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Showing posts with label Dove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dove. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dove School of Skindulgence Contest

Do you use Dove body wash? I have submitted some of my photos in instagram but I don't see the Saturday or Sunday posting in Dove School of Skindulgence Contest. The contest is going on in Dove Body Wash Malaysia Facebook.

Here's the reason:

Thank you so much for participating in the Dove School of Skindulgence Contest. Kindly note that there is a slight delay in the publishing of photos from Instagram as our application grabs them at regularly scheduled intervals and the photos go through a moderation process carried out by our team. We do, however, take note of the date and time in which those photos were posted in determining eligibility. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. Best of luck and have fun! Warmest Regards, My Dove Body Wash

Edited 25 March 2014
By the way I have finished my 21 days of School of Skindulgence.
Yesterday was my last day.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Top Referral of Name Sherry Giveaway

I am giving the Top Referral of Name Sherry Giveaway, a special name bracelet from me. If you are the Top Referral, you get to tell what name you like to put on the bracelet. I am adding this because it's special month for me. :D

This morning I received a call from regarding the Dove Empowerment Workshop, yeah I am one of the 100 selected woman to take part. :D

It will a long hours of workshop because starting from 9am to 5pm!

GET.SET.GLOW! with guardian Malaysia this September 2024 Month-long campaign to get Malaysians to embrace a culture of nurturing of wellbeing & self-care

This wellbeing festival is a free public event that is scheduled from the 10th to the 16th of September 2024 at 1Utama Shopping Centre Petal...