Showing posts with label Jennifer Young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Young. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer Garden plein air painting by Jennifer Young

This scene is one I've been "stalking" for a few days in the Bellevue neighborhood where I live. I've written before about my North Richmond 'hood, and how many avid gardners live around here. On one of our evening walks, we passed this adorable yard with a sunny garden of sunflowers and zinnias, and I knew I wanted to come back by and paint it. I especially liked this scene when the sunflowers were set against the neighboring house, at around 9 - 10 a.m., when the bungalow was mostly in shadow:

garden plein air painting by Jennifer Young
"Summer Garden"
Oil on Board, 8x10"
Contact me for more info.

I have a sick computer, so I'm unable to add this painting to my website catalog right now. For now, please direct any inquiries about this piece to me here.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Zen Garden

Painted yesterday on location at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in my home town of Richmond, VA:

plein air painting zen garden by Jennifer Young

"Zen Garden"
Oil on Canvas, 12x9"
Click here for more info.

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Rambling River by Jennifer Young

After a summer break (of sorts) I'm getting back to a more regular painting schedule this week. To kick it off, I'll share a little plein air painting I did last Thursday at James River. I painted this at the foot of the Lee Bridge, near the entrance to Belle Isle section of the James River Park System in my town, Richmond, VA.

Oil painting of the James River, Richmond, VA plein air painting
"Rambling River"
Oil on Multimedia ArtBoard, 6x12"
Click here for more info.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Oscar's House; morning plein air

The weather has warmed up this week, but the strange wind gusts prevail. I sat pondering this over morning coffee, trying to decide where I might go to paint outside without being completely blown away. I had only packed my smaller lightweight pochade box, which as I've described previously in excruciating detail, is not great for wind. But the other alternative was to drive across town to my studio to get my larger, sturdier easel. As I turned these matters over in my head, I stared out the kitchen window, and this scene came into view:

Forsythia spring plein air painting by Jennifer Young
"Oscar's House"
Oil on Canvas

I started noticing how the forsythia bush in our yard (foreground lower left) framed and echoed the bushes in bloom across the street at my neighbor's house. I also noticed how the bare-limbed trees above created a kind of upper frame for the little bungalow, and I thought the composition could be worth exploring. Also, since I could set up on my back porch, I'd be sheltered from the wind by our house. Whether this solution was realized out of laziness or resourcefulness is a matter of opinion, but never-the-less, "Oscar's House" was born!

I think I'm going to be kind to myself today and call it a resourceful solution to a rather gusty March morning. For more information about this painting, please contact me.

Jennifer Young, Vibrant Landscapes
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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Springtime at the Hill- Jennifer Young

You might be thinking, "That's not much of a hill". But the "Hill" I'm referring to in this painting is the A.P. Hill monument on Hermitage Road in Richmond's North Side neighborhood.

plein air painting by Jennifer Young

"Springtime at the Hill Monument"
8x10", Oil on Canvas

Painted on location yesterday afternoon, I started this at about 2 PM under warm, sunny skies. But it sure got chilly pretty quickly once the clouds started rolling in. I pass by this gentleman every day as I drive to and from home, but I think he's at his most charming in the springtime as he gazes down at the row of flowering trees.

An interesting footnote that I didn't realize, but according to Wikipedia:

"This monument is the only one of its type in Richmond under which the subject individual is actually interred."

For more information about this and other paintings, please visit:
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Contact me, Jennifer Young

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Winter on the James

This is a view of the James River painted on location at the Hollywood Cemetery in my town, Richmond, Virginia:

"Winter on the James" Oil on canvas, 9x12" (WIP)

I actually love old cemeteries any way, but the Hollywood Cemetery is one of Richmond's landmarks and a major tourist attraction in our town. Not only is it the burial place of two presidents and several prominent figures in civil war history, but it is also incredibly beautiful.

The day started out as a nice, sunny, and unusually warm winter day. But shortly after I got there, I soon found that my "perfect" spot on a bluff overlooking the James River had the disadvantage of getting whipped into a frenzy by the wind! I really did have to cut this session short. I think the piece may need a little more work, but I will return on a better day.

As it was, by the time I packed up my gear, I looked like I had been attacked by a giant tube of Windsor green paint! (Ah, the joys of plein air painting!) Any way, I am just glad nobody saw my little Jerry Lewis plein air routine. Well, maybe some ghosts saw, but (at least today), they weren't talking. ;-)

For more information, please contact me.

-Jennifer Young
Vibrant landscape paintings & prints
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