPod Touch and share with you all about its amazing features.

Multi-Touch Interface
All thanks to this state-of-the-art feature, you can take full charge of your life’s entertainments with your own fingers. By just using your fingers, you can browse through your albums with Cover Flow, flip through your pictures and broaden them to produce the clearest and most enhanced pictures, and even get a closer view of your web pages whenever you want to. You can also make use of the touch-screen QWERTY keyboard to surf the web with Safari, find your favourite videos in YouTube, search for the best hits in iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, and insert your contacts.

The iPod Touch is also equipped with the ambient light sensor that creates intensity in your iPod when you are browsing through your files or web pages. Best of all, battery life can still last for a longer period, thus enhancing your experience using it! On top of that, it also has a built-in accelerometer, which can spot whether you swiveled your files and web pages from portrait to landscape mode and mechanically alter the way the contents display. With that, you can view your files and web pages the way you want to without any hassle at all!

3.5-Inch Wide Screen Display
Entertainment cannot get any better than this! This 3.5-inch wide screen display lets you enjoy your music and videos to the maximum.

With the amazing Cover Flow, you can simply use your fingers and take your pick among your collection of albums. Once you have found your desired album, tap the album and you will see a list of tracks that you can choose from. Just another tap, and you are all set to take pleasure in your favourite tunes!

View your most wanted list of movies, television shows and music videos with the 3.5-inch display. It is just as great as watching them on a big screen! You can opt for a full screen to enhance your viewing experience, all with just a touch of your finger.

The iPod Touch can store up to 20,000 photos that you transfer using iTunes. Again with your fingers, you can select from all the thumbnails and view them on full screen mode. You can even view slideshows and let the music accompany the slideshow, or set any of your favourite snapshots as wallpaper.

Wi-Fi Web Browser
With the iPod Touch that is so compact, you can get in touch with the web wirelessly and view your web pages conveniently without worrying about how the pages are presented on the screen.

The integrated Apple’s Safari browser lets you surf the web conveniently wherever you go. You can transfer your bookmarks to the iPod Touch, surf the web all with the touch screen keyboard, and get a more up close view of your pages using the multi-touch function.

Good news for all YouTube fanatics. The iPod Touch has a built-in YouTube browser just for you. You can search for videos and run them the way you would using the normal YouTube. The videos can even be saved as bookmarks for you to view the next time round.

iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store
You need not travel to any CD shop to look for the latest albums and hits. You can do all that with a tap of your finger! You can visit the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store to purchase your favourite tunes. Choose to sample the tunes first or immediately buy the tunes just by touching the screen right in front of your eyes.

Check out the Starbucks Music Store too! As you are enjoying a sip of your mocha or latte, you might just happen to listen to a fine song that you cannot get enough of. Just let your desires out! Visit the Starbucks Music Store and purchase those tunes all in the palm of your hand.

Let's watch the new revolutionary Apple iPod Touch

Enticing isn’t it? So get yours today! It is that easy, and is cheap too!
See, hear and touch entertainment, with none other than the Apple iPod Touch!

Click For Larger Image

The Apple iPod Touch

Apple iPod Touch Best Prices

1. Apple 8 GB iPod Touch At $299
2. Apple 16 GB iPod Touch At $399

Essential Tips To Care For Your Laptop

In today’s context, whether you are working, studying, or simply home making, you would not feel complete without the presence of a laptop. Hence, you should never take your laptops for granted. They need to be cared for too!

So here are some ways for you to take good care of your laptops:

§ The surface of your desk should be steady to avoid your laptop from dropping. Dropping a laptop can cause internal damages to it. If there is a dent on the casing, please seek professional laptop servicing assistance.

§ Refrain from exposing your laptop to fluids and rain, and avoid switching on the modem when there are thunderstorm and showers.

§ Be careful not to drop any item, especially heavy ones, onto the laptop. Do not deliberately place any object onto it as well, as it can cause problems to the hardware components.

§ Keep your laptop away from filthy and dusty areas. Clean your keyboards and monitor screen as often as you can so that your laptop will not be collecting dust and dirt in time.

§ Do not touch the display panel with your bare fingers. If you need to point out something that is on the panel, make sure that your finger is a few inches away from the panel.

