This blog started with small daily paintings then changed to a more personal sharing of projects, events and photos. Enjoy!
Showing posts with label Children's craft fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children's craft fair. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Children's Crafts Fair 2014

Once again--time for the Children's Crafts Fair, put on by the Los Osos Library--it's free for the kids to set up their tables and they can keep any money they made--a very great idea!  This is our fifth year--you can see our past years, here--here--here and here.  This year, my granddaughter and her friend made the crafts.  I've often posted about how I tend to help out a little too much--so much so, that the crafts turn into my creations flavored with the artistic designs of my granddaughter, but I have to say, this year I only helped with some exacto knife cutting, putting O-rings on the charms, and helping with the table and display--not bad for me!!

They sold all these pressed flowers...

People could make their own charm bracelets...

with Shrinky Dink charms!

We sold some left over items from last year's booth,

I bought a pair of round needle nose pliers--my granddaughter learned how to make nice round little loops for making her earrings--I did have to help her by twisting the wire around pretty tightly and clipping close with the precision wire clippers, that I also bought--(I like crafting tools!!), But that's all I did---really!

She and her friend got together numerous times to make batch after batch of play-dough--we came home with just a handful of these left.

Because I really took a back seat this year, I could tell that she and her friend felt a greater sense of accomplishment, pride in their work and had lots of fun--plus they made some pocket money!  Then there's  the mad dash of trading toward the end, which is fun to watch!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Few Things We'll be Selling on August 4th

Pressed flowers and a few other crafts we'll be selling at this year's Children's Craft Fair.  If you're in the area come by the Los Osos Library.  The selling starts at 11am, but come a little earlier if you can.
I'll try to take more pictures the day of the fair, but I may not have time--we'll see--and maybe we'll see you there!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Laying out the finished Magic Elastic Button Strings.  We're selling some of the same things we've sold in the past Children's Crafts Fair.  We've added some shiny gold to the buttons so when they whirl, they shine!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Children's Crafts Fair 2011

It's kind of funny to see all that we've been working on, all that was recently spread from one side of our living room to the other, in a compact little pile ready to be transported.

Behind the scenes--the backs of the action figures and of course duck tape and safety pins.
(Picture taken by Patience)

For $1.50 you could have your portrait drawn and framed by my granddaughter--great deal!!

I'm not too sure this little guy liked his portrait, but he was a good sport about it.

It only lasted two hours, we sold most of what we made except for the action figures--the fair goers missed out on the genius of those action finger figures--but, two cool skate boarding girls bought a couple of sets--they were seen later skating down the side walk with their newly purchased figures in their back pockets.

Friday, July 29, 2011


We're about ready for the craft fair tomorrow! The action figure finger puppets are at attention.
I hope to be able to take a few pictures of the event.

Monday, July 25, 2011


My granddaughter and I have been busy preparing for the children's craft fair--held on July 30th, 10:30am to about noon, at the Los Osos Library (for those of you who are in the area) Crafts for pennies or quarters, but very very affordable, ridiculously affordable for the amount of work involved--I've been my granddaughter's taskmaster, but I admit to doing quite a bit of the menial work--she is the artistic director. We'll be selling paper twirlies, magic elastic button strings, pinwheels, pipe cleaner dolls and a few other crafts. I'll post more about this with more pictures of the other crafts.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Children's Craft Fair

This past summer, I had so much fun helping my granddaughter make crafts, then setting up a table!
I was a sort of task master--each day I would have her draw so many clothespin dolls, another day I'd set out the acetate for the pinwheels for her to decorate with large paint markers, and so on for a few weeks.

Besides putting her "mark" on each item, she was the artistic director throughout all the decisions. I probably helped too much, as I'm apt to do, but what fun it was!

I started the table with two saw horses and a length of plywood. I set that up about a week before the fair, then kept adding to it--an awning would be nice--spray paint the table top--paint the bamboo--bells!--a table skirt, then cutting into the table skirt!----stop!

We sold lots of things that twirled--pinwheels, magic elastic button sting, and an origami paper twirly, mobiles. I never had a chance to even take a picture of our table set up at the fair site, but we were catching the wind left and right! I couldn't help twirling our table in the first photo--plus, I was having too much fun once again in photo shop!