Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Six More Weeks

I guess Punskutawney Phil, the most infamous groundhog of all has seen his shadow today indicating we'll be having six more weeks of winter.

Here in Rhode Island and other parts of New England our Winter has felt more like Spring, so I say bring it on!!!

Happy Groundhog Day!

(This little groundhog painted by me now lives in Holland with Felix!)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Illustration Friday: Stir

Underneath the heavy blanket of Winter, signs of Spring begin to stir.

The Robins woke me with their song this morning and I feel hopeful!

Digital collage for Illustration Friday: stir

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Illustration Friday: Winter

Even though all the trees in the wild birch forest look similar, the white raven always returns to the same one every winter.

Legend has it that it was the tree she was born in.

She took her first flight from that very branch she's perched on.The other ravens of the wild birch forest honor and respect her for her true heart and sense of place.For those of you who believe you can never go home again, you've obviously never had the good fortune of meeting the white raven and feeling her magic.

This is a busy time of year for many of us, so please excuse this repost.
We're hunkering down for a forcasted blizzard, and I for one am excited about it!
Bring on the snow!

Be safe everyone♥

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Animal Wednesday: She Be Stylin'

As promised to Robin, here is The Squirrel Huntress in her new winter coat.
The color is really more of a persimmon, not a HUNTERS Orange!!

I'm not one to dress my dogs, but let me tell you this little ten-pounder is freezing her butt off in these temperatures and it's only going to get worse.

Sorry for the , ahem, personal shot, but Emma wanted you to see her jacket from all angles. She's so vain!
Okay, back to the SQUIRRELS!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I've been a bit spotty here and there. Post and run and comment as I can in this busy season ;)

Happy Animal Wednesday!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Illustration Friday: Sneaky

She wasn't being sneaky in the least.
 It was he who was being deceptive and cruel.
So on this crisp November night she kept a promise to herself as she walked away for good under the illuminating guidance of the full moon.
Her conscience was as clear as her big, green eyes.
She never once looked back.

brown paper bag, micron pen, prismacolor pencils
for Illustration Friday

My 600th post!!!!!!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Day one of 2010

As I peered out my kitchen window this morning this is what I saw.

Light grey skies peering through snow-covered trees.

The only indication this isn't a black and white photo is the blown glass piece on my windowsill.

Let's go see other Skywatch Friday pics to see what the fist day of the year looked like around the world!
The happiest of New Years to all of my dear friends in blogland!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Illustration Friday: Frozen

Olaf loved it when the pond was frozen so he could wear his new skates and spiffy sweater while he cuts some figure-8's!

An encore image while I use this week to pack for the next move.

Watercolors and micron pen on bristol board.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Skywatch Friday : January Sunset

For those of you who stop by to see my Skywatch Friday entries, you may notice that I post a lot of sunsets! I never tire of them as each one is different and special. I feel so lucky to have the chance to see this nearly every day because I live so close to the ocean. My favorite part is when the sun is nearly gone and the clouds stay lit from below. Man, I'm blessed!

Please stop by Skywatch Friday's site to see other lovely pics from around the world!