§ As important as it is not to expose your laptop to heavy rain, it is also important that you do not expose it to too much sunlight and extreme heat that goes beyond 50°C. It can lead to overheating of the components, which will cause extensive damages to your laptop. Store it at room temperature at all times.

§ Do not place it near magnetic materials as the magnetic attraction can take away all your data stored in the laptop.

§ Storing it in a too cold temperature is also not advisable, as the laptop will not boot. It should be kept at a place with a temperature of 32°C.

§ When discarding the batteries, do not destroy them with fire, as it will lead to major explosion. Read the instructions on your manual carefully to find out how the batteries should be properly disposed.

§ If a drink spatters on your laptop, quickly unplug the laptop from the main sockets, switch it off, take out the battery and keep it in a place with room temperature for drying. If the spillage causes some internal faults in the laptop, call for technical assistance immediately.

With these tips, maintaining your laptop will be made simple and hassle-free for you. So do take note of them!

But right now, we would like to share with our readers one of the latest that has joined the series of laptops.

We are talking about the all-new Panasonic Toughbook! And believe us, it is tough. So tough that it can withstand anything!

Want to know more? Then enjoy this short video presentation of the Toughbook that was being put to the test. Will it pass the test? You will find out.

Still having doubts? Then watch this video on how Panasonic Toughbook was put up to the test to the maximum!

Interested? Hurry And Get Your Panasonic Tough Book Now!
Panasonic Toughbook 28 - PIII-M 1 GHz LV - RAM : 256 MB - HD : 30 GB, CDRW/DVD COMBO, 13.3" TFT 1024 x 768 (XGA)

Think Smart, Think BlackBerry Smartphone!

BlackBerry 8100 Pearl myFaves Phone (T-Mobile)

First came telephones, then came mobile phones, now comes another brand new series of phones… the smartphones! Want to own a smartphone?

Then make BlackBerry® your number one choice!
From the name given, one would perceive the smartphone as a slick and black-colored mobile phone look alike with the state of the art connection and multimedia functions. BlackBerry® Smartphone permits easy access to wireless interactions and an assortment of data. Still wondering how? We will go into further details about the features encompassing this classy communication device:


You can send, receive, forward and reply to your emails without plugging in any wire. Best of all, you need not do any connection startup or get your fingers nimble just to retrieve your incoming emails. The emails will come knocking at your smartphone door! It would be so convenient not only to open your email messages, but also, to open your attachments in the right format. It allows incorporation of your personal or company email accounts into the phone, and even gives you the option of signing up a BlackBerry® email account. Your inbox will also be protected from a massive influx of emails and junks. You can choose the filter function, which will help you take in the important emails and discard the junks!

Corporate Data

BlackBerry® allows full access to data of the company you are working in or the business you own. All this can materialize with the aid of the BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution, which holds the key to all the data pertaining to your business or workplace, like pricing, inventories and customer contacts. You can actually key in the account details and get updated on the latest billing details for the company!

Instant Messaging

A built-in instant messaging function is available to stay connected to your contacts at anywhere and any time. You can also organize your contacts well, and communicate with your contacts wirelessly. Emoticons are also available to give a more expressive touch to instant messaging!


A speakerphone is integrated for convenience to smartphone users. The BlackBerry® Smartphone also comes along with Bluetooth function that provides freedom for users to use headsets to communicate with contacts. BlackBerry® guarantees highly defined voice clarity and ease in staying connected to others!

Internet Access

A browser can be found in the smartphone for you to gain access to the Internet. You can get stock updates, surf the Web, find out about the latest news headlines and even obtain weather forecasts. The click and scroll trackwheel is also built-in for you to navigate the Web, and the QWERTY is available for you to type the URLs conveniently. This means that you will be constantly kept in the loop about the latest updates even when you are not desk bound!


The SMS and MMS functions are a separate entity from emails messages, so you will not need to fear of congestion in your inbox! You will enjoy an inbox for your emails, and another inbox for your text and multimedia messages!


You can gain access to all your daily data organizing tools like calendar, task list, address book, memo pad and calculator. All this can be made possible wirelessly. So you will have every opportunity to organize your essential data in a worry-free way! The data can also be synchronized to your computer easily with the BlackBerry® Desktop Software. A simple installation of the software will get you all ready to save your important data in your computer!

Get your BlackBerry® Smartphone today. A great variety of smartphones to choose from! Plus, you have an option to choose the smartphone that suits your identity and style.

