Showing posts with label Plein Air. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plein Air. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer Garden plein air painting by Jennifer Young

This scene is one I've been "stalking" for a few days in the Bellevue neighborhood where I live. I've written before about my North Richmond 'hood, and how many avid gardners live around here. On one of our evening walks, we passed this adorable yard with a sunny garden of sunflowers and zinnias, and I knew I wanted to come back by and paint it. I especially liked this scene when the sunflowers were set against the neighboring house, at around 9 - 10 a.m., when the bungalow was mostly in shadow:

garden plein air painting by Jennifer Young
"Summer Garden"
Oil on Board, 8x10"
Contact me for more info.

I have a sick computer, so I'm unable to add this painting to my website catalog right now. For now, please direct any inquiries about this piece to me here.

Visit my website
Visit my blog
Contact Jennifer Young

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ragley Hall

I painted this in my neighborhood this weekend. I wanted to try my new $25 easel so decided to stay close to home just in case:) I walk by this house during my daily walks and have been wanting to paint the statue.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Place of Peace and Quietness by BJ Wright - SOLD

24"x12" oil on stretched canvas, painted en plein air, alla prima, on April 23rd around 9:30am. --- SOLD - thanks LS Manis !!---
This little church is in Tunnel Hill, GA. There are buildings around the church but I chose to leave them out of the painting. The church has been there for probably 100 years or more.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Blue Ridge Series comes to an end... until next time!

Here's the last in my Blue Ridge Plein Air series... until next trip... ;)

"The Ridge"... Blue Ridge Plein Air #6... Fleetwood, NC
6x8" Oil on Panel, en plein aire, 11-22, 2007 (Thanksgiving Day).
Purchased by a patron in Germany who misses the Blue Ridge Mountains...

I woke early Thanksgiving morning and decided to get at least one more plein air painting in before my family arrived later that morning. This scene is set on Fleetwood Mountain near our lodge on The Ridge. We walk this road everyday for exercise and I wanted to capture it before it is scattered with mountain homes. I got to met several people as they were enjoying their daily walks as well. Thanksgiving Day brought my family, and the COLD weather! It was 60 degrees when I painted this one... later that evening it was snowing!

Thanks for looking...
Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another Blue Ridge Plein Air by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"Blue Ridge View"... Blue Ridge Plein Air #5, Fleetwood, NC
6x8" Oil on Panel, en plein aire, 11-21-2007.
This original oil painting is available for purchase at eBay via auction... click here...

This peaceful scene is set just below our mountain lodge. Two days earlier I set out to paint this scene in the late afternoon... As I got to the foot of the hill I heard two gunshots (rather close I might add) so I decided to wait. I could just see the headlines now... "Plein air painter mistaken for deer!" While painting this one I saw wild turkeys, a white tail deer, and a Pleated woodpecker. An awesome time spent communing with nature.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Blue Ridge saga by Bernie Rosage Jr. continues...

"A Misty View of Todd Island"... Blue Ridge Plein Air #4, Todd, NC
6x8" Oil on Panel, en plein aire, 11-20-2007.

This original oil painting is available for purchase at eBay via auction... click here...

I woke up early as usual on Wednesday the 21st. The mist was everywhere... wanting to capture it I headed down Fleetwood Mountain and along Railroad Grade Road and the New River to find the perfect spot. I set up along the banks looking into the rising sun as it back-lit the mist and silhouetted the trees in the scene. Here I am looking toward Todd Island that I mentioned in Plein Air #1.

My Plein Air Adventure in the Blue Ridge Mountains!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Winter Lane from Blue Ridge Series by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"Blue Ridge Lane in the Winter"... Blue Ridge Plein Air #3, Todd, NC
5x7" Oil on Panel, en plein aire, 11-20-2007.
This original oil painting is available for purchase at eBay via auction... click here...

I was attracted to the light in this simple scene and how the bare winter trees seemed to glow on the shadow side of the hill. This small piece was captured near the banks of the New River, near Todd, North Carolina, as the afternoon sun was in its golden splendor. I overemphasized the small road that was there... something about country lanes and roads... I find them so inviting and peaceful. Anyone who has collected my work recognizes them as a common theme. all about my adventures here... My Plein Air Adventure in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
Thanks for looking...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Railroad Grade Road... Blue Ridge Series by Bernie Rosage Jr.

As promised... I want to share more plein air work from my recent trip to the Blue Ridge... read all about my adventures here... My Plein Air Adventure in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
"Railroad Grade Road"... Blue Ridge Plein Air #1, Todd, NC...
8x10" Oil on panel, en plein aire, 11-19-2007.
This original oil painting is available for purchase at eBay via auction... click here...
In this scene I headed along Railroad Grade Road trying to narrow down one of a hundred beautiful spots to paint from. I found a view of a barn (I have painted several times) from Todd Island... a small island park in the middle of the South Fork Branch of the New River near Todd, NC. This old barn has so much character... I never tire of painting it! The weather was mild and clear for most of the week... except this day... I painted this one in a cold drizzle. After almost two hours... the cold drizzle turned into a downpour and I RAN to the car with painting (95% complete) in hand. I finished it in the comfort of a warm lodge and hot coffee.

Thanks for dropping by...