Showing posts with label suki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suki. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Suki's Emily

Okay, I have been absent long enough.
I really miss posting and visiting, so I'm going to start with the very last painting I did and then hopefully have more to post very soon.

This is a portrait of our friend Suki's beloved and sorely missed cat, Miss Emily Dickinson.
I went to Suki's blog and borrowed a photo to paint from. The photo wasn't very clear but I did my best to capture her spirit. Suki approved and was quite touched and grateful.
It's a simple portrait trying to capture an enormous little spirit.
We are never, ever ready to let them go, but we must in order for them to move on.

I hope to be back soon with something new from my easel. I miss you all!


Sunday, October 02, 2011

Missing Suki

Yesterday was a disappointment as we had to make a decision whether to drive in pouring rain for 4 hours to see Suki or to stay home.
For safety and sanity's sake we chose not to drive.
All three of us were sad, but even Suki agreed that she would not have made the drive if she were coming to us.

Later that evening the storm clouds parted.
Robin and I took Emma for a walk down the street to Cove Haven Marina.

The  post storm clouds with the glow of the afternoon light were magical.

This is my neighborhood. I wish I had a house on the water like this but at least it's right down the street.
Doesn't this look like a jigsaw puzzle?
Suki, you were with us as we took these photos and walked along the shore.
Next time, my friend.
Rhode Island is calling you.
Lo and Robin

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin Pictures and Emma chooses winner

A local church in the center of town has an annual Pumpkin Patch sale for the kiddies.
Yesterday was a clear, beautiful Fall day and the pumpkins beckoned me.
Here are a few shots I took.

And now, drumroll please as Emma chooses the winner of my notecard giveaway...

She inspects the bowl to make sure all the papers are folded.
"Are you peeking, Em?  No cheating now!"

It's official. Suki is the winner!!! Congrats Suki!
Please email me with your 4 choices after browsing Etsy.