Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Growing Graveyard in Gaza

In that small strip of land called Gaza, it has become the problem of the living to bury the dead. Dying is such a regular occurrence that outstrips birthing and aging, and the Palestinians have run out of graveyards. Those buried by the rubble from the bombs and big guns of Israeli tanks may be retained where they perished. And if the Jewish State offensive continues, the entire Gaza may become a graveyard - not only of the mangled bodies of civilians, but also of the dreams of young Palestinians for a better existence and a place to call their homeland.

As of the 12th of January, 971 Gazans have been killed - one third of them children. Those that will eventually perish from diseases, wounds, and starvation brought on by the humanitarian crisis now engulfing the area, have yet to be factored in. The latest is that Israeli bombs have struck a United Nations aid storage facility, aggravating the already volatile and inadequate aid supply in the city. Israel has also struck the office facilities used by foreign journalists. Both bombs have been confirmed to contain phosphorous - a fact Israel has consistently denied.

Israel's claim of self-defense is not all that plausible. Prior to its recent barrage in Gaza, it has not suffered an armed attack, which in the UN Charter preserves the right of a state to retaliate. What Israel has initiated is a war of aggression. Since the rocket attacks versus Israel in 2002 commenced, about two dozen Israelis have perished. These attacks by Hamas may be considered war crimes; yet in the same period, Israel's retaliatory strikes have killed 2,700 Palestinians.

In June 2008, both sides agreed to a 6-month truce which neither party fully complied with. Hamas fired rockets into Israel after the Jewish State killed or seized Hamas members in the West Bank, and Israel's refusal to ease the blockade that effectively starved and suffocated Gaza. Israel then broke the truce in November 2008 and killed a Palestinian. The resulting Hamas rockets killed no one - but Israel then killed 5 more Palestinians. The current conflict was thus initiated by Israel's violation of the truce - and it cannot claim self-defense against this escalation because it was provoked by its own abuse.

This armed attack by Israel, unjustified as self-defense, is a war of aggression; and definitely a war crime. And although it has withdrawn its soldiers and settlers in Gaza since 2005, Israel continues to strictly control the coast, borders and airspace, making the Jewish State an occupying power with the legal obligation to protect the civilian population. Hamas can be charged for its violative tactic of using civilians and governmental facilities as shields in launching attacks on Israel, but it is not as serious as Israel's crime of launcing a war of aggression against the civilian population.

The idea that the constant battering of the Palestinians will soften them and accept the peace Israel wants to impose on its own terms, is unrealistic. It will only fuel hardened hatred and rage against them. The statements by Condi Rice and George Bush admonishing Hamas to desist from firing rockets is a subtle way of projecting that Hamas is the aggressor. It is both laughable and incredible, since Israeli tanks are inside Gaza bombarding the city to rubble, its planes dropping bombs, while its ships blasting at Gaza from the coast - yet no admonishing is given to Israel. The lopsided statements have resurfaced America's ugly and obnoxious image in the Middle East.

Talks of a truce have been initiated, but the latest bombardment that burned the food, medicine, fuel, and water supplies of the UN to ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, puts into question Israel's idea of peace. It may be that Israel's concept of peace is an exact copy of America's pacification campaign in the old west against the native Americans - that peace, as a goal of the Jewish State means no Palestinian left standing alive - either by bullets, bombs, disease, starvation, or intolerable misery. And that no possible regeneration will ever take place. Gaza will then be recorded and renowned in history as the graveyard of Palestinians, and the burial site of their dreams of a Palestinian State.


Source: Johann Hari, The True Story Behind the War is not the One Israel isTelling
George E. Bisharat, Israel is Committing War Crimes

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Screened, Scanned and Stripped for Security

The European Commission is moving to get to know all visitors and travelers in and out of the continent in a very intimate manner - beyond what travelers would consider a transient acquaintance - by viewing every inch of their visitors' anatomy in all their naked glory. What used to be the exclusive province of some perverted minds of the human race, those who figuratively undress people by their lecherous looks at curves and bulges of other individuals, will soon become the official greeting method at airports in the continent.

