Showing posts with label rhode island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rhode island. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Six Word Saturday #20

~After the storm
I seek solace~

Well, this has been a time of turbulence.
Friends and loved ones sick and dying.
No time for art to speak of.
Not much time to connect because there's such a dis-connect right now.
Because I believe in the cyle of things I know this will pass.

This is NOT meant to be a downer of a post, but one of hopefulness that things will begin to turn around.

I'll be back soon!

photo locations from top to bottom:Barrington Beach, Rhode Island, Pueblo west, CO,  again...Pueblo West, CO, Provincetown, Mass, my back yard in Barrington, Rhode Island,  Cove Haven Marina, Barrington, Rhode Island, and finally, Barrington Country Club, Barrington, Rhode Island.

For more "six words" click here!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

December Skies

This is a view from my studio window, untouched, flaming sky glowing with hope.

The view from my kitchen window, sky-blue pink afternoon.

Barrington Country Club which I pass daily.

I always pull off the road for sky photos. They call to me.

The magic of afternoon light. A perfect backdrop for winter trees.

Clouds dancing on tree tops.

As the sun sets on the last day of 2011, I reflect on the year that is leaving.
I always try to pick the gems from the rubble because I know they're there no matter how hard the year may have been.
I wish all of you, dear friends, a year full of gems, peace in your heart, good health and happiness always.
All I'm going to ask of myself this year is to show up.
I'm going to strive for improved health in body and mind.
And more art...and blogging!
And being a better friend.

Happy New Year, with love always~


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Animal Wednesday: Meditation

I had a day off today and all I asked for was to find a few moments to take a shot or two of the foliage before today's rain brings down all the leaves.
This is one of my favorite vistas. A house on the marsh looking as if it's its own island. I was thrilled to see it had visitors today as I was driving by on my way home from the market. 

Hello, Mr. and Mrs.!!

Soft rain falling in Autumn...and swans!

Thank you, Universe.  

P.S.  My nickname at work is tree hugger. And that's a bad thing?

Happy Animal Wednesday!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Animal Wednesday with Robin

What a wonderful week Robin and I spent together getting to know one another in person. She was a delightful guest! I just took her to the airport where she'll be getting back to her life in San Francisco. Just like when Marianne left, I miss her already.

Here I am photographing her photographing a seagull!
She was fascinated by everything here, even the ordinary.
This photo was taken at Colt State Park in Bristol.

We strolled through the gardens and arboretum at Blithewold and I discovered a pond which I had never seen before. It was fun sharing something new with her.
These koi were coy! They just wanted to stay beneath the surface although the sun was calling them.

We had a wonderful lunch here in Newport.
Most of the shops have water and treats for doggies that pass by!

Lions and griffons on my favorite planter at Blithewold.

And this sweet little Viceroy we saw on the Cliff Walk.

And here's the gang at Coggeshall Farm. One burro, one horse, and an entire family of heirloom cattle. They are massive and gorgeous!

Lilac Robin is scouting for more wildlife.

Looking for shells...

The adventurer!

Marco!!! Polo!!!!! Marco??? Lolo????

And so she continues to sleuth along the water's edge.
I'm told she loves it here.
I'm sure she'll be back ;)


Sunday, October 02, 2011

Missing Suki

Yesterday was a disappointment as we had to make a decision whether to drive in pouring rain for 4 hours to see Suki or to stay home.
For safety and sanity's sake we chose not to drive.
All three of us were sad, but even Suki agreed that she would not have made the drive if she were coming to us.

Later that evening the storm clouds parted.
Robin and I took Emma for a walk down the street to Cove Haven Marina.

The  post storm clouds with the glow of the afternoon light were magical.

This is my neighborhood. I wish I had a house on the water like this but at least it's right down the street.
Doesn't this look like a jigsaw puzzle?
Suki, you were with us as we took these photos and walked along the shore.
Next time, my friend.
Rhode Island is calling you.
Lo and Robin

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Animal Wednesday: Newport Animals along the way

Nice little summer place, eh?
I took a drive down the street the other day after work and thought I'd take a turn onto Ocean Drive, a known street for the wealthier residents. Some of them summer there, others hunker down all year long to enjoy the winter solitude without so many tourists..

~This is a little inlet in the bay~

~ a sweet house on the rocks~

~a boat on the quiet water~

~ a nice nestled home~

~You can't get through Newport without seeing sailboats. It's the home of the America's Cup, I believe. Many summer residents live on their yachts~

These kites were crazy! All in unison...wild!

~More of the shoreline which reminded me so much of 17 mile drive in Pebble Beach, CA.~ 

All of a sudden I was at a pasture as soon as the ocean view ended. These horses were so friendly! I love the dappled sunlight.

Three amigos :)

This is inspiration for a future painting.

And finally, a very strange cow!! Looks like he has a rugby shirt on!! And he looks a bit like a pig, no?

Happy Animal Wednesday!

And for those of you who would like to do an "O" cover, here's the link.


Monday, September 05, 2011

It's All Good

I thought I'd show you a part of my commute just so you know I'm still kicking.
I have always wondered how you working folks find the time to blog and still get other things done after a full week. I'm relearning, I swear. Thanks for understanding why I've been scarce.

This is the Mt. Hope bridge which I have to cross on my way to and from the market.
It's one of my favorite parts of the commute because the views from either side at the top are glorious!

This is Memorial Drive in Newport, the last road I'm on before I turn onto Bellevue where the market is. At the end of the day I come down that hill and Easton's Beach presents itself to me.  There are always swimmers and surfers and sunbathers galore.
I guess it becomes a ghost town after this weekend. That means I'll be able to find parking so I can do some exploring on my own!  This is one beautiful city.

And here is the beach in the golden afternoon sun. I didn't take this photo nor the one above because, as I've said there's been nowhere to park! So thank you to whoever took these shots. 

When Robin visits we'll paint the town! Until then I'm enjoying my job so far and the folks I work with are fantastic and welcoming.
It's all good!
I'll be popping in as I can. I miss you all!
