Showing posts with label awesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awesome. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013


A 24 hour art challenge

10am October 4th thru 10am October 5th, 2013
SCAD Atlanta

Think you’re tough? Are you a creative mastermind? Do you think you have what it takes to pull off artistic wizardry under impossible deadlines? Then clear your schedule and let’s see what you’re made of.

Led by faculty, students from multiple disciplines endeavor to create completed works of art during this 24 hour art marathon. The event begins promptly at 10am on Friday, Sept. 28th. Participants should bring their own art supplies, but coffee and food will be provided throughout the night.

Challenges are offered in a variety of disciplines, across many majors. Check the challenges tab to determine what category is the best fit for you. Email your faculty leaders with any questions. There will be prizes and giveaways and in some cases showings for those who can complete their artwork.

Can you generate?

SEQA Challenge:
Based on the 24 hour comic challenge created by cartoonist Scott McCloud, SCAD Sequential Art students are challenged to create a 24 page black and white print ready comic in 24 hours from a blank slate. It's the ultimate sequential art challenge!
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes furnished by IDW Publishing!
1st prize winner gets an exclusive portfolio review from IDW CEO TED ADAMS AND AN ARTIST'S EDITION BOOK!!
More prizes and good things to be announced.

ANIM: Animation Challenge

Interest meeting in ATL Digital Media Center Room 355
Wednesday October 2nd at 8pm.
General overview of the challenge and introduction of the challenge sponsors.
The sponsors and a wrestler or two will be on campus for the interest meeting.

Student will work in teams of 3 to create show concepts for a teen/adult animated series starring a very bitter, very angry, unlikely hero: Jake the Snake Roberts. Jake and a few other retired wrestlers from the golden age of WWF wrestling will be sponsoring the challenge along with Floyd and Cartoon Network helping students develop show ideas. Their own production team will be on site-filming the event for the viral documentary series featuring Diamond Dallas Page and Jake the Snake. (Featured recently on ESPN.) Guest critiques from Cartoon Network and Floyd County animators lined up for the event.

Start in room 310 then Rm 374

Movie passes, DVDs, and cash. The winning team will also have the opportunity to work on a professional Kickstarter-funded pitch with the property.

Faculty Leader:
Prof. Matthew Maloney