The plan put forward by the European Commission involves scanners that will virtually strip search each passenger regardless of the layers of clothes they are wearing, and flash their entire body on a screen only in their birthday suit. The proponents argue that the images produced could be modified to eliminate positive identification, but the images produced nonetheless leaves very little to the imagination. The airport security and staff would therefore know every curve of a passenger's body way beyond what these passengers would want. Issues on human rights, data protection and personal dignity are being thrown out the window.

A number of countries have cautioned against the plan, calling it ill-conceived and without a thorough assessment of its impact on fundamental rights nor human health - regardless if it is cost efficient. Even the plan to draw up a rule book for how these devices will be used is a mere justification for an unjustified and invasive procedure. What's worse is that some of these devices are already being used in a number of airports. What if hackers mount an attack on these systems and then post all those naked bodies on the internet? Even if the images were altered, hackers would know how to enhance the image to elicit the true identity of the individual, and soon these photos will be used like paper dolls being plastered with different types of clothing perhaps for commercial value, or worse for prurient purposes. A new class of paparrazzi will emerge from these band of hackers who can single out celebrities and politicians.

This plan, if not modified or carefully studied, would put George Orwell to shame for being less invasive and less security conscious. And unless travelers to and from Europe have a predilection for nudist colonies and would like to mingle with more of their cohabitants in a more formal or "dressed manner", traffic to the continent would be greatly reduced. Perhaps the plan should be used for government functionaries, officials and their wives first, to set an example - Carla Bruni Sarkozy is certainly no stranger to nudity. Perhaps the world will be witness to what makes Gordon Brown resolute, or what makes George Bush ramble incoherently.

The other point is that it may be applied to the elderly only as a test, since no enhancement of the images could possibly be used commercially nor for prurient intentions. It wouldn't be very enticing. As the famed comedienne Phillis Diller once said "the best contraceptive for the elderly is nudity".


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Palin's Perfect Performance

The Vice Presidential Debate had only one expectation from Sarah Palin : not to say or commit horrendous mistakes that would showcase the absence of any form of knowledge regarding current issues, nor a pathetic inadequacy for logical thinking. In this she was perfect, because she was shuffling cue cards which she had previously memorized but ensured she would not mix these with unrelated subjects.

This Twitter site provided this flow chart for Sarah Palin's thought process, which could have been part of her cue cards. It says everything.

There were many questions she answered out of context and merely segued into her cue cards to say a totally different matter. Sarah Palin cannot function without a script. She may not be made of plaster and wood but she is certainly John McCain's Dummy. McCain is a clone of George Bush, and Bush is a dummy of Dick Cheney. No wonder he is sometimes referred to as John McSame... Same old Bull....!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Betting Billions on a Bailout Bullet

A gnawing sense of frustration and seething anger sweeps America. The realization that they will have to risk their future and those of their children to rescue the very people who robbed them of this future runs counter to their instincts. Yet it is presented as a bullet they would have to bite, by a President they are unsure they can trust, for a purpose they had no part in deciding, to save the American economy from collapse. The lameduck President who lured them into two wars, whose main target is still loose, and whose lies, cover-ups, and constitutional maneuvers have wrecked the nation's image internationally; is telling its citizens to rally behind this "patriotic" call once again - a call that will lead them to financial ruin, penury, and impoverishment - more than they already are.

Even a degenerate gambler would realize that betting his present and future existence on a bailout plan where feasibility is in doubt, where the amount of $700 billion cannot be ascertained as sufficient, and where its return and profitable gain is based on their highest hopes, must be insane. And sanity is exceedingly becoming a rare commodity in financial and political circles globally. This prompted Congress to invoke principles that would include provisions on home ownership preservation, oversight functions, limits on executive compensation, and taxpayer protection - the only sane thing they could possibly come up with in an already wildly crazy situation.

