Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Sunday, January 01, 2012

December Skies

This is a view from my studio window, untouched, flaming sky glowing with hope.

The view from my kitchen window, sky-blue pink afternoon.

Barrington Country Club which I pass daily.

I always pull off the road for sky photos. They call to me.

The magic of afternoon light. A perfect backdrop for winter trees.

Clouds dancing on tree tops.

As the sun sets on the last day of 2011, I reflect on the year that is leaving.
I always try to pick the gems from the rubble because I know they're there no matter how hard the year may have been.
I wish all of you, dear friends, a year full of gems, peace in your heart, good health and happiness always.
All I'm going to ask of myself this year is to show up.
I'm going to strive for improved health in body and mind.
And more art...and blogging!
And being a better friend.

Happy New Year, with love always~


Friday, December 31, 2010

My New Year's Wishes

I always love new years, new beginnings. Clean slate. Another chance to "get it right."
I know I'm not the only one who is more than ready to let this year go.
There have been hard changes and challenges for many of us. We have endured the losses of friends, family, much-loved pets, good health and jobs.
Here are a few of my wishes for myself this year.
I hope you grab them for yourself as well if they resonate with you. 

I'll give myself permission to pull in when I feel the need to hibernate.
If this is what it will take to restore my broken parts then I will fill that need.

I let myself down so much this past year by wasting lots and lots of time and losing myself in the process. This new year I will allow more balance in my life and more quality "me time." I think there will be a noticeable difference inside and out. 

I'll continue to find beauty everywhere. I will walk with my eyes and heart wide open.

I'll accept the storms when they come, and they will come. But I hope to sail through them with grace. And I hope to always understand the lessons they bring.

I'll continue to find inspiration in my daily blessings.
I'll continue to believe that possibilities are endless.
I'll continue to seek wisdom. 
I'll continue to honor my true spirit.

And finally, the hardest one for me is I will try very hard to work on self-acceptance.
I practice loving kindness to others but I always leave myself out.
How can I ever achieve my dreams and goals if I feel undeserving?
From now on I'll matter to me. I think I can do it.
So, starting right now I'm going to show up for myself!
I'll be right here when I need me. And day by day as it gets easier to be kind to myself.
 I will be able to finally believe with all my heart what you have been telling me all along.

I am enough.

Thank you all for being with me for another year. I treasure what this blogging family has come to mean to me. And I deeply mourn the ones we've lost too soon.

May each and every one of you reach for the stars this year, and may all of your wishes and prayers be answered.

Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Animal Wednesday: Shoot for the moon!

To all my dear friends who have been here for me through another year, I wish you all the happiness your heart can hold in the coming new year. I hope 2009 is all you need it to be. And remember, if you shoot for the moon and miss, you'll still be among the stars!

Happy Animal Wednesday and many blessings for new beginnings!

Friday, December 28, 2007

IF : Soar

As I look back on 2007, I realize there's baggage I need to leave behind. It's filled mostly with broken promises to myself. As I went about my hurried life I was forgetting to take care of my main goal, to replenish my spirit. Some of you remember that from last year. I got caught up in my wonderful new studio until opening after opening consumed me. I became part of the downtown artwalks, which are wonderful, but

I was forgetting the real reason I needed to be there. I needed it to be my sacred space where I made art, period. No agenda other than to fulfill my need to paint from my heart. In all of this racing to be part of something, I lost a part of myself. It wasn't all bad, believe me! I sold a lot of paintings and made a ton of new friends who love art. But still, in the end I feel empty.

So, what I've decided I need to do as I soar into the new year is leave a lot of bad habits and distractions behind. I'll keep the stuff that was working for me and leave the other stuff. And yes, Illustration Friday is a keeper, so you can bet you'll see me here each week. I'm looking forward to it!

New Year's blessings to all of my friends who have supported me each week. May we all soar into 2008 with good health, an abundance of friends, and gratitude for even the smallest things.

acrylic on canvas done for Illustration Friday, "soar."