Think smart, think BlackBerry® Smartphone!

BlackBerry 8300 Curve Silver Phone (AT&T)

O2 Cocoon

Are you ready for another avant-garde product in the ever-changing world of technology? Better be because here comes the latest technological invention, which you can also call your ‘nest’. Yes, the O2 Cocoon!

Even when you have flown over to slumber land, O2 Cocoon will still keep its eyes wide open. It comes together with its nest, so when you put it on the nest, it will charge the battery life, and even change into an alarm clock. It has an integrated LED lighting that allows the time to be visible all through the night.

The alarm sound can be set to your favourite tunes so when the alarm rings, you will be waking up feeling fresher with your soothing tunes accompanying you. You can choose to press ‘snooze’ or continue listening to the alarm song, while the nest is charging it. The most attractive part of this feature is that when you wake up, you will see a message display greeting you with a ‘GOOD MORNING’ or ‘HELLO’. A warm and welcoming companion to start off your day!

The speakers can be changed into stereo for you and everybody else to groove to the music. If you want to listen to the songs without interruptions from the phone calls or messages, you can set it to ‘Cocoon Mode’. You will have the time of your life listening to your favourite music without being bugged by calls or messages!

The O2 Cocoon lets the music heal your soul all the time. Its MP3 player uses music keys to manage your music whether the phone is opened or closed. You will come across a built-in FM Radio for you to listen to the radio even though you are away from home or your car, using headphones that utilize the adapter to be plugged in.

You can go on playing the music for as long as 15 hours and lower the volume of or stop the music if you receive incoming calls or messages. The music library can save up to 500 high definition songs, and will show the list of tracks based on the albums. You can also opt for creation of your own play list right here!

The O2 Cocoon also has a built-in camera with a resolution of 2 mega pixels and has amazing photo taking capabilities like flash, zoom, auto focus and self-timer functions. It can even transform into a video camera for you to take both photos and videos of your favourite moments! The photos taken can be stored in the O2 Cocoon’s library for your viewing anywhere and any time. There are so many screensavers and wallpapers that you can choose from to set as background, any time you want to.

Other features of this groundbreaking innovation include:

§ Organizer of data by installing the PC Suite® software from the CD for synchronization

§ Calculator where you can calculate and also convert a unit of measurement or currency to another

§ Memory stick that you can synchronize with your PC to transfer and store your important data, using USB cable or Bluetooth®

§ Games like Tetris and Sims2, and many other games that you can download from the O2 Game Arcade.

§ Headset for you to make hands-free calls.

With the O2 Cocoon, you can also personalize your phone settings by changing the greetings, fonts and colours of the icons on the homepage screen, save contacts with images for contacting more easily, including a thumbnail photo alongside the contacts to view who are calling or messaging, and assigning different ringtones to different contacts!

The O2 Cocoon is the mobile phone that connects to the user by sending greetings and providing timely information. A good friend indeed!

So keep yourself in the loop on the date of release of this state-of-the-art mobile phone in your country, because it could be sooner than you think!

O2 Cocoon, the virtual friend to keep for a lifetime!

Click here to purchase your very own O2 Cocoon online

or visit the official website of O2 Cocoon for more information.

HP iPAQ 512 Voice Messenger

HP iPAQ 510 Voice Messenger Phone (Unlocked)

Let’s welcome the brand new HP iPAQ 512 Voice Messenger into the HP iPAQ series of mobile phones! hat makes this mobile phone model the ideal mobile phone to own?

First impression always counts. The HP iPAQ 512 Voice Messenger has a slick design and is pocket-sized. Its lightness in weight makes it so convenient for anyone to bring along the mobile phone.

Data Storage and Transfer
One of the attractive features of HP iPAQ 512 is the latest built-in Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Edition where you can make use of Microsoft Windows Mobile applications like Word Mobile, Excel Mobile and PowerPoint Mobile. It is a PC that fits in your pocket! You can store all your data in the main memory with a bigger space of 64 MB, or the flash ROM with a space of 128 MB, which is similar to your thumb drive. Data storage becomes less of a hassle with the increase in the memory space! Want to transfer your data to your PC? You can do so by using the USB desktop cable to synchronize your data. It is so quick and easy!