America's national debt stands at $ 53 trillion, including the cost of benefits to retiring baby boomers beginning 2010, which translates to roughly $ 38,000 for every man, woman and child in the country today. This excludes the bailout costs for Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG, plus the bailout plan for the banks asked by Mr. Bush. Even if the economy recovers in the years ahead, all the revenues would be pre-allocated to service these debts. With the economy in dire straits and recovery uncertain, regardless of a bailout plan in place; the US economy is hard pressed to provide any alleviation to its citizens in the next 3 years at least; at worst, in the next 5 years. The opposition expressed by Republicans to the principles behind the bailout plan could further delay the uncertain solution to the crisis, which could exacerbate the already dire straits that the country has dug itself into. This is a no win situation for America, and perhaps, the rest of the world.

Bourses in the US, in Europe and Asia, have been swinging wildly into degrees of confidence and doubt, based on the implementation or non-passage of the bailout plan. The prospects of its success or failure are not even at play. This is the most tragic element of this situation. The bailout is a temporary relief that is accompanied by overwhelming hope to succeed. Its failure will have to be faced by the leaders who will emerge from this catastrophe and the generations that will suffer its consequences. What the world is witnessing may be the beginnings of the end of the American Empire. What will follow in its stead is too mind boggling to contemplate. It may even spark a second American Revolution. Whatever form it takes is too scary to speculate. But it is in the process of fruition if Americans don't come together to save their nation and its future.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Scott Spills the Scam

Scott McClellan, former White House Press Secretary, has accused the Bush Administration of "being mired in propaganda and political spin, and at times playing loose with the truth". He cites National Security advisers confusing propaganda with candor, and how he was deceived into passing along a falsehood which he didn't realize until reporters dug up the truth. How he lied about the leak of Valerie Plame's name to the media because the Bush Administration was twisting facts to justify the War in Iraq which, Valerie's husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson went public with. All these proved fatal to his ability to serve the President well, wrote McClelland in a 341 page book to be released on Monday.

The White House reacted in typical fashion. White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino says "We're puzzled. This is not the Scott we knew", as if to imply that Scott is being pressured to lie. Frances Townsend adds that the revelation is "self-serving, disingenuous, and unprofessional". Former White House Adviser Karl Rove gave his standard reply as something that sounds more like it "was written by a left wing blogger than a former colleague". None of these statements confirm or deny McClellan's accusations in the book. The reactions complete a pattern of: (a) expressing surprise, (b) moral indignation to cast aspersions on intent, (c) and labeling to dismiss any serious discussion or debate on the subject.

Scott's revelations doesn't come as a surprise. These were mentioned by people a few years back when it seemed unpatriotic to do so, that was how the propaganda went. Former White House Counterterrorism Chief Richard Clarke said the same things, that it was a disastrous war and was sold with deception; and they said to him the same things they are saying to McClellan now.

In a related development, three network anchors agreed that the Bush Administration put extraordinary pressure on the media during the run up to the Iraq war. Brian Williams (NBC), Katie Couric (CBS), and Charles Gibson (ABC). Williams cites media's inability to verify the administration's allegations independently and that they didn't have proximity with the weapons inspectors. As it turns out, allegations of weapons of mass destruction were fantasies of the Bush Government. He mentioned that reports on the war were asked to hew to the administration's scripted line which were relayed b
y the White House and the Pentagon to news organizations. Couric added that threats of being blocked access to information were also issued if they didn't comply.

As far as the information provided by Scott is concerned, most, if not all, of what he said have already been accepted and absorbed by those who oppose the war. It is only those who are fanatical about the party who continue to be in denial, and force themselves to consume the excrement being dished out by the Bush Administration. But this is beyond Bush. This will only hurt John McCain whose vow to continue with the war is weakened by the fact that it was based on a lie. Will McCain continue to spend money and risk lives for a lie? His political asset is now a liability.

