Showing posts with label Freddie Mac Fannie Mae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freddie Mac Fannie Mae. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2008

Betting Billions on a Bailout Bullet

A gnawing sense of frustration and seething anger sweeps America. The realization that they will have to risk their future and those of their children to rescue the very people who robbed them of this future runs counter to their instincts. Yet it is presented as a bullet they would have to bite, by a President they are unsure they can trust, for a purpose they had no part in deciding, to save the American economy from collapse. The lameduck President who lured them into two wars, whose main target is still loose, and whose lies, cover-ups, and constitutional maneuvers have wrecked the nation's image internationally; is telling its citizens to rally behind this "patriotic" call once again - a call that will lead them to financial ruin, penury, and impoverishment - more than they already are.

Even a degenerate gambler would realize that betting his present and future existence on a bailout plan where feasibility is in doubt, where the amount of $700 billion cannot be ascertained as sufficient, and where its return and profitable gain is based on their highest hopes, must be insane. And sanity is exceedingly becoming a rare commodity in financial and political circles globally. This prompted Congress to invoke principles that would include provisions on home ownership preservation, oversight functions, limits on executive compensation, and taxpayer protection - the only sane thing they could possibly come up with in an already wildly crazy situation.

America's national debt stands at $ 53 trillion, including the cost of benefits to retiring baby boomers beginning 2010, which translates to roughly $ 38,000 for every man, woman and child in the country today. This excludes the bailout costs for Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG, plus the bailout plan for the banks asked by Mr. Bush. Even if the economy recovers in the years ahead, all the revenues would be pre-allocated to service these debts. With the economy in dire straits and recovery uncertain, regardless of a bailout plan in place; the US economy is hard pressed to provide any alleviation to its citizens in the next 3 years at least; at worst, in the next 5 years. The opposition expressed by Republicans to the principles behind the bailout plan could further delay the uncertain solution to the crisis, which could exacerbate the already dire straits that the country has dug itself into. This is a no win situation for America, and perhaps, the rest of the world.

Bourses in the US, in Europe and Asia, have been swinging wildly into degrees of confidence and doubt, based on the implementation or non-passage of the bailout plan. The prospects of its success or failure are not even at play. This is the most tragic element of this situation. The bailout is a temporary relief that is accompanied by overwhelming hope to succeed. Its failure will have to be faced by the leaders who will emerge from this catastrophe and the generations that will suffer its consequences. What the world is witnessing may be the beginnings of the end of the American Empire. What will follow in its stead is too mind boggling to contemplate. It may even spark a second American Revolution. Whatever form it takes is too scary to speculate. But it is in the process of fruition if Americans don't come together to save their nation and its future.