Wireless Technology
When it comes to the HP iPAQ series, who would not enquire about its wireless technology capabilities?! The HP iPAQ 512 is equipped with the Wi-Fi 802.11, together with WPA2 security and Mobile Internet Explorer. These superb features will guarantee safety and handiness when surfing the Internet and checking your emails. It also has the integrated Bluetooth® 1.2 for sending and receiving of pictures or videos.

Multimedia Features
Speaking of pictures and videos, you will be enthralled by the built-in HP Photosmart Camera that has a resolution of 1.3 mega pixel supports many of the image formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF. The image qualities supported by the camera are CIF, QVGA, VGA and SXGA. The camera affirms high quality in the pictures taken! You can even shoot your own videos with the camcorder that has a viewfinder of 160 x 120 and supports QCIF video size. You can turn yourself into a filming director just by using its camcorder! The mobile phone even possesses audio capabilities. It is equipped with microphone, receiver, speaker and a 2.5 mm stereo headphone jack. With all these audio features, you can keep yourself entertained with your favourite songs wherever you are! The messaging component uses the MMS composer where you can also send lovely MMS pictures to your contacts.

Details Of The Outlook
The numbered keyboard has 12 buttons with a LED backlight for you to view the keyboard especially in dark areas. The memory slot is fit for MicroSD cards and supports 4-bit memory standard.

Our verdict? The HP iPAQ series of mobile phones has definitely brought in an innovatory mobile phone that anyone would want to go home with. The all-new HP iPAQ 512 Voice Messenger will certainly be the center of attraction to all!

Apple iPhone

Thanks to the creative and innovative minds of the Apple team, another state-of-the-art invention has been born into the technology world.

Let us celebrate the birth of the Apple iPhone that would surely leave all you readers awestruck!
For those of you who currently own an iPod, you would get easily familiar with the iPhone as it functions just like your iPod. With the iPhone, you can sort out your contents that would in turn make calling and text messaging, emailing and surfing, listening to songs and watching your favourite videos quicker and simpler.
Want to get to know the specifications of this slick and user-friendly invention? Come with me and I will ‘show you around’…

Take A Closer Look Of Apple iPhone..

The iPhone has a top-notch capability to sync with your computer, so when it comes to storage of your contacts, all you need to do is sync the phone with your computer, and there you have it! Your address book in your phone available for you to make your calls. You can sync the phone with any address book that you have on your computer, like Outlook Express or even your Yahoo! Address Book. If you do not store any of your contacts on your computer, it is perfectly fine because you can still store contacts directly through the phone.

Just like your address book, you can also sync your calendar on your computer with the phone using the built-in iTunes, so you can straightaway access to your appointments once the calendar has been saved into the phone. Otherwise, you can still use the iPhone calendar directly to save and keep yourself in the loop for your upcoming appointments.

Emailing can be made so convenient for you using the iPhone. The iPhone supports the well-known emailing sites like Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, AOL and Mac Mail. The iPhone also has the ability to capture your latest emails as long as you open the application, so you can be assured that you are constantly updated wherever you go and whatever you do. Even if you do not use any of these emailing services, you can still use this application as it supports any POP3 and IMAP emailing system.

The iPhone has a built-in 2-megapixel camera and a 3.5-inch display that will help you capture the best shots that you will want to keep for life. The phone can sync with your photos stored in your PC using iTunes, whether you make use of Adobe Photoshop Element, Adobe Photoshop Album or any other picture storage software. Speaking of picture storage, you can create an album in the iPhone as it can save 50 to 100 pictures that you have taken.

Music and Video
The iPhone makes a good iPod if you do not have one yet. It has a 3.5-inch wide screen display that lets you have fun listening to your favourite songs and watching TV shows and movies that you have saved in your iTunes library. For those who do not have the iTunes 7.3 yet, it is strongly encouraged that you download it via the official Apple website so that you can carry along with you hundreds of your favourite tunes to keep you entertained wherever you go.

Watch The Apple iPhone Scratch/Drop Test..


My Trusty Friend; Always With Me Anywhere I Go…
Meet my pocket-sized friend, the HP IPAQ rw6828!

This friend of mine allows me to gain access to the Internet and my emails when I am away from home. This is possible because of the Wi-Fi capabilities that make Internet accessible wirelessly.

Image of HP IPAQ rw6828

This also allows me to send any email that I need to send urgently! Even Pocket MSN is built-in for you to chat with your contacts.
Based on the image, one can see that it is large-screened and is more small-sized and handy than any other smart phones that you can see around you.