As for Scott McClellan, the only reason he has made this expose is obvious, there is a market for it. And his timing is perfect too especially if he looks to get even with the Republicans. As far as swallowing the line that he was deceived, only fools would believe that. Unless he was too dumb to see the evidence of the truth since 2003, which is why he only resigned in 2006. And old sea adage says it all. "You know that the vessel is sinking when the rats start jumping ship". Scott McClellan is no hero, he's just one of the rats.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Delirious over Democrat Developments

Anyone involved in some way with the Democratic Party's primaries is a glutton for punishment. It is comparable to a masochist who demands more whipping until the flesh is torn from the bones, and the happier he is for it. Why else should one suffer the same old rhetoric, hear embellished stories, applaud at the baby step movements of a campaign that since February 5 has been destined to be decided by the so-called super delegates? It is tiresome and boring with the same anti-climaxes, same demographics, same commentaries, exit polls, and promised victory speeches. This is like being forced to watch an Ed Wood film several times continuously until you're brain dead.

However, everyone looks and sounds delirious. The candidates, the campaigners and supporters, and even the media, who have been mouthing the same things for over 3 months they begin to stammer at their own words groping for new ways of saying the same things. The Republicans are delirious too at seeing the democrats tear each other apart and risk disintegration, giving John McCain an edge to snatch the Presidency. Hillary's only hope is to gather a big chunk of mud to throw at Barack's clean image to guarantee her the eye of the super delegates. Barack's chances rest on the disenfranchisement of Michigan and Florida delegates. But there is absolutely nothing significant about these Democrat primaries.

What is significant is the victory of Don Cazayoux over Woody Jenkins in Louisiana's 6th district which the Republicans controlled for 3 decades. Twenty six other retiring Republicans plus other districts bring a total of 50 vulnerable Republican positions in peril. This could mean Democrat control of Congress. And, despite linking Cazayoux to Obama, the impact did not change a Democrat victory. This, coming after Bill Foster's successful campaign to replace Republican Dennis Hastert in Illinois 2 months ago. Cazayoux won on issues about better paying jobs, affordable health care, and better education - issues related to the economy. The economic situation is not expected to be better come November and this is leading to a trend towards a "Change Election".

What is significant is the impact of the economy on the majority of Americans and how Hillary has re-branded herself as the blue collar champion while tagging Obama as an Ivy League snob, when she is the rich former First Lady and he raised on charity. Significant too is the fact that Obama won overwhelmingly in North Carolina despite the expected fallout from Rev. Jeremiah Wright's crazed oratory and subsequent TV appearances. Also, the emergence of a more consolidated bloc of Latinos and Hispanics flexing their influence on the electoral process, as well as the massing of black voters in support of their candidate. Critical for the Democrats is the reunification of these blocs of supporters after a bitterly fought insignificant primary. Current trends point towards another disintegration.

What is significant for the Republicans is the weakness of their brand represented by the outgoing President Bush and the Party's standard bearer John McCain. A weaker voter turnout for t
he Republican primaries is also a significant concern, together with the rejection of the McCain brand by its conservative base. The strongest asset of the GOP brand is his position and experience in War but which is now opposed by 68% of Americans. His position on easing ethanol use is weak since it represents only 1.5% of increases in food prices. His current advantage has not made any concrete gains for his candidacy and is languishing under the shadow of the Democrat candidates. His courtship of the Latino and Hispanic blocs is a most significant move, as it may steal the thunder from the Democrats if the break-up at the DNC becomes inevitable.

