Showing posts with label Packers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Packers. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grant, agent wait for Packers to call

This is getting a little old.
First, you treat one of the best QB's in NFL history like crap, then you can't even return the calls of your best RB.
It is rare for a team to actually TRY to be worse than the year before, but the Packers are going for it.
I'll watch the Brewers and let all the homers who are basically droids following the Packers deal with that mess.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Brett wants to be released

My take:

In regards to Brett...The Packers wasted his talent since about 1999 and have surrounded him with very average WR's and an average team. He should be pissed about that.However, the Packers are tired of him thinking about retiring every year, and they are moving on...Brett will be traded to a team the Packers do not play, unless they both make it to the play-offs...and I don't think the Packers or any team the Packers send Brett off to will be making the playoffs.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Brett Favre Set to Retire After 17 Years

Well, I guess today is the first day the homers in this state start figuring out how Rodgers can take them to the Superbowl.
Sorry, but I hate homers. Be objective, use your brain.
Favre was great, and Rodgers will in no way be as good...period.
Back to mediocre we go.
a few stories

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Favre indicates he'll play another year

In an interview with his hometown newspaper in Mississippi, Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre says he'd like to keep playing."Each week, I bring more stress on myself wondering if this is too good to be true," Favre told the Sun Herald. "I want to continue the streak and winning. When I talk about the streak, it's not the (consecutive) starts; it's the hot streak we are on. Then, I ask what can I do better?"I am trying to enjoy it because this could be my last game in Green Bay. For the first time in three years, I haven't thought this could be my last game. I would like to continue longer."Here's the entire story in the Sun Herald in southern Mississippi.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Favre furor

Why wouldn't Favre want to leave?
He has been wasted for almost ten years now with poor receivers and the last 4 have been a complete disaster. The team is terrible...they are lucky they play other very terrible teams to get that 8-8 record last year. Favre has one or two more years left, why waste them in a program that has no clue what it is doing?

Monday, April 30, 2007

NFL draft

So, where you some who lost precious hours of your life watching the NFL draft?
I watched sportscenter for one hour and found out the same thing you did...
Mostly, that the Green Bay Packers will suck for many, many years to come. They were 8-8 due to the fact they get to play in the worst division the NFL has produced in about 30 years...probably ever.
What is funny yet sad is all the homers who love the Packers no matter what, and see nothing wrong with what is going on...
I guess this years installment of the NFL season will just be for social gatherings and to see how much I suck at Fantasy Football...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Packers lose bid for free agent

Defensive lineman Jimmy Wilkerson opted to remain with his current team, Kansas City, his agent disclosed on Saturday.The Green Bay Packers were negotiating Friday with Wilkerson's agent, Joby Branion, but ultimately Wilkerson wanted to remain with the Chiefs and agreed to a one year deal."I think there was just a comfort level with the team that he was with," Branion said. "He's good with everybody there. There's nothing he doesn't like about Kansas City."Wilkerson, 6 foot 3 and 292 pounds, has been a versatile reserve for the Chiefs for four years, playing both end and tackle. Wilkerson started just three of 56 games. He has 86 tackles, one-half sack and 34 quarterback pressures, including 25 in 2005. The Chiefs have also recently signed free agent tackle Alfonso Boone, who had spent six years with Chicago, and re-signed Ron Edwards.The Packers have acquired one player in the free agency period, cornerback Frank Walker.

So the Pack, in the worst division maybe in the history of the NFL, has done nothing to make their bad team the best of the bad. The Chicago Bears have even been trying very hard to help the Pack get to the top of the division.
The real shame is that the Packers organization has virtually wasted the last 6 or 7 years of Brett Favre's career. How can a team with a great QB keep giving him very, very average WR's?
How many more Superbowls could the Packers have won if they had more than one good receiver a year?
The sad thing is you have the Wisconsin "homers" who bow to the alter of the Pack, and never question anything they do.
Here's to another wasted year for the Pack!!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Randy Moss good for Green Bay?

Provide the evidence that Moss will play with heart. Where has he before? Show how he has done more good than bad for a team. Packer fans, can you stop drinking the green Kool-aid for five minutes and try to approach a Packer story with a clear mind.