It is well equipped with many functions that would make up an ideal mobile phone for anyone. It has Windows Media Player and FM Radio designed to keep you entertained wherever you go and whatever you do.

For those who wish to store important information, you can always rely on the pocket-sized Microsoft applications like Windows, Excel and PowerPoint and save them in the folder provided.

And if you need to transfer them to your PC, all you need to do is plug your USB cable wire into the USB slot, and your files are ready to be synchronized!

The same can be done if you wish to transfer your favourite videos and pictures.
Basically, this phone produces high-quality performance and its battery life is impressive. It is very practical to own such a phone especially when multimedia functions seem necessary for your daily use.

It’s been a year since I first used the phone, and I am glad to be a proud owner of HP IPAQ rw6828!

The Fastest And The Safest Browser On Earth

Make Web Browsing Safe , Faster And Enjoyable With Opera!

All web surfers and Internet users, I am pretty certain that you are all getting sick and tired of the dangers of surfing the Internet. Don’t you just want to have fun surfing without having to fear of such things?

Now you can, with the revolutionary Opera, the award-winning Web browser.

The Opera software makes Internet surfing safe and quick, compared to your normal browser, and you can choose the kind of Internet surfing that suits your taste.

A Screenshot Of Opera

The choice is yours!

The tight-coded browser guarantees 100% security from the unwanted viruses and spywares that can cause frustrating disruptions to your Internet connection and dangers to your computer.

As a matter of fact, its tracking of protection level has been proven to be more swift than any other browser.
To top it all off, it consumes very little of the memory, so you will not get easily agitated by the connection speed.

As mentioned earlier on, you have a choice on the way you want to surf. To be more explicit, you can apparently decide whether to surf the Net and check you e-mails in just one browser, or in separate browsers, because it has a built-in integrated e-mailing program that allows you to simply use a browser to e-mail and surf. It is so convenient with a capital ‘C’!

Safe online banking and shopping - New fraud protection from Opera

For those of you who are possibly concerned about whether you can still keep your current browser, the answer is yes!

Do not fear. The installation of Opera will not affect the status of your current browser.

So with all that insights, how can one not believe in the works of Opera? And to start the ball rolling, all you need to do is visit the website.

Get the FREE-of-charge and easy-to-use Opera browser now!
Opera is your key to becoming a more efficient Internet user like never before!

Opera 9 - Always secure with Opera

Microsoft Surface

A ScreenShot Of The Amazing Microsoft Surface

If all of you think that Microsoft has already introduced to us enough of its amazing innovations, well...prepare to be mesmerized again!

More mesmerized than ever, because here comes Microsoft Surface. This is, by far, the greatest wonder of Microsoft ever..Microsoft Surface is magical. It makes you feel like a wizard. Why? Because with Microsoft Surface, you will see yourself moving all the objects in your tabletop...with only your fingers! Just like a wizard isn't it?!

Yes, instead of the mouse or the keyboard taking control, it is your fingers that will control everything!
Microsoft Surface is so powerful.

It lets you create your own digital experience. You can make a picture look bigger, tap on the video you want to watch, discover the geographical location of the place you are searching for on the map, and even order your favourite meal or drink in the menu...simply by using the tip of your finger! Amazing!!!

Check this out too. Place your glass of drink on the tabletop, and you will discover the drink 'joining in the conversation' between you and your friends. Place your mobile phone on it, and you will see the mobile phone 'introducing' itself to you. All these can only be made possible with the power of Microsoft Surface.

Speaking of mobile phones, Microsoft Surface is the mighty king of synchronization. Picture this! Instead of plugging your USB cable wire to synchronize your files or pictures from your computer to your mobile phone, all you need to do is use your own finger, place your mobile phone on the tabletop, and shift the items to your mobile phone, and.... VUALA!

Unbelievable isn't it? In time to come, the cash register may very well transform into a tabletop where all the items you purchase would be transferred into your credit cards, all with nothing else but the finger! And that settles your credit card transactions.
Oh my! It is too good to be true!!!

Without a doubt, technology is so powerful. Microsoft Surface is one living proof of the power of it that is beyond measure. The Microsoft Surface experience is one you have to see to believe it.
So go for it!

This is your chance to touch the digital world with your own hands!!!