These developments reveal that the GOP brand must be strengthened in substance and odor, and repackaged for the worsening economic situation. When the pinch of high prices turn to jabs, and food on the table becomes meager, who will recall who was ducking imaginary bullets or screaming mad against America. Besides, guilt by association is a weak argument. It does not make Republicans in Congress men's room sex solicitors nor page chasers simply because they associate with one. Nor does it make Democrats patrons of expensive prostitutes. Also, who'll care? It's food, jobs, and health - these are what's significant. And the sooner the GOP uses it's resources to build on these concerns rather than focus on character assassination, the more responsible leaders they will appear to be and be more credible to the electorate.

President Bush has brought the Republican brand
down to the gutters, and Republican supporters calling the opposing candidates names is the pot calling the kettle black. Unconvincing.and childish. The party that closes ranks solidly has a stronger chance. McCain must have a young running mate with strong economic credentials and acceptable to conservatives, to offset his weakness on the economy and his advanced age. A combined Obama/Hillary or Hillary/Obama team would consolidate the Democrats immediately. It's likelihood is doubtful, but recognizing its significance is crucial for the Democrats and America itself.

The predisposition to magnify shallow developments to project momentum, creates the tendency to overlook significant factors that bear on the most critical longer term objective - what citizens need and what is good for the nation. The blurring of what is significant with what is inconsequential would be the undoing of the American political system.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Recession! Restitution! Resurrection?

An unexpected swift cooperation between the Democrat led US Congress and the White House forged a stimulus package worth $150 billion for giving the economy a shot in the arm. "It is there to strengthen the middle class, create jobs and turn the economy around" said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.The same message was echoed by President George Bush from the White House. Up until late Thursday night, no official mention was made of the current US Recession, the "Slowdown" tag remained the term of careful choice.

In contrast, CNN's Richard Quest conducted a poll in Davos Switzerland among the world's top business leaders, and the "slowdown" opinions edged the "recession" camp slightly at 17-15; but doubts existed on whether the "slowdowners" were truly speaking their minds and opting instead to play it safe. Despite the Federal Reserve initiative of cutting interest rates, markets worldwide continue to experience "very volatile movements" which short term solutions may not be able to stem. The slight rally last Wednesday and Thursday provides no indication of permanent relief, and the stimulus package cannot be expected to produce a miracle.

The stimulus plan, a consumer based approach, will work in an economic slowdown to pump prime the economy through consumer spending. In a recession, it is unlikely to succeed. Besides, the plan puts money in the hands of consumers from the government coffers, where the return by way of tax generation will at most be 20% of the amount provided. The 80% will still have to be accounted for as government borrowings and would be lumped under the burgeoning budget deficit. Currently, the deficit already exceeds $163 billion, excluding budget outlays for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan estimated to bring the deficit up to $250 billion. The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan organization that crunches budget data for lawmakers estimate that with the stimulus plan, the deficit can balloon to $350 billion.

The blind eye being given by the President and the US Congress to the "Recession" may be well meant, that is, to avoid panic and restore confidence.
The personal and partisan political implications however, cannot be discounted. The Republicans certainly would not want it on their term to have caused a recession; and the Democrats would not want to be blamed for preventing one or contributing to the difficulties encountered by the citizens - especially in an election year. National Security implications may also be a factor as a weak economic situation could escalate enemy attacks to its front lines. However, the pretense posture adopted by US officials and the false hopes it compels Americans to cling to, could backfire to the point where no one is to be believed and confidence in the economy and the government in general would be in tatters.

The US Recession is the first in the era of globalization, and it will have a global impact. The sub-prime mortgage crisis and housing downturn caused this situation. The money used to finance the mortgages came from savings from other nations borrowed by the US through its financial institutions. America did not save that money since they are not possessed with a saving orientation, only a spending one. And a voracious one at that. The restitution in part of taxes paid by its citizens for them to pump up the economy through spending will not repay savings obtained from other nations. Additional wealth will have to be created, and/or spending must be judiciously done and reduced.

The months between February and May will be critical for the US, since the checks will be received in late May or early June.The plan will not be in place for implementation till then, and the possibility that the amount may not be sufficient should the economy decline deeper in the interim exists; or if the plan, even if the situation fluctuates at present levels, would be enough to create a resurrection of the economy.

