Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

My Work for NOVA PBS: Your Brain - Perception Deception

NOVA PBS will use some of my multispectral images in a forthcoming TV show, airing on May 18, 2023 3am in the US: Working title "Your Brain: Perception Deception”!

The following multispectral images of mine they used where shot in my studio and outside with my "work horse" UV-Nikkor f4.5/105mm quartz fluorite lens using the Baader UV/IR Cut filter and my proprietary XBV filters for simulated bee vision. Light source used was a Xenon flash modified for high UV output and sunlight outside.

[click on image to see a larger one]

Bidens Human Vision (VIS):

Bidens simulated Bee Vision:

Gazania Human Vision (VIS):

Gazania simulated Bee Vision:

Rudbeckia Human Vision (VIS):

Rudbeckia simulated Bee Vision:

All these flowers have very specific UV patterns; the outer part of their petals are UV reflective around 360nm, but their inner parts show a UV-dark area which gets nicely visible.

Stay tuned, more will follow on that fascinating subject...

More info on this very interesting field may be found on my site