Six hundred dollars per taxpayer, $1200 for couples, $300 per child, and from $300 to $600 for those non-taxpayers who earned $3,000 in 2007 but paid for Social Security. One hundred sixteen million people will benefit, according to estimates. How far will this go if their debts rack up by the time the check arrives? How much will it extend the spending from June to December? How will the incoming President handle the deficit which could reach $400 billion?

There is no doubt that the package will help, but skepticism as to its effectiveness is strong. The next US President therefore must address this concern decisively and effectively. The choices would be Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and the undeclared Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg. Oh God! Heaven help America!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Overtures of Osama's Offspring

The son of the World's most sought after criminal has spoken with CNN because he wants an end to the violence his father has inspired, violence that has victimized civilians worldwide. Omar bin Laden is a contractor whose own experience in meeting people in the course of doing business is that after learning his name, they run away. Omar, without the beard and excess fat, chillingly resembles his world renowned bomber....err...ahh...father. He spoke English which he learned from his wife, a British national, who must have embraced the Islamic faith.

According to Omar, his message was requested by other Muslims. His message: "Try to find another way to help or find your goal".

The video was fleeting but it seemed he wanted his father to put an end to the methods they have chosen to employ that create bits and pieces of rubble from otherwise structurally sound and magnificently designed edifices, strewn with chunks of human flesh. Their skill in irrigating dry parcels of land with the blood of innocent civilians that has made the world paranoid, to the point of accepting curtailment of civil liberties by so-called democratic governments must be stopped. And the wars that these efforts of his father gave birth to, indecent and unjustified as they are, which has led to the deaths of thousands of young men and cast several thousand more in funny farms must come to a halt. The impending global suffering that will accompany the recession in the US because of these senseless wars, which has already manifested itself in the stock market collapse worldwide, should be averted.

What would he have his father do? Run for King of Saudi Arabia? Or would he prefer his father seek American citizenship then launch his candidacy for President of the United States. He could join the Republicans since his old friend George Bush still holds sway there. He cannot join the Democrats since the prospect of running against Obama in the primaries will confuse the Democrat base. It's up to his father to decide, but he believes that his father's duty is to protect Muslims from attack.

Young Omar wants to initiate a Race for Peace, a multi-month horse race through North Africa in the name of Peace. Great idea. Stop the bombing and just horse around Africa. Nice. Seriously, the question is, who will they get to sponsor this event? Halliburton? Will Condoleezza Rice fire the starting gun? It might send out missiles and rockets throughout the middle east!

This is an attempt to re-brand the name Bin Laden, to link it with Peace. Old man Osama certainly would want that, but not after obliterating the world and its inhabitants to bits, then that will be his idea of Peace!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

UFOs Unwavering Updates

Has the United States Federal Government abolished its Men in Black? Those fast talking, alien zapping agents of the night, out to protect humanity from undesirable creatures intent on changing the world through deceitful means? Did such an agency really exist or was this just a figment of Hollywood's declining creativity? If no government agency in the United States is in charge of investigating UFOs, what good would any immigration legislation be, regardless of whether it is a stringent stand on illegals or not, if the entry of aliens from the air goes on undetected and unabated?:-) Isn't there anyone in Washington who would take up the cudgels for the farmers in Stephenville, Texas eight days after they reported sighting an Unidentified Flying Object?:-)

Today, no one in the government takes the UFO sightings as seriously as it did six decades ago. The United States Air Force has ceased investigating UFOs in 1969 after evaluating 12,618 sightings between 1940 to 1969. The investigations , code named Project Blue, concluded that:

1. No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of a
threat to our National Security;

There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as " Unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and

3.There was no evidence indicating that the sightings were categorized as "Unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.

So what are the Texans in Stephenville looking at, a mirage? The government has long denied the existence of UFOs; and countless speculations and conspiracy theories, even profitable TV series, books and films were produced to perpetuate this phenomena. Private organizations and private funding are now the only ones active in UFO research. Sightings continue to be reported up to 200 per month, mostly in California, Colorado, and Texas. The Mutual UFO Network, a private organization, plans to investigate the Texas sighting which was witnessed by several people in different parts of the locality.

Recently, a spokesperson for the Japanese Government Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura declared that he "believes UFO's definitely exist". Japan keeps a vigilant watch over its air space and is always ready to scramble jets to investigate suspicious flying objects. In the US, former Arizona Governor Fife Symington declared that in 1997, he saw an Unidentified Flying Object witnessed too by many constituents.The former governor will be joined by 14 high ranking military and government officials from 7 countries to share evidence on their UFO experience. He was never happy with the concocted explanations of the US military regarding the sightings.

The former governor has perhaps benefited from the UFOs. They might be his constituents that helped him win in Arizona! Could these be his flying voters? The Japanese spokesperson has never seen one but he definitely believes these exist; is this part of the modern Shinto faith that's geared towards technological advancement? And the farmers from Stephenville must be reeling from the entry of illegal immigrants that they have collectively agreed that UFOs were what they saw. Could they mean Undesirable Foreign Orange-pickers? If anything, it could be a top secret US vehicle for President George Bush, to take him to the wild blue yonder after his term, to get away from Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice who keep thinking for him and telling him what to say. He may want to think and speak for himself, "Errr... ahhh... I don't particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it". Smart huh!

Oh dear Lord..............!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Arnold's Air Agenda

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger-R is on the warpath. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has slammed the state's authorization to raise targets of CO2 emissions reduction for vehicles. Viewed as a potential model for a nationwide effort to reduce greenhouse gases, the landmark initiative seeks to set its own standards as its contribution towards environmental protection. EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson echoed the federal government reasoning that " the Bush Administration is moving forward with a clear national solution, not a confusing patchwork of state rules. I believe this is a better approach than if individual states were to act alone".

Governor Schwarzenegger is unconvinced. Claiming the Federal government has no standards, and denying their right under the Clean Air Act to set their own; California, together with 16 other states will sue the government to reverse the decision. California needed only a waiver, which was automatic over the past decades, in recognition of its struggle with air pollution.

As a matter of crony policy, Bush wants to protect his Republican financiers from unnecessary research and development and additional manufacturing costs. This will diminish their campaign contributions for the 2008 elections! At a period when they are about to pack their bags from the White House, they want to contribute to the protection of automakers, not the environment. This is consistent with the Bush Administration's record on the environment, stop, stall, and stonewall. The Bush gang's motto is "going greedy, not going green".

Just recently, Governor Arnold was all praises for Bush during the latter's visit and "concern" for the state during the wildfires from Simi Valley to San Diego. Now, he's all fired up threatening to sue. Or he may opt to charge the EPA as he did with the wildfire, straight to the source just like Conan the Barbarian. As far as the White House is concerned, Arnold may don his Terminator persona and pound the White House into submission. Who do they think they're dealing with here, Mickey Mouse?

There is no telling what Arnold will undertake to give California what it needs. It may even lead him to change party affiliations. His wife comes from a Democrat clan, so its not far fetched. However, recalling all those super action hero roles, one is left to imagine the amount of "persuasion and power" that Mr. Schwarzenegger can employ in this new struggle. No doubt what he is doing will be good for California and perhaps the entire United States if it becomes the model of CO2 emissions reduction standards. Even the world will be looking to benefit from it.

Can he still do it? His body has been in too many battles, in films. Politically, not much, but he is considered an intellectual lightweight. Knowing what he's got intellectually and the current state of his body... ahhh..... I can't make...errrr.... a definite.....ah...statement. A picture is worth more than a thousand words. I'll give one : AAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHH! You can have the rest of the